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2061 | 2022 thesis | Pengaruh budaya organisasi, pengurusan kualiti menyeluruh (TQM) dan orientasi keusahawanan terhadap prestasi perusahaan herba di Indonesia Prayudi Harianto Kajian ini bertujuan menentukan pengaruh dimensi budaya organisasi (klan,
adhokratik, hierarki, pasaran) ke atas Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM),
pengaruh dimensi budaya organisasi (klan, adhokratik, hierarki, pasaran) ke atas
orientasi keusahawanan, dan pengaruh dimensi budaya organisasi (klan, adhokratik,
hierarki, pasaran), Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM) dan orientasi
keusahawanan ke atas prestasi perusahaan herba di Indonesia. Kajian ini
menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kaedah deduktif. Sampel kajian terdiri
daripada 400 orang usahawan herba yang berdaftar pada Asosiasi Pengusaha Herbal
Indonesia (APHI) yang dipilih menggunakan kaedah pensampelan rawak mudah.
Data dikumpul menggunakan borang soal selidik dan dianalisis menggunakan
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tujuh
daripada 14 hipotesis yang diuji adalah disokong. Secara spesifiknya, budaya pasaran
merupakan satu-satunya faktor budaya yang mempengaruhi TQM secara s..... 523 hits |
2062 | 2022 thesis | The influence of social media addiction and social comparison on skin tone satisfaction: a moderating and mediating effect models comparison Azeera Azlin Rohimi The main objectives of this study are to examine the level of skin tone satisfaction
among Malaysian young adults, and to explore the associations between social media
addiction, social comparison (upwards and downwards comparison), and skin tone
satisfaction. Two models are built: Model 1 proposed that social media addiction and
social comparison can significantly influence skin tone satisfaction, and social media
addiction can significantly moderate the relationship between social comparison and
skin tone satisfaction. Model 2 proposed that social media addiction and social
comparison can significantly influence skin tone satisfaction, and social comparison
can significantly mediate the relationship between social media addiction and skin tone
satisfaction. A total of 414 university students have participated and answered a
demographic questionnaire, along with Skin Colour Satisfaction Scale (SCSS),
Upwards/Downwards Physical Appearance Comparison Scale (UPACS/DACS) and
B..... 408 hits |
2063 | 2021 thesis | Keberkesanan penggunaan lagu terhadap penguasaan bacaan awal Bahasa Inggeris kanak-kanak prasekolah Manisah Che Nawi Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keberkesanan penggunaan lagu terhadap penguasaan
bacaan awal Bahasa Inggeris kanak-kanak prasekolah. Bacaan awal dalam kajian ini
merangkumi sebutan huruf vokal a, e, i, o, dan u, sebutan huruf konsonan c, z, l, f, t, n, j,
p, m dan b. serta beberapa perkataan Bahasa Inggeris seperti Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, watch, play, draw, go to dan read. Seramai 40 orang kanak-kanak
prasekolah berumur lima tahun dari sebuah prasekolah di daerah Kulim Kedah terlibat
dalam kajian ini. Reka bentuk kajian eksperimental dilakukan ke atas kumpulan kawalan
dan kumpulan rawatan. Data kajian diperolehi melalui ujian membaca. Data dianalisis
menggunakan ujian- t berpasangan bagi mendapatkan min skor terhadap subjek dari
kedua-dua kumpulan ini. Dapatan kajian bagi ujian pra antara kumpulan rawatan dan
kumpulan kawalan tidak menunjukkan signifikan (2.5). Hasil dapatan ujian pasca
menunjukkan skor keseluruhan yang diperolehi oleh kumpulan rawat..... 376 hits |
2064 | 2022 article | Guidelines for creation of a Luk Thung method for trumpet Suwantada, Patcharee 21st century trumpet players are required to play many diverse styles of music. One of these unique musical styles, Luk Thung (a Thai traditional music style) is music derived from Thai folk music culture that describes the Thai rural lifestyle, especially in the lyrics. Learning this style is a crucial part of a trumpet player’s chances for career success in Thailand’s musical industry. For trumpet players, performing Luk Thung music requires fundamental trumpet techniques. Because of the need for training trumpet players in this unique Thai musical style, this research aims to generate the guidelines for a trumpet method design based on Luk Thung music through the study of three categories: (1) fundamental trumpet techniques appearing in Thai Luk Thung music; (2) comparison of fundamental technique approaches between Western pedagogical methods for trumpet and Luk Thung music; and (3) the possibility of using Thai Luk Thung music to develop fundamental trumpet techniques for trum..... 301 hits |
2065 | 2022 article | Diachronic analysis of the profane words in English song lyrics: a computational linguistics perspective Flora Goyak This diachronic study aims to explore the linguistic phenomena of the verb f-word in English song lyrics across genres and time via various corpus computational tools. A specialised corpus named Diachronic Corpus of English Song Lyrics (DCOESL) consisting of Country, Pop, Rhythm and Blues (R&B), and Rock genres from the years 1960 to 2009, was built for the analysis. Linguistics analysis of English song lyrics corpus was used as the research design. Computational corpus instruments were adopted to generate data. The findings reveal that corpus computational tools it has provided an avenue for researchers to explore languages across time. Additionally, the study shows that f-word in English song lyrics experience ascending trend since the 1980s, with highest occurrences in R&B (38pmw). F-word in DCOESL has strong collocational strength with personal pronoun me (17321pmw), MI=3.442. Personal pronoun me is very significant to the node f-word, T-score=3.274. F-word in DCOESL has highest si..... 377 hits |
2066 | 2022 article | The mutual influence between Asian cultures and American minimalist Music: an essential channel for aesthetic exchange Pastor, Fernando Martin This research aims to show the mutual influence between Asian cultures and American minimalist music. This cultural exchange that started with John Cage, before continuing with Toru Takemitsu and then, Tan Dun, has been a fruitful channel of communication for new compositions in both continents. The paper explores the close connection between early minimalist composers (Reich, Glass, La Monte Young, and Terry Riley) and Asian music and philosophies (Zen Buddhism and Spirituality) as well as some of the ramifications of these traditions over the past five decades. The concept of minimalism was first applied in the arts as a return to simplicity, in tune with Asian philosophies. For some artists, the practice was already present in Asian arts before it appeared in the West. The minimalistic endeavour starts with the experimental works of Cage and Feldman; followed by the movement “Fluxus”. This coincided with what is often considered early minimalism, leading to the great variety of ..... 563 hits |
2067 | 2021 article | Searching for women in trance: attitudes of and towards the Female performers of Jathilan dance Rapoport, Eva Jathilan is one of the names of the traditional dance that has pre-Islamic animistic origins but still enjoys remarkable popularity in Javanese communities in Indonesia and abroad (including Malaysia and Singapore where it is better known as kuda kepang). The state of trance is considered to be the main attraction of the performance; dancers are believed to become possessed by the spirits which give them powers to demonstrate various feats of physical invulnerability. It can be generally perceived as a masculine practice, since the dancers ‘riding’ flat woven horse effigies represent soldiers or noble warriors of the past (satria), however lately more and more young women were joining the existing performing groups or even starting their own. The objectives of this paper are to reflect on the experience of these female performers, their backgrounds, beliefs and motivations; to consider the differentiation in understanding of male and female roles (in terms of spiritual strength and..... 182 hits |
2068 | 2021 article | Sustainability of indigenous Music culture through video documentation Bayu Arsiadhi Putra The aim of the Sape Karaang Sustainable Project; a short video product with a narrative that is inhibiting and supporting the sustainability of sape karaang, folklores, music and cultural heritage of the Dayak Bahau people, is to revitalize the musical culture of the Dayak Bahau tradition. This project combines the interest of Bahau youth generation in technology and the forms of conservation that parents of the Bahau culture want. Those who are benefitted by this project is Dayak Bahau community as well as Indonesia as a multicultural nation. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a practice-led approach used in empowering selected Bahau young people. This method is useful in providing guidance to researchers in finding realistic practices that actually bridges the gap between theory and practice during the project. This paper presents two significances: the practical approach and perceptibility in the decision-making process during a research project and the innovation to sustain in..... 354 hits |
2069 | 2022 thesis | Kompetensi guru Matematik terhadap amalan penerapan nilai Matematik di Sekolah Kebangsaan Daerah Kauala Kangsar Perak Muhammad Safwan Ishak Kajian berbentuk tinjauan yang menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif ini bertujuan
untuk meneliti berkaitan kompetensi dari aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap
guru matematik terhadap amalan penerapan Nilai Matematik di sekolah kebangsaan
daerah Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Borang soal selidik berskala likert lima mata telah
digunakan. Seramai 178 orang sampel kajian (89 orang lelaki dan 89 orang
perempuan) telah terlibat dalam kajian ini menerusi persampelan secara berstrata.
Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara ujian deskriptif dan inferensi. Dapatan kajian
berkaitan tahap kompetensi guru terhadap amalan penerapan Nilai Matematik
menunjukkan skor min pengetahuan adalah pada nilai 3.90, skor min tahap kemahiran
adalah 3.87 dan skor min sikap adalah 3.90. Justeru, dapat disimpulkan bahawa tahap
kompetensi guru Matematik terhadap amalan penerapan Nilai Matematik adalah
berada di tahap tinggi. Hasil ujian t sampel bebas pula menunjukkan tidak terdapat
perbezaan yang signifikan bagi..... 666 hits |
2070 | 2022 thesis | The effect of Google Expeditions application (VR) on primary students descriptive writing Vidhiyavaani Kannapiran Today numerous innovations have been experienced in the field of technology. These
innovations progressively incorporated into education environment. Virtual reality is
among the innovation that has been the buzzword among educators and learners over
the past few years. The purpose of this research was to explore the use of Google
Expeditions virtual reality application to enhance English learner’s descriptive writing
abilities among primary students. A quantitative research method was used in this
study. Quasi experimental research design was preferred in this study. A total of 60
participants of Year 4 pupils were selected according to the study purpose. 30 pupils
used Google Expeditions (VR) application while 30 pupils used static pictures and
textbook. Data was collected using results of pre and post tests and analysed using
SPSS. Independent and paired sample t-tests were used to compare student’s
achievement scores among both groups. The independent t-test statisti..... 464 hits |
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