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Bahasa melayu Ishak H 2023 Pembelajaran abad ke 21 thesis

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Capital inflow, exchange rate and agricultural output evidence from Sub-Saharan African region
L,Yunusa Adewale
The numerous roles played by the agricultural sector across the globe has made it imperative to enquire into the hardship encountered by the participants of the sector in sourcing for fund and procurement of inputs needed for further production across the Sub-Saharan African region. This study however investigated the influence of capital and exchange rate on agricultural output in Sub-Saharan African nations from 1998-2018 using panel system-GMM estimation technique. The study found capital inflow to be positively related to agricultural output in SSA nations while exchange rate revealed a negative relationship with agricultural output in SSA nations. Decomposing the capital into private and public capital suggest that private capital is positively related to agriculture output while public capital is negatively related to agricultural output in SSA nations. The interactive role of capital and exchange rate on agricultural output is highly keen to the success of the agricultural secto.....

155 hits

Analisis sistematik terhadap ayat-ayat Ulul Albab dalam Al-Quran dan pemetaan model pemikiran Ulul Albab
Ahmad Amri Zainal Adnan
Kajian ini merupakan kajian eksploratori terhadap 16 ayat-ayat Ulul Albab di dalam Al-Quran bagi memetakan model berfikir Ulul Albab yang akan menjadi dasar kepada pembentukan generasi Ulul Albab pada masa hadapan. Ulul Albab adalah satu konsep khusus yang berasal dari Al-Quran, maka sumber rujukan utama pembentukan model pemikiran Ulul Albab juga adalah Al-Quran, Hadith, serta pandangan ulama, di samping kajian dan penulisan dari pemikir dan sarjana Muslim. Analisis sistematik terhadap teks Al-Quran dan sorotan literatur terhadap ulasan ulama tafsir serta tulisan para sarjana digunakan untuk memetakan tema-tema Ulul Albab ke dalam Model pemikiran Ulul Albab. Model pemikiran Ulul Albab yang dihasilkan mengintegrasikan enam cabang ilmu dan enam cara berfikir. Hasil sintesis kajian ini akan bermanfaat kepada pelaksana model Ulul Albab di sekolah dan institusi pendidikan tinggi serta dapat mengembangkan ilmu berkaitan Ulul Albab dalam pelbagai bidang khususnya pendidikan, pendidikan Islam.....

155 hits

Hybrid theatre an adaptation of performing techniques in the efforts to preserve the art of theatre performance Post COVID-19
Andika Aziz Hussin
The pandemic of COVID-19 and the Movement Control Order (MCO) have opened up the minds of local theatre players to be more creative in applying the suitable medium in showcasing their creative performances. Thus, emerged various forms of virtual theatre known as ‘online theatre’. No one ever imagined that theatre performances would be performed online but now, it is a practical approach in ensuring the sustainability of the theatre art itself. However, various questions arose about online theatre in Malaysia, such as, confusion with the understanding of the terms, forms and concepts of the performance. This study and writing is based on the online theatre performance—’Sel Akhir’ by the Seni Ceritera Association and King Lear by the KL Shakespeare Players (KLSP). The authors used observation and comparison methods to explain the approach used by these two presentations and propose to our Malaysian theatre players an adaptation method of online performance that suits the curren.....

133 hits

The transformations of poetic discourse and the formation of the symbol of women in modern poetry ( Read in Selected Models)
AL.Sammarraie,Ban Kadhim Makki
This research deals with the study of women as a symbol in the modern era as an isolated research and my plan for preparing it is to study women in a brief summary and the opinion of poets in them, as they represent similar women. Women have a place in society and a symbolism that raised their status and took from Nazik al-Malaika the voice that defends women and searches for their rights. What does it say to women, which is the feminine voice that expresses women’s poetry for women? As for the third research, it was about singing the qualities of the wife and the beloved, and the best example of singing and lamenting the wife, the poet Mahmoud Sami Al-Baroudi lamented his wife when he returned and found her dead. He was followed by the Iraqi poet Badr Shaker Al-Sayyab and his view of love and women and how he used to refer to the daughters of his village and sing about them. As for the poet Gibran Khalil Gibran, he symbolized women in a romantic way. Elia Abu Madi, where he sang abo.....

144 hits

The role of Nigerian Arabic literature in building the nation and unifying the ranks Poetry of call and guidance as a model
Ali,Kamaldeen Almubarak
The article sheds light on the roles of the poetic genre of Arabic Literature through poetry of advocacy and guidance. Its focuses on how Literature is poignantly builds and unites the nation with all tight and integration. The study highlights positive effects on the humanity of Arabic poetry and its ability to build and spread good. The study uses a qualitative and historical methods of research where secondary sources from books and the internet were accessed and used for the study. This topic is studied under the framework of the following subtopic investigations. Conceptualization of Arabic language and literature. Examination on the development and characteristics of poetry of advocacy, guidance and unity. The position of poetic literature among the Arabs, its condition with the Islamic call and its impact on rebuilding and unifying ranks. In conclusion, the researcher finds out that literature is one of the key ingredients in uniting people's entity..

149 hits

The Rhyme Prose in the verse of “Rahman Rhetorical analytical study
Mohd Nawi,Muhammad Zulazizi
This research is discussing “As-Saja’” (Rhymed Prose) in the verse of “Rahman”. “As-Saja’” is one of the various forms of “Muhasanat Lafziah” (Beautiful of Verbal) discussion in the vicinity of “Balaghah” (Rhetoric). This research gives an understanding and explanation for those who didn’t understand “As-Saja’”. And this research focuses on analysis research based on a qualitative method which means the researcher refers to sources from books “Balaghah” that relate to “As-Saja’”. This research studies “As-Saja’” and its specialty in “Ilmu Balaghah” (Rhetorical Knowledge). The researcher will start this research with the elaborate meaning of “As-Saja’” and gives examples until understands it. Then, the researcher will search ‘Uslub As-Saja’” (Rhymed Prose Style) in the verse of “Rahman” to identify the number and position of “Uslub As-Saja’” in this verse. The resulting..

139 hits

The grammatical lesson of Abu Amr al-Dani
Mohammed,Ahlam Khaleel
The research dealt with the efforts of Abu Amr al-Dani in the origins of grammar listening analogy grammatical reasoning the argument of parsing and grammatical disagreement. The research showed his grammatical doctrine in his attitude towards the previous grammarians and the grammatical terms he used..

131 hits

Teaching Arabic for medical professionals (A book published by King Saud University-1997) (Survey, analytical and evaluative study)
Muhammad,Mutasim Yousuf Mustafa
This research paper comes in three parts, the first of which deals with the emergence of language teaching (any language) for specific purposes, the justification of that emergence, the terminology that appears in the folds of this research paper, the difference between teaching Arabic language for specific purposes and teaching it for general purposes, and authorship literature in the field of teaching Arabic for specific purposes. The second part of these parts analyzes the book (Arabic for medical professionals) issued by King Saud University 1997.As for the last part. It discusses the evaluation of the book in the light of the conceptual frameworks of writing books for teaching languages for specific purpose. The research paper ends up with its findings and recommendations. Keywords: Medical professionals - Specific purpose – Teaching- Terminology- Literature..

136 hits

Measurement is a monetary criterion in the Arabic grammar with Dr. Saeed Al-Zubaidi
Kareem,Amina Badie
The research is studied for the first time which called measurement benchmark Liberate in nahuw Arabic at Alzubaidf, and the extent rights, and pronunciation that he used Grammarians in that acceptance and response, The search included: Two sections, a prelude, and an epilogue. And the first part, entitled: Acceptance axis, The second topic is entitled: Res ponce axis, The search is over the conclusion which summarized the key findings of the research. Keyword: Measurement, Critical Criterion, Arabic Grammar, Hearing..

107 hits

A descriptive study of Islamic Boundness in Subaiyyat Isa Alabi Abubakar
Akeyede,Muritala Imam
This paper aims to study the Islamic boundness in Subaiyyat (poetry) of Isa Alabi Abubakar, due to the position of thought in national philosophy, because it is an old issue that has different connotations in the culture of Greece and the philosophy of the Romans. They saw that boundness is to maintain moral norms and social values based on inherited traditions, or the writer’s care and victory for his nation and tribe with his productions, or the writer’s loyalty and boundness to the inherited values of his nation. The aforementioned concepts do not apply to the significance of Islamic boundness in the Muslim writer's vision. In order to find out the truth about the meaning of Islamic boundness and the achievement of this study’s objectives, the researchers used the historical method to document some historical facts related to this work and the descriptive method, in order to carry out an analytical process for the selected models, hoping to answer these following questions: Wh.....

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