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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between using predictive
budgets and the effectiveness of financial planning effectiveness in Jordanian
Manufacturing Companies (JMCs). A standardized random sampling method was
adopted in this research. The questionnaire has six parts and 61 items were used to
measure the relationship between predictive budgets’ enablers and financial planning
effectiveness. The research population is consisting of Jordanian manufacturing
companies with registered capital of Jordanian Dinar 50,000 or above (approx. US$
70,000). The total population of the study found is 399 companies, and the sample size
was 196 companies. The questionnaires were directed to the highest financial officer in
each company. Valid questionnaires for the study were 191, and 5 questionnaires were
incomplete. Pearson correlation results proved that there is a significant positive
relationship between enablers of using predictive budgets, namely, desire of using
predictive budgets, commitment to use system outputs of predictive budgets,
determinants of using predictive budgets, using scientific approach in preparing
predictive budgets, and the availability of knowledge and skills, and financial planning
effectiveness in JMCs. This study contributes to the addition of predictive role of
budgeting to theoretical framework according to the best managerial practices. The
practical contribution of this study is that it will assist JMCs to increase its financial
planning effectiveness and competitiveness abilities. |
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