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2261 | 2022 article | Slendro culture, balungan concept, and inner melody of Jawatimuran Karawitan Aris Setiawan This study aims to reveal the development and distribution of the slendro tuning and analyze the concept of balungan gending and the inner melody of gending in Jawatimuran karawitan. It became essential to do as an effort to build a scientific milestone in Jawatimuran karawitan. This study uses the participant method, which is an effort to involve the researcher in the study he is studying thoroughly. In-depth observations and active interviews were carried out so that the data obtained from the participant method could continue to be contextualized with reality. The researcher tries to place the resource person as a speaking subject, not a passive object. As a result, apart from Malang, almost all Jawatimuran karawitan cultures use slendro gamelan with a unique side and distinctive character. The concept of balungan gending and the inner melody result in the gendings in Jawatimuran karawitan having complex musicality dynamics, in contrast to other musical styles, Surakarta and Yogyaka..... 343 hits |
2262 | 2022 article | Practice-based methodological design for performance-composition and interdisciplinary Music research Ross, Valerie Practice-based research has gained increasing prominence in the field of creative arts enquiry. Its engagement has fueled disruptive discourse on its nature, methodology and application in music research. Textbooks and journal publications on practice in arts-based research and a host of eminent practitioner-scholars have contributed to this nascent field of study. Several of these publications focus on the creative arts industry with fewer discourse on practice-based research approaches in the subdomains of music. This article deliberates on the multi-facets of practice-based approaches in performance, composition, and interdisciplinary music research. It shares the process of crafting methodological designs that encapsulate research in and of practice. Keywords that frame practice-based techniques include terms such as praxis, divergent and multi-methodological processes, design thinking, and research about/through/for practice as represented by performative-compositional artefacts a..... 245 hits |
2263 | 2022 article | Playing gamelan bonang in the air: user requirements for designing a digital musical instrument for the Malay bonang Khatriza Ahmad Saffian In recent years, computer technologies have been impactful in the design and development of Digital Musical Instruments (DMIs). As music interaction became prominent in the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field, emphasis on user requirement upon the design of musical interfaces has also grown since the last decade. Although designing new DMIs is becoming very popular, it is often determined by the designers and often not reflective of users’ needs. In this study, we explored user requirements for the design of a virtual musical instrument of the Malay bonang, an instrument found in the Malay gamelan ensemble. The requirements were elicited from a group of gamelan experts to establish the bonang playing techniques to be mapped to the virtual instrument which we called Air Bonang. Findings revealed that in designing the Air Bonang that is natural and expressive, the fundamental playing techniques of the bonang should be integrated into the system using mid-air interaction. In addition..... 296 hits |
2264 | 2022 thesis | Factors influencing impulse buying behavior among working ladies in Selangor, Malaysia Chan, Yuen Yue Within consumer behavior’s studies, impulsive buying behavior is always an
interesting issue, where many researchers and marketers make efforts to understand it.
However, due to various marketing techniques and innovations, it is much easier for
consumers to buy impulsively. The research objective of this study is to investigate how
extrinsic cues affect impulse buying behavior amongst working ladies. The five
extrinsic cues involved in this research are price, store atmosphere, brand reputation,
country of origin and social influence. The target population of this study is full-time
working ladies aged between 16 to 35 years. Purposive sampling technique was used,
with sampling size of 400. Questionnaire is the research instrument used, and 400
questionnaires were distributed in One Utama shopping mall, Selangor. The data
collected was then analyzed using Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SPSS).
Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted for data analysi..... 619 hits |
2265 | 2022 thesis | Studies on essential oils, phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of Magnolia candollii H.Keng and Magnolia alba DC.(MAGNOLIACEAE) Ahmad Azrul Hakim Yahaya The purpose of this study was to investigate the essential oils, phytochemicals, and
antioxidant activity of Magnolia candollii and Magnolia alba (Magnoliaceae). The
essential oils were obtained via hydrodistillation technique and their chemical
compositions were determined by gas chromatography-flame ionization detection
(GC-FID) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The phytochemicals
were isolated using chromatography techniques and their structures were confirmed
by spectroscopic data and comparison with literature. The antioxidant activity was
determined through total phenolic content and DPPH free radical scavenging assay.
The study showed that the essential oil of M. candollii consists of α-pinene (29.7%),
elemol (10.2%), β-pinene (8.5%), β-caryophyllene (7.2%), α-terpineol (7.0%), and
guaiol (5.4%). In addition, the major components of essential oil from M. alba were
linalool (65.4%), β-caryophyllene (6.7%), and (E)-nerolidol (5.2%). Isolation and
p..... 872 hits |
2266 | 2022 article | Organic concept in rolf-dieter arenss piano teaching strategy Yonathan, Aylwin Rolf-Dieter Arens is a distinguished and revered musical figure with a career spanning more than fifty years as a concert pianist, chamber musician, and educator. His innovative teachings have influenced professional pianists, teachers, and students worldwide. The purpose of this study is to document and explain Arens’s distinct piano teaching approach. Data collection methods were participant observation, interviews with students and communication with Arens. Arens’ teaching strategies involve ideas such as the establishment of goals, modelling, listening, visualisation, deconstruction of the musical structure, and subdivision support. However, a major distinction in Arens’s teaching as compared to others is the notion that techniques and artistic interpretation are a holistic unit and are taught simultaneously rather than compartmentally is common. Another major aspect of Arens’s teaching approach involves what is called the “organic” flow which is an understanding of how..... 209 hits |
2267 | 2022 thesis | Pembinaan dan keberkesanan Garis Panduan Bacaan Kongsi terhadap pemerolehan perbendaharaan kata Bahasa Inggeris kanak-kanak 5 tahun Nurul Farahana Muhammad Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membina dan menilai sebuah Garis Panduan Bacaan
Kongsi (BK) terhadap pemerolehan perbendaharaan kata Bahasa Inggeris kanakkanak
lima tahun. Proses pembinaan garis panduan ini adalah berasaskan Model
ADDIE dan diterapkan dengan penerapan Teori Pemerolehan Bahasa Kedua, Teori
Sosiobudaya dan Teori Respon Pembaca. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah campuran
(mix-method) yang melibatkan tiga fasa. Pembinaan Garis Panduan BK melibatkan
lima peringkat Model ADDIE iaitu; i) Analisis (Analysis), ii) Reka bentuk (Design), iii)
Pembangunan (Development), iv) Pelaksanaan (Implementation), v) Penilaian
(Evaluation). Bagi memperolehi kesahan dan kepercayaan garis panduan, kajian ini
melibatkan tiga orang pakar bidang dan 30 orang guru pendidikan awal kanak-kanak.
Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa garis panduan yang dibina mempunyai kesahan yang
baik dengan peratusan persetujuannya yang tinggi. Nilai Alpha Croanbach 0.93 juga
menunjukkan kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi. Kaeda..... 381 hits |
2268 | 2022 thesis | Pengaruh budaya organisasi, pengurusan kualiti menyeluruh (TQM) dan orientasi keusahawanan terhadap prestasi perusahaan herba di Indonesia Prayudi Harianto Kajian ini bertujuan menentukan pengaruh dimensi budaya organisasi (klan,
adhokratik, hierarki, pasaran) ke atas Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM),
pengaruh dimensi budaya organisasi (klan, adhokratik, hierarki, pasaran) ke atas
orientasi keusahawanan, dan pengaruh dimensi budaya organisasi (klan, adhokratik,
hierarki, pasaran), Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM) dan orientasi
keusahawanan ke atas prestasi perusahaan herba di Indonesia. Kajian ini
menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kaedah deduktif. Sampel kajian terdiri
daripada 400 orang usahawan herba yang berdaftar pada Asosiasi Pengusaha Herbal
Indonesia (APHI) yang dipilih menggunakan kaedah pensampelan rawak mudah.
Data dikumpul menggunakan borang soal selidik dan dianalisis menggunakan
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tujuh
daripada 14 hipotesis yang diuji adalah disokong. Secara spesifiknya, budaya pasaran
merupakan satu-satunya faktor budaya yang mempengaruhi TQM secara s..... 617 hits |
2269 | 2022 thesis | The influence of social media addiction and social comparison on skin tone satisfaction: a moderating and mediating effect models comparison Azeera Azlin Rohimi The main objectives of this study are to examine the level of skin tone satisfaction
among Malaysian young adults, and to explore the associations between social media
addiction, social comparison (upwards and downwards comparison), and skin tone
satisfaction. Two models are built: Model 1 proposed that social media addiction and
social comparison can significantly influence skin tone satisfaction, and social media
addiction can significantly moderate the relationship between social comparison and
skin tone satisfaction. Model 2 proposed that social media addiction and social
comparison can significantly influence skin tone satisfaction, and social comparison
can significantly mediate the relationship between social media addiction and skin tone
satisfaction. A total of 414 university students have participated and answered a
demographic questionnaire, along with Skin Colour Satisfaction Scale (SCSS),
Upwards/Downwards Physical Appearance Comparison Scale (UPACS/DACS) and
B..... 523 hits |
2270 | 2021 thesis | Keberkesanan penggunaan lagu terhadap penguasaan bacaan awal Bahasa Inggeris kanak-kanak prasekolah Manisah Che Nawi Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keberkesanan penggunaan lagu terhadap penguasaan
bacaan awal Bahasa Inggeris kanak-kanak prasekolah. Bacaan awal dalam kajian ini
merangkumi sebutan huruf vokal a, e, i, o, dan u, sebutan huruf konsonan c, z, l, f, t, n, j,
p, m dan b. serta beberapa perkataan Bahasa Inggeris seperti Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, watch, play, draw, go to dan read. Seramai 40 orang kanak-kanak
prasekolah berumur lima tahun dari sebuah prasekolah di daerah Kulim Kedah terlibat
dalam kajian ini. Reka bentuk kajian eksperimental dilakukan ke atas kumpulan kawalan
dan kumpulan rawatan. Data kajian diperolehi melalui ujian membaca. Data dianalisis
menggunakan ujian- t berpasangan bagi mendapatkan min skor terhadap subjek dari
kedua-dua kumpulan ini. Dapatan kajian bagi ujian pra antara kumpulan rawatan dan
kumpulan kawalan tidak menunjukkan signifikan (2.5). Hasil dapatan ujian pasca
menunjukkan skor keseluruhan yang diperolehi oleh kumpulan rawat..... 436 hits |
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