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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The user interface plays a significant role to ensure a good user experience and attract
more users to use any system that is made available in the market. Previous research
has demonstrated the significance of appropriate User Interface/ User Experience
(UI/UX) techniques in the development of any system. The goal of this article is to
look at the key features and best practices for creating a website with effective UI/UX
design. The information obtained was subsequently used to create the Commercial
web portal user interfaces module for the Xcelearn E-Learning platform. The
Evolutionary Prototyping (EP) methodology was used for this project. It is used to
create a detailed prototype that will assure user and stakeholder satisfaction. The
System Usability Scale method has been used in this article to assess the quality of the
final product. The survey approach is used to collect feedback from users during the
test, with a total of 15 respondents chosen at random. As a consequence, the
developed product receives a total of 76.33% of SUS scores, indicating that the
project is "Good" in terms of product usability. Due to the numerous inadequacies and
problems encountered while carrying out this study, ideas for future improvements are
also presented in this article for future researchers to continue investigating on this
issue. |
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