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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Academic performance is a vital indicator of pupils’ achievement and success. Thus, the primary purpose of this study is to determine the pupils-related factors in the academic performance of public elementary pupils of Alfonso Lista District, Ifugao, Philippines. This study used a structured survey questionnaire developed and validated by the researcher and expert master teachers. A total of 150 pupils from the eleven public elementary schools served as the respondents. The frequency count and percentage, the weighted mean, pearson product moment correlation and the f-test using one way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) were utilized to realize the objectives of the study. Results revealed that factors such as socio-economic, psychological, and environmental may sometimes affect academic performance. The family income, attitude towards school, attendance in school, time location and study habits, quality of classmates and friends, and the learning environment has bearing with the academic performance of pupils. The respondents also perceived that home and learning environment can affect their academic performance. It is then recommended that the administration should consistently endeavor to provide necessary instructional material resources available to teachers and pupils for better teaching-learning performance. Moreover, teachers and parents should exert more effort to create a total environment for pupils that optimizes the ability to learn to increase their academic performance
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