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The moderating role or leadership in the talent management and employee retention of Abudhabi Department of Education and Knowledge
Alhammadi, Hasan Abdulla Ali Hasan
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Talent Management dimensions and Employee Retention. Additionally, this study also investigates the moderating role of Leadership on the relationship between Talent Management and Employee Retention in Department of Education and Knowledge in Abu Dhabi. This study utilized quantitative and deductive approach. Data were collected using structured questionnaires consisting of 57 items from a sample of 4737 school teachers in Abu Dhabi, which were selected through stratified random sampling. The analysis was conducted using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) via Smart PLS 3.2.6 software. The findings showed significant positive effects of career development (β=0.157, p=0.002), competency mapping (β=0.161, p=0.026), employee engagement (β=0.201, p=0.007) and performance management (β=0.268, p=0.015) on employee retention. The finding also revealed the significant moderating effect of .....

531 hits

Analisis komunikasi murid tahun 5 bagi kefahaman Matematik
Noor Aida Affida Abdul Rahman
Komunikasi yang berkesan berupaya mewujudkan kefahaman dalam kalangan muridmurid terhadap sesuatu isi pelajaran atau sesuatu konsep matematik. Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji kesan komunikasi terhadap perkembangan kefahaman matematik dalam kalangan murid. Kajian ini memberi penekanan kepada analisis jenis komunikasi yang digunakan dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematik dan analisis komunikasi yang memberi kesan kepada perkembangan kefahaman matematik murid. Analisis ini dijalankan secara kualitatif. Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dimulakan oleh guru agar murid mengetahui objektif pembelajaran. Murid kemudian diberikan lembaran kerja dan diminta menjawab secara berkumpulan bagi menyelesaikan masalah yang diberi. Murid diminta untuk berkomunikasi dan berhujah bagi mendapatkan jalan penyelesaian. Ahli kumpulan dipilih dalam kalangan murid yang mempunyai tahap kefahaman yang berbeza agar komunikasi yang berlaku dalam kalangan ahli kumpulan berupaya memberi pemahaman kepada sem.....

396 hits

The effect of TQM, leadership and innovation on organizational performance of Dubai Police: the mediating role of organizational culture
Eshaq, Muneer Dhaif Allah Saeed
This study aimed to investigate the direct impact of total quality management (TQM), leadership, innovation, and organizational culture on the organizational performance of the Dubai police, and the mediating role of organizational culture. A quantitative research approach was employed. Data were collected using questionnaires from a sample of 314 Dubai Police officers, which were selected using the cluster random sampling technique. The preliminary analysis and descriptive statistics were run using SPSS version 25 while hypotheses were tested using the structural equation modelling via Smart PLS version 3. For the direct path analysis, the findings revealed a direct relationship between TQM and organizational performance (β=0.662, t=11.583, p..

1400 hits

Development of an instructional guide for Chinese EFL preservice teachers to teach phonics
Minjie, Chen
The purpose of this study is to develop a phonics instructional guide for pre-service EFL teachers in China. The study employs a multi-phase mixed-method experimental design that incorporates a survey, an experimental design, a delayed retention test, a focus group discussion, and the trainer‘s teaching reflection. The study is organized into three phases in accordance with the ADDIE instructional design guideline: needs assessment phase, design and development phase, and implement and evaluation phase. This survey was distributrf to 254 pre-service EFL teachers For quantitative studies, stratified random sampling is used to select representative samples from the population, but the purposive selection is used for qualitative studies. The data from multiple sources indicated that instructional design effectively equips pre-service EFL instructors with subject matter content knowledge to teach phonics. Additionally, the results indicated that pre-service EFL teachers requir.....

970 hits

Pengaruh sokongan sosial terhadap kesediaan belajar dan amalan patriotisme dalam kalangan murid sekolah menengah
Parvathy Rajan Naidu
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kesediaan belajar dan amalan patriotisme dari aspek sokongan sosial dalam kalangan murid sekolah menengah. Aspek sokongan sosial yang diberi tumpuan dalam kajian ini ialah sokongan keluarga, peranan guru, peranan rakan sebaya dan sekolah. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kes dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang terdiri daripada 15 orang peserta kajian iaitu 6 orang murid sekolah menengah, 6 orang ibu bapa dan 3 orang guru dari daerah Kerian, Perak. Pensampelan bertujuan yang melibatkan subjek kajian yang mempunyai masalah kesediaan belajar dan amalan patriotisme digunakan. Data-data diperoleh daripada tiga jenis instrumen, iaitu protokol temu bual, pemerhatian dan analisis dokumen. Data-data yang diperoleh, kemudian ditriangulasi. Subjek kajian ditemu bual secara individu dan dirakam. Pemerhatian pula dilakukan di luar bilik darjah dan di rumah subjek kajian. Data daripada analisis dokumen, iaitu keputusan peperiksaan diperoleh daripada piha.....

1177 hits

Kesan kaedah Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek terhadap pencapaian dan motivasi pelajar
Siti Zulaiha Jerai
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti perbezaan antara kaedah Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek (PBP) dan kaedah konvensional, dengan melihat kesan kedua-dua kaedah ini terhadap pencapaian dan motivasi pelajar bagi topik Reka Bentuk Akuaponik dalam mata pelajaran Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi tingkatan dua. Kajian ini juga mengenal pasti pengaruh jantina terhadap pencapaian pelajar yang mengikuti proses pembelajaran menggunakan kaedah PBP. Reka bentuk kajian ialah kuasi eksperimen yang melibatkan Kumpulan Rawatan dengan jumlah pelajar 31 orang dan Kumpulan Kawalan dengan jumlah pelajar 26 orang daripada dua buah sekolah menengah di daerah Hilir Perak. Data kajian berkaitan pencapaian pelajar dikumpul melalui instrumen ujian pencapaian pra dan pasca, manakala data berkaitan motivasi dikumpul melalui instrumen soal selidik. Analisis statistik nilai min dan ujian-t dijalankan ke atas data yang dikumpul dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Science. Hasil .....

860 hits

A taxonomic study of Vitex L. (Lamiaceae Martinov) in Peninsular Malaysia
Syanawiyyah Md Zin
This study was aimed to examine the taxonomy of Vitex L. (Lamiaceae Martinov) in Peninsular Malaysia was done. Taxonomic evidences were gained based on morphology, leaf anatomy, micromorphology and distribution of the genus. The morphological and anatomical data were analysed using Multi-Variate Statistical Package (MVSP) and Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (PAUP) software to obtain of similarity values between species and their evolutionary relationship. Morphological characters which are trichomes were used as the major characters to classify the genus, while leaf anatomical and micromorphological characters were used as supportive evidence. All the data collected were used to construct dichotomous key based on morphological and anatomical characters. Species distribution data were gained from herbarium and field study. A total number of 11 species, one subspecies and two varieties of Vitex were identified. The species include V. gamosepala, V. glabrata, V. longisep.....

756 hits

Survival on the skin: communicating, continuity and preservation of the Iban tattoo
Murina Pawanteh
Tattoo has been an integral part of the cultural identity of Iban in Sarawak. Every stroke, line and design of the tattoo communicate meaning for the Ibans, which they relate to mystical power to protect them. Jumpo and Bebit (2019) ascertained that these tattoos denote strength, achievement, spiritualism and a deep sense of aesthetic, all at once. With the pervasiveness of technology and globalization, tattoo has now become a piece of modern art on the skin sans the history and meaning to these motifs. Since 1960s, researchers continue to express concerns on Iban tattoo preservation, despite being skeptical on the authenticity of the Iban tattoo. Using a qualitative method, it determines the concepts and variables that could describe and support the phenomenon. Informants to the in-depth interview were selected using the purposive, non-probability sampling. It is hoped that this paper in progress will become primarily significant to the Iban community as it explores the ways the Iban .....

369 hits

Subi Shahs Holistic theory of Nepali performing arts: implications for research and teaching
Stirr, Anna Marie
Subi Shah (1922-2008) was a Nepali performer and educator whose life’s work was to preserve and promote Nepali folk genres of music, song, dance, and drama, especially the wide variety of these that make up the tradition known as Pangdure. Raised in this tradition, he became one of its leading exponents. He did so outside of the academy and was thus free from disciplinary strictures. Although he was consulted and honored by state cultural policymakers in the 1980s and 1990s, many of his contributions remain unrecognized. This study analyzes five of his texts, building on my 20 years of engagement as a scholar and performer with the traditions described therein. The objectives of the study are to identify key aspects of Shah’s theories of performance. The study finds that Shah’s descriptions and analysis of integrated performance practice valorize a performance tradition with its own unique worldviews and theories. It concludes that teaching these worldviews and theories will help.....

281 hits

Kajian terhadap potensi program Busking oleh pelajar UPSI di Gerbang Seni, Lorong Mural, Tanjung Malim sebagai aktiviti pengayaan bagi mengembangkan kemahiran persembahan Muzik berdasarkan pendekatan kontekstual
Husnil Amin Zakaria
Busking merupakan persembahan jalanan yang berfungsi sebagai sumber menjana pendapatan dengan menghiburkan orang awam di sesuatu tempat. Disebalik pelbagai kajian yang dijalankan terhadap busking, terlalu sedikit yang meninjau fungsinya sebagai medium dalam pendidikan. Artikel ini adalah berdasarkan kepada satu kajian yang telah dijalankan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji potensi busking sebagai aktiviti pengayaan bagi mengembangkan kemahiran persembahan muzik berdasarkan pendekatan kontekstual. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan dengan kaedah pengumpulan data melalui pemerhatian, temu bual pra dan pasca-busking, temu bual kumpulan fokus serta nota lapangan. Artikel ini berfokus kepada mengenal pasti kemahiran persembahan muzik yang dapat diperkembangkan melalui aktiviti busking. Untuk tujuan ini, data dipungut dengan membuat menemu bual subjek dan informan serta membuat pemerhatian terhadap sekumpulan buskers. Subjek kajian terdiri daripada empat orang pelajar diploma Kursus Aplikasi Muzik m.....

228 hits

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