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Type :thesis
Subject :JF Political institutions (General)
Main Author :Sahul Hamid Mohamed Maiddin
Title :Propaganda dan perang dalam era konfrontasi Malaysia-Indonesia, 1963-1966
Hits :1405
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2010
Notes :masters
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This dissertation examines the propaganda and psychological warfare launched during Malaysian-Indonesian Confrontation, 1963-1966. Propaganda and psychological warfare bears an identical meaning namely the art of persuasion either to reinforce the courages or to diminish the abilities of the target groups. The dissertation also discusses the inception of Malaysia which led to the Confrontation. It begins with the ideas and efforts on Malaysia's formation, adverse reaction by the opponents and then to reconciliation measures. To obtain a clearer understanding, it also surveys the ambience of Indonesian politics and foreign policies besides Indonesian propaganda on Malaysia. Malaysian counter-propaganda towards Indonesia is explained in two forms; propaganda of words and propaganda of deeds. Propaganda is not merely verbal and writings, in fact it entails concomitant deeds or actions ensuing the words uttered. This dissertation is carried out mainly by the method of primary sources studies located from archives and secondary sources namely books, newspapers and articles. It concludes that propaganda and psychological warfare played a significant role during the Confrontation. It succeeded to strengthen people's support and reduced enemy's aggressions during Confrontation.
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