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Type :thesis
Subject :P Language and Literature
Main Author :Syarifah Nurulaini Syed Abd Mutalib
Title :A case study of ESL student teachers experiences using inquiry-based learning in learning to teach
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2023
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The aims of this study are to examine how the principles of IBL (Inquiry-based Learning) used in two pedagogical courses assist ESL (English as a Second Language) Student Teachers (STs) in learning to teach; explore how the IBL experiences assist the ESL STs in learning to teach and identify the essential elements required in developing the IBL framework for ESL STs. This case study makes use of purposive sampling of 23 STs from the eighth (8th) semester in the TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) programme in a public university as the participants. The qualitative research was conducted to address the pedagogical, theoretical and methodological gaps in research for SLTE (Second Language Teacher Education). Two theories of Constructivism and Social Constructivism are derived as the framework for the IBL approach. Data from multiple sources and instruments (survey, open-ended questionnaire, document analysis checklist and journal entry) were analysed as well as conducting a pilot study, triangulation of data and validation of the instruments to ensure trustworthiness. The findings reveal that IBL principles help ESL STs to develop and enhance: self-efficacy; growth in general processing skills; critical and creative thinking skills; collaborative learning; reflective thinking; intrinsic motivation; learning skills and empowerment in learning. Second, the ESL STs’ acquired teaching experience in three phases: the STs’ identity development and prior knowledge in prepracticum experiences; best experiences during practicum and reflective practice postpracticum experiences. Three essential elements to be considered in implementing the IBL approach for SLTE are the student teacher’s mission and professional identity; the process of learning to teach and the social context. The study implies that implementing IBL in SLTE classrooms involves changes in the teaching and learning practice community. This study contributes to existing research by proposing a transformative pedagogy in SLTE.


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