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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
In the globalized world that we live in today, everyone realizes the importance of the English language as a lingua franca. The English language has been used as a mediator language in every area such as business, education, tourism, and many more. It is indeed a demanded language for every sector to converse and communicate in neither verbal nor written form. Due to users' lack of motivation, encouragement, and acquired learning skills, particularly for those who do not practice speaking English with English native speakers, learning the English language is challenging. As we are moving forward to the digital world in line with the advancement of the current technology, thus English language learners are provided with many options from various platforms to learn lessons, particularly in English lessons. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the factors of using YouTube as a platform for English language learning among digital native learners. This study uses a thematic analysis by reviewing and analyzing qualitative data that entails searching across a data set to identify, analyze and report repeated patterns. It is found that YouTube is proven to be a practical, innovative, and responsible platform for conveying English language learning in such attractive and engaging ways to digital native learners. The finding shows that YouTube has been shown to be an effective, innovative teaching and learning tool for delivering English language instruction in Malaysia to English learners, especially those who are digital natives. The English language does not serve as the first language in Malaysia, hence English language learners in Malaysia are keen to utilize YouTube as a preferred platform to learn the English language. This is because of the availability of native speakers from different countries, especially in most developed countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States of America. |
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