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2131 | 2022 thesis | Exploring the sustainability of institution-based private childcare centre in Klang Valley Chan, Yi Bing With the increased number of women participating in the labour force and the
encouragement from the Malaysian government to the private sector in setting up
preschool and early childcare centres, there is a high demand for the number of
institution-based private childcare centres. However, the literature has shown that
the number of childcare centres closing is on the rise and in a worrying state. Hence,
the purpose of this study is to explore the possible factors affecting the closing of
the institution-based private childcare centres in Klang Valley and to learn the best
practices from the sustaining childcare centres. This study utilized multiple case
studies methods in researching the success factors of those sustainable childcare
centres as well as identifying the factors that lead to the closing of some childcare
centres. Two institution-based private childcare centres that have operated for more
than ten years and two centres that have recently closed after operating ..... 383 hits |
2132 | 2022 thesis | Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran pengajaran rekoder di kalangan guru bukan opsyen di Daerah Kanowit menerusi mentoring satu kajian kes Janin Janting Alat muzik rekoder telah dikekalkan kepada pelajar sekolah rendah dalam
pelaksanaan kurikulum standard sekolah rendah (KSSR) yang termasuk pengalaman
muzikal, penciptaan muzik, penghargaan muzik, membaca serta menulis notasi
muzik. Tinjauan awal penyelidikan mendapati bahawa guru muzik sekolah rendah di
daerah Kanowit terdiri daripada guru tanpa latihan formal muzik atau pengalaman
muzik. Mereka tidak mempunyai kemahiran bermain rekoder menyebabkan
pengajaran dan pembelajaran rekoder tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. Oleh itu,
penyelidik telah melaksanakan satu kajian kes menggunakan kaedah mentor menti
untuk membantu mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi. Tiga orang guru sekolah rendah
di daerah Kanowit telah dipilih secara khusus dan telah dibimbing sehingga mereka
berupaya melaksanakan pengajaran rekoder ke tahap yang diharapkan. Kajian kes ini
telah melalui prosedur pemerhatian, temu bual dan dokumentasi yang kebanyakannya
dilakukan di lapangan. Data yang dianalisis telah..... 589 hits |
2133 | 2022 thesis | Impak imejan fotografi berunsurkan politik dalam media sosial terhadap masyarakat Malaysia Hakimi Halim Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh imejan dalam politik semasa Malaysia
melalui penggunaan aplikasi media sosial. Kajian ini menjalankan analisis terhadap
“Konteks Fotografi” seperti dicadangkan seorang pengkritik seni Amerika, Terry
Barret yang melibatkan internal context, original context dan external context.
Pengumpulan sumber literatur diketengahkan untuk menunjukkan kepentingan gambar
dalam memberi impak kepada aspek sejarah, politik, dan masyarakat. Satu kajian rintis
telah dijalankan dengan melibatkan 3 informan terdiri daripada seorang jurufoto,
seorang pakar propaganda, dan seorang blogger. Setelah model daripada kajian rintis
diterbitkan, seramai 8 informan telah dipilih untuk menjalani temu bual iaitu
melibatkan 3 jurufoto industri, dua orang aktivis politik, dua orang blogger dan seorang
pempropaganda politik. Setelah temu bual yang dijalankan, didapati Konteks Fotografi
mempunyai kaitan yang jelas dengan Gambar Politik Malaysia. Terdapat petikan ya..... 330 hits |
2134 | 2022 thesis | The relationship of customer success management to organizational performance of selected international computer technology companies in Dubai Radwan, Basel Qasem Saleh Continuous enhancement of organizational performances is indispensable, especially
in a challenging economic period and location like Dubai. Substantial studies have
been conducted to unravel and explain the drivers of enhanced performance. The
research contributes insights and empirical evidence considering the 2030 Dubai
industrial strategy. Nowadays, organizations face issues in designing and applying
customer success due to lack of knowledge, and this could adversely affect business
profitability. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship of customer success
management including integration of customer success management technologies,
personnel capabilities, organizational readiness and customer orientation on
organizational performances among selected international computer technology
companies in Dubai. Using cross-sectional research approach, the data were collected
from a sample of 147 employees from selected Dubai international computer
technology compani..... 673 hits |
2135 | 2022 thesis | Analisis karya-karya visual Ahmad Shukri Mohamed melalui media campuran dalam konteks seni moden Malaysia Fairus Ahmad Penyelidikan ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti identiti visual karya-karya yang terbina
melalui karya Ahmad Shukri Mohamed. Sebanyak 5 buah karya yang menggunakan
media campuran iaitu Hope Dishonest I (1988), Cabinet V (1991), Insert Diskette
Series (1996), Sidang Rakyat Series #1 (People’s Forum) (2002) dan Papan Hitam:
Hari Pertama Sekolah Negaraku (2015). Kesemua karya-karya yang dipilih adalah
merujuk kepada tempoh keatifan atau konsistensi pengkarya di dalam menzahirkan
karya-karya visual dalam pelbagai isu semasa di Malaysia. Fokus penyelidikan ini
adalah untuk mendokumentasi, menganalisis dan menginterpretasi bentuk karya
visual dalam kerangka seni moden Malaysia. Penyelidikan ini menggunakan kerangka
konsep yang diadaptasi daripada Erwin Panofsky (1995) dan Muliyadi Mahamood
(2007). Objektif penyelidikan pula adalah mengenal pasti rupa bentuk fizikal karya,
aspek formalistik dan konteksnya dengan perkembangan seni moden Malaysia.
Penyelidikan ini cuba melihat ekspres..... 661 hits |
2136 | 2021 article | The Kuomintang background of Jit Sin school board committee and election disputes Ooi, Sing Ee Jit Sin Public School was founded in 1918 by the Philomatic Union and Hock Teik Cheng Sim Temple of Bukit Mertajam. Both of the orga nisations became t he school board committee which gathered an intertwined network of commerce, temples, politics, and education to gain a foothold in the port. After the dissolution of the Philomatic Union and Kuomintang in 1925, Jit Sin Public School beca me an important reform organization in the city, and the school board committee became an area where various groups competed for power, as illustrated by two disputes over the election of a school board committee. The first election dis pute occurred in 193 8 when the Hock Teik Cheng Sim Temple was responsible for funding the construction of Jit Sin Public School, leading to a controversy over whether the Hock Teik Cheng Sim Temple should increase its number of seats on the school board committee. The second election dispute occurred in 1947, when Huang again manipulated the election, prompting protest..... 294 hits |
2137 | 2021 article | The application of metaphors in Wang Yangmings moral education Liu, Linna Wang Yangming's application of metaphors is a representative of the art of traditional Chinese heuristic education. His concept of moral education mainly include s three principles: the principle of “determination of the mind”, the principle of “unity of knowledge and action” and the principle of “mindfulness enlightenment”. He use s lot s of metaphors to illustrate them, making the transmission of moral beliefs vivid and inspiring. Analyzing the metaphors in Wang Yangming's moral teaching not only helps to understand his moral philosophy, but also helps to provide a reference f or the methodology of contemporary moral education... 223 hits |
2138 | 2021 article | Remembering Wang Fo-wen, educator and scholar a brief look at his prominent career and the influence of John Deweys educational philosophy Xing Hong, Ina Zhang Wang Fo Wen (1903 1972) w as a prominent educator in Malaysia’s education history, distinguishedin particular by an incredible career of some four decades in Malay(si)an Chinese education. Studying in the Southeast University in Nanking of China where he was trained as a bilingual educationist, Wang Fo Wen was imbued with the teaching principles of renowned American educator John Dewey and his Chinese student Tao Hsing chih; and upon graduation, Wang signed up for “overseas Chinese education” and was sent to British Malaya (then to Dutch Indonesia) to teach in Chinese high schools in the 1922s. This paper traces Wang Fo Wen’s life trajectory in Malay(si)a, by examining the three vastly different, if not contrasting, roles that he assumed in Malayan Chinese education at different st ages of her life, respectively as Chinese language high school teacher in the 1920s 30s, Chinese Schools Inspector in the 1930s 50s, and as principal of Foon Yew High School, the first independent Ch..... 601 hits |
2139 | article | Malaysian Chinese literature and diaspora studies:Tee Kim Tong and Lee Yucheng\s discourses Poh, Goh Siew Mahua Malaysian Chinese) Literature has been an academ ic field in diaspora studies since the 1990s. Lee Yucheng and Tee Kim Tong, both Malaysian born, are among the scholars who have developed the theory thoroughly in Taiwan. The diaspora studies of Mahua Literature was bene fited from Chinese diaspora studies and the Western diaspora studies, hence its outcome encompasses a few dimensions. Firstly, it focuses more on transnational network instead of national literature per se, in which such perspective i s in line with the rise of globalization in modern capita lism. Secondly, the concept of Chinese di aspora (or diasporic Chinese) i s used to distinguish the identity of the mainland Chinese. Thirdly, diaspora studies has shifted from empirical studies to critical studies, equipping scholars to reflect on more issu es in Mahua Literature. Nevertheless, two decades after the establishment of the field, there are still questions needed to be asked and discussions worth revisit ing . Th..... 163 hits |
2140 | 2022 thesis | Kemahiran proses sains dan aplikasi kemahiran berfikir dalam subjek Sains di SJK (Tamil) Daerah Kinta Utara Perak Chelvi Murugayya Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengajaran dan pembelajaran kemahiran
proses sains (KPS) dan pengaplikasian kemahiran berfikir (KB) dalam subjek Sains di
Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) melalui kaedah Hermeneutik. Pendekatan
kualitatif telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Penyelidikan ini tertumpu kepada 10 buah
Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) di Daerah Kinta Utara, Perak. Seorang guru dari
setiap sekolah dilantik menjadi responden untuk kajian ini. Data diperoleh melalui
hasil triangulasi daripada soal selidik, temu bual dan pemerhatian. Masalah-masalah
yang dihadapi oleh guru Sains dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran KPS dan
pengaplikasian KB dalam subjek Sains serta cara mengatasinya telah dianalisis dalam
kajian ini. Seterusnya, cara menggabungjalinkan KPS dan KB dalam mata pelajaran
Sains turut dianalisis dalam penyelidikan ini. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa
responden masih menghadapi pelbagai masalah ketika mengajar KPS dan
pengaplikasian KB dalam pengajaran ..... 373 hits |
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