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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Nowadays, financial literacy is becoming a concern in a society particularly, among youngsters. The biggest issue is, the youngsters are lack of understanding on how to control their finances. This study aims to evaluate the financial literacy level among youngsters based on their knowledge, attitude and behavior. At the same time investigating whether financial literacy, gender and household income have a significant influence on the financial behavior of KDA undergraduate students. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire which consisted of few different sections that measure the financial knowledge, attitude and behavior among KDA students. A total sample size of 186 was collected for this study. Reliability test, regression analysis and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were the methods used to analyze the data. The finding concluded that KDA students acquire a medium financial literacy level. Therefore, this study implies that individual, academic authorities, government and NGOs should educate and encourage students to practice good financial management and raise their financial literacy to avoid facing any financial issues in the future. |
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