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Repetition and difference in nature: reinterpreting plants pattern mechanism structure through installation art
Chin, Anna Chui Han
This research project investigated the aesthetics of plants patterning formation through the exploration of design elements and principles based on the concept of repetition and difference (similarity and variation). The research project aimed to explore the concept of repetition and difference within the context of natural plants’ organic patterning mechanism and to reinterprets the phenomenon of repetition and difference as agents in unifying the element order and chaos within the plants' organic patterning system, creating a balanced and harmoniousformation. The key elements in the research project consist of organic motifs of magnification, the proportional ratio of Fibonacci, colour harmonies, rhythmic organisations and the illusions of depth. The key artists involved in this research are Yayoi Kusama, GiuliaRicci, Richard Anuazkiewicz, Andy Goldsworthy, Claude Monet, Georges Seurat, Sol LeWitt, Richard Deacon, Peter Barnitz, Albert Yonathan Setyawan, and James Turrel.....

602 hits

Kesan latihan serangan bertahan terhadap prestasi daya tahan kardiovaskular dan ketangkasan pemain bola sepak piala Presiden Negeri Sembilan
Kamarul Dinis Kamarudin
Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk melihat kesan latihan serangan-bertahan terhadap prestasi daya tahan kardiovaskular dan kebolehan mengubah arah pemain pasukan Presiden Negeri Sembilan FA sewaktu latihan pra-musim 2020. Penilaian pemain ini adalah berdasarkan latihan spesifik kecergasan fizikal serangan-bertahan iaitu transition ball possession to ball possession opponent (BP-BPO) dan ketangkasan. Pelaksanaan intervensi selama enam minggu melalui latihan daya tahan kardiovaskular dengan intensiti Aerobic High Intensity (AHI) dan Aerobic Medium Intensity (AMI) yang diukur menggunakan bateri ujian Multi Shuttle Run Test (MSRT) dan latihan ketangkasan melalui latihan Speed Endurance Production (SEP) dan Speed Endurance Maintenance (SEM) yang diukur menggunakan Balsom Agility Run (BAR). Subjek terdiri daripada 36 pemain pasukan Presiden Negeri Sembilan yang dipilih secara rawak berkelompok iaitu kumpulan kawalan (n = 12) menjalani latihan rutin, kumpulan rawatan A (n = 12).....

597 hits

Analisis Envakai Meyppatu (luahan rasa) dalam antologi cerpen Nama Saya Selvi
Nagoor Bhanu Mohamed Hassan
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti Teori Rasa Eṇvakai Meippāṭu dalam antologi cerpen Nama Saya Selvi dengan meneliti situasi-situasi dan menghuraikan impaknya terhadap penyampaian mesej. Kaedah kualitatif iaitu kaedah kepustakaan dan analisis dokumen serta Teori Rasa Eṇvakai Meippāṭu yang dipelopori oleh Tolkāppiyar telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa antologi cerpen yang dihasilkan mengandungi unsur-unsur Teori Rasa Eṇvakai Meippāṭu. Situasi-situasi yang terdapat dalam antologi cerpen membuktikan penggunaan teori ini melalui watakwatak cerpen tersebut. Di samping itu, impak Teori Rasa Eṇvakai Meippāṭu melalui situasi-situasi turut membantu terhadap penyampaian mesej dalam antologi cerpen pilihan ini oleh pengarang. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini telah menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan teori Eṇvakai Meippāṭu telah mempunyai signifikasi yang penting dalam kejayaan sesebuah cerpen dalam menyampaikan mesej-mesej yang penti.....

326 hits

Kesan dimensi pembelajaran Marzano terhadap keupayaan menjawab soalan kefahaman dalam kalangan murid Cina tahun lima
Fatin Zulkifli
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menyelidik kesan Dimensi Pembelajaran Marzano (DPM) terhadap keupayaan menjawab soalan kefahaman membaca dalam kalangan murid Cina tahun lima SJKC. Kajian juga bertujuan menganalisis perbezaan pencapaian murid sebelum dan selepas penggunaan DPM. Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada 60 orang murid Cina tahun lima di sebuah sekolah SJKC di kawasan bandar. Kajian ini merupakan reka bentuk kajian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kaedah kuasi eksperimen. Data kajian dikumpul melalui ujian pra, ujian pasca dan soal selidik. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan signifikan antara pencapaian murid kumpulan kawalan dengan kumpulan rawatan iaitu t = 7.210 dan tahap signifikan p=.000 (p ..

1020 hits

Kesan pengaplikasian alat bantu mengajar pengaturcaraan kawalan logik (PLC) ke atas pencapaian akademik pelajar kursus motor elektrik Sekolah Vokasional di kawasan Aceh, Indonesia
Hendri Pratama
Alat bantu mengajar amat penting dalam proses pengajaran. Pengaplikasian alat bantu mengajar dalam proses PdP adalah perlu bagi guru agar penyampaian maklumat disampaikan dengan lebih jelas dan sistematik agar lebih mudah difahami. Penyelidikan ini bertujuan membangun dan mengaplikasikan alat bantu mengajar Pengatucaraan Kawalan Logik (PLC) sebagai sarana bagi membantu guru dalam meningkatkan pemahaman dan pencapaian akademik pelajar pada kursus motor elektrik di sekolah vokasional. Alat bantu ini telah dibangunkan oleh penyelidik berdasarkan model reka bentuk ADDIE dan telah disahkan oleh tiga orang pakar. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuasi eksperimen dan melibatkan dua kumpulan pelajar yang mempelajari kursus motor elektrik. Populasi (N=333) dalam kajian ini adalah pelajar sekolah vokasional tingkatan 3 di kawasan Aceh, Indonesia. Bilangan sampel adalah seramai 98 orang, terdiri dari kumpulan rawatan (n=50) dan kumpulan kawalan (n=48) yang dipilih dengan teknik rawak klu.....

605 hits

Effectiveness of emotional competency module on emotional intelligence and automatic negative thoughts among adolescents
Pavithrah Jaya Kumar
The objective of the study is to measure the effect of emotional competency module training on the emotional intelligence and automatic negative thoughts. A quasi-experiment with a pre and post-test design and a control group is used where 58 participants were chosen using convenience sampling; 32 in the experimental group and 26 in the control group. Findings showed that there was a significant difference between the pre and post-test of the experiment group for both overall emotional intelligence scores and automatic negative thoughts. The emotional intelligence post-test scores indicated that the experimental group (M = 2.98, SD = 0.43) scored significantly higher than the control group (M = 2.20, SD = 0.58), t(56) = 5.87, p < .05. Additionally, there is a significant difference in the emotional intelligence scores between the pre-test (M =2.36, SD = 0.35) and post-test (M = 2.98, SD = 0.43), t(31) = -6.02, p = 0.00 scores of the experimental group. An independent-samples t-test ind.....

465 hits

Personalized learning and achievement in basic Science: an experimental report
Adepeju, Rashidat, A.
The importance of Science to national development cannot be disputed. That is why Basic Science is taught as a foundational science subject in the Junior Secondary Schools in Nigeria. It is meant to inculcate basic scientific knowledge and skills in students. However, the subject, in which students’ performance is low, has also not enjoyed a plethora of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools to support its learning. Given these challenges, an investigation of the effect of personalized strategy on achievement in Basic Science was carried out. The study employed the pretest, posttest group, quasi-experimental design. The sample comprised of intact classes of year three (JSS 3) Basic Science students (87) from two junior secondary schools in Ijebu-Ode Local Government Area. Using the Balloting method, the students were assigned experimental and control groups. Two stimulus instruments (Teachers’ Conventional Teaching Guide (TCTG) and Teachers’ Instructional Guide on P.....

265 hits

Numerical analysis for prediction of optimum deformation of long tunnel crown stability with respect to excavation depth
Lawal Ezekiel Abiodun
Optimum stability of tunnel structures and ground movements are influenced by excavation, and these are issues of greater concern as far as the stability of any underground structure is concerned. The critical area of concern is the stability of the tunnel crown which requires special attention to ensure the stability of the tunnel structures and the safety of both man powers and the equipment used. Before the advent of powerful design aids tools such as numerical analysis software, the tunnel’s design was primarily based on experience. The use of numerical analysis software has made it possible to model and predict the actual site conditions to achieve safer and more economical designs. This study aims to understand and predict the stability of the tunnel crown with respect to excavation depth by using Plaxis 2D v8 finite element analysis software and East Coast Railway, Malaysia tunnel project as a case study. The site condition was modeled and excavated at various tunnel depths of.....

354 hits

Morphological, structural and electrical properties of coconut shell-based reduced graphene oxide
Hamdan Hadi Kusuma
In this work, reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was produced by green reduction process utilizing rose water as reducing agent. Various reduction temperature were also carried out to investigate its effect to the produced rGO. Prior to the reduction process, GO was initially synthesized by Hummers’ method utilizing coconut shell (CS) as initial carbon source material. The fabricated CS-based GO and rGO were then characterized to investigate their morphological, structural and electrical properties. Based on the measurement, rGO produced by reduction process at room temperature (RT) possessed the best sample among others. rGO_RT showed the highest electrical conductivity (0,08793 ± 0,00174 mS) compared to CS-based GO or other rGO samples...

239 hits

Integrating technology-mediated learning in biology education (histology): a systematic literature review
Zhong, Teoh Chern
Leveraging technology is an integral component of any 21st century learning. Researchers and practitioners are still working on ways to improve the impact on student learning with the help of technology as learning tools. Therefore, this study was carried out to study the effects of integrating technology-mediated learning in biology education using systematic literature review (SLR). Finding from the analysis of selected literatures found that the integration of technology-mediated learning has a significant positive impact on students’ academic achievement and learning experience. Further research can be carried out by investigating the impact of technology-mediated collaborative learning on learning experience and academic achievement in histology. Several advantages and features of technology-mediated learning are identified through the classification of aspect in terms of learning methods, learning approaches and delivery methods...

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