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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The post-global financial crisis caused banking instability and a slowdown in
Indonesia’s economy. Thus, this study examines the differences in financial stability,
the influencing factors during and after the global financial crisis and assess their
influence on overall financial stability for Islamic and conventional banks in Indonesia.
The theories involved in this study are Signaling, Legitimacy, and Banking theories.
The sample is unbalanced panel data, purposively selected from 41 conventional banks
and nine Islamic banks, consisting of 500 observations for ten years. Multiple
regression analysis with dummy variables was used to determine the influence of bankspecific
factors, market concentration, and macroeconomic indicators on Islamic and
conventional banks' financial stability. The findings showed Islamic banks were more
stable than conventional banks during and after the financial crisis. Further analyses
showed that bank-specific factors consisting of capital adequacy (β = 21.501; p = 0.000
) and size (β = -8.606; p = 0.000), as well as market concentration (β =75.262; p =
0.000) influenced Islamic banks' financial stability. For conventional banks' financial
stability, the influencing factors were capital adequacy (β = 1.514; p = 0.000), size (β
= .547; p = 0.000), profitability (β = -47.496; p = 0.033), efficiency (β = -3.778; p =
0.003), liquidity (β = 4.448; p = 0.005), credit risk (β = -52.664; p = 0.031), and market
concentration (β = -31.347; p = 0.000). The implication of this study is that Islamic
banks must enhance their capitalization to boost profitability. Conversely, conventional
banks must improve risk assessments and adopt the current risk management
technology to improve financial stability. In addition, the banking sector could
capitalize on latent profit potential by expanding to other countries, taking advantage
of comparably higher Islamic bank profitability. |
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