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2371 | 2022 thesis | Hybrid ear recognition framework based on passive human identification Alemran, Ahmed Ali Current identification of passive detection has been attention in the modern world due to the
system's robustness as an ear recognition framework based on a multiclassifier and attempt to
create user patterns via extracted features from ear images, which have unique individual
identities. The collected features from the ear intersection points and the angles bounded
between curves using different descriptors and classifiers are considered unique information
used to generate unique features. The proposed framework commenced with the extraction of
eight sets of features (LBP, BSIF, LPQ, RILPQ, POEM, HOG, DSIFT, and Gabor) from 2D
ear images. Subsequently, ELM and SVM classifiers were trained on each set of features.
Seven combination rules (MR, AR, GWAR, ICWAR, Borda, DS, and AV (GWAR, Borda,
DS)) were utilized to acquire a total of 16 classifiers. Also, two optimization rules; genetic
algorithm and brute force were proposed for accuracy enhancement. The AWE and the USTB
datas..... 684 hits |
2372 | 2022 thesis | The relationship of career indecision, career decision self-efficacy and career anxiety among students in UPSI Chong, Mun Hou The objective of the study is to examine the relationship between career indecision,
career decision self-efficacy and career anxiety. The descriptive analysis is used to
identify the mean level of career anxiety based on gender, while T-test is used to
compare the gender differences. Besides, Pearson’s Correlation is used to identify the
relationship between the variables. A sample of 95 students in Universiti Pendidikan
Sultan Idris is involved in the study. There is total three instruments were used in the
study: Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ), Career Decision Self-
Efficacy Short Form (CDSE-SF), and Career Anxiety Scales (CAS). The findings
reported that there are no significant differences between males and females towards
career anxiety, thus gender does not affect the level of career anxiety. Furthermore, the
result showed there was a significant positive relationship between career indecision
and career anxiety with the Pearson correlation of r=...... 958 hits |
2373 | 2022 thesis | Kesan penggunaan Modul Rimba terhadap pencapaian sikap dan minat murid Orang Asli dalam mempelajari peribahasa Bahasa Melayu Saliza Sahli Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti keberkesanan Modul Rimba terhadap pencapaian
murid Orang Asli terutama dalam topik peribahasa. Objektif kajian adalah mengenal
pasti perbezaan pencapaian min yang signifikan antara kumpulan kawalan dan
kumpulan rawatan berdasarkan penguasaan peribahasa dalam Modul Rimba, mengenal
pasti perbezaan pencapaian murid Orang Asli dalam penguasaan peribahasa
berdasarkan latar belakang murid Orang Asli dan menganalisis hubungan antara sikap,
minat dan pencapaian dalam penguasaan peribahasa murid Orang Asli terhadap
pembelajaran topik peribahasa. Seramai 111 orang murid Orang Asli tahun tiga telah
dipilih daripada enam buah sekolah sebagai sampel di daerah Kuala Langat, Selangor
melalui kaedah intact group. Jumlah sampel daripada enam buah sekolah dibahagikan
kepada dua kumpulan iaitu tiga sekolah sebagai kumpulan kawalan dan tiga sekolah
lagi sebagai kumpulan rawatan. Data dianalisis dengan secara deskriptif dan inferensi.
Reka bentuk yang digunak..... 1686 hits |
2374 | 2021 article | The vocation of being a literary gatekeeper: a critical review on Fan Ming jus the book reviewer Tan, Xi Zhe Fan Ming ju can resist the pressure from human relations and remain purely objective in her book review while at the same time excelling in catching the subtleties in the literary works. T his paper interprets and analyzes her book review from three areas. The paper first looks at how Fan Ming ju examines the na rrative structure of literary works and Taiwan's spatial politics from the perspective of the discourse power. Next, it focuses on how literature reconstructs urban images by extract ing from memory and the subject consciousness binded in local writing. Fin ally, through her analysis of the literary phenomena of different eras, she has an unwavering devotion to Taiwan ese literature.
.. 283 hits |
2375 | 2021 article | The tradition studies under western perspective: Chien Chung Shus ideology of literary history on “Take the old as the new” Siew, Wen Jia As a Post May Fourth scholar, Ch’ien Chung Shu had gained a deep foundation for tradition studies from home, as well as underwent professional training on Western Literature. Thus, his literary perspective was much wider, familiar with the tradition and modern studies within Eastern and Western world. While comparing the Chinese and Western studies, the May Fourth scholars tended to promote “new voices” from the foreign land, taking strategic of enlarged th e advances of Western studies plus highlighted the defect of Chinese studies, in order to shape the legality of New Literature. On the contrary, the Xueheng School 学衡派 tended to absorb new nutrients from the Western Classical Literature, even analyzed the Chinese tradition studies from Western perspective . Regrettably, the Xueheng School was considered as the opposition during the New Literature Movement, their appr oach usually obscured by the tense confrontation between the new and tradition studies. Between 1932 35, ..... 301 hits |
2376 | 2021 article | The Chinese calligrapher to the South: the life experiences of Tsue Ta Tee, migration journey to Penang and his Chinese heritage calligraphy artwork in Penangs public places Tan, Gian Seng In early and mid twentieth century, the changes of political situations, turmoil, hardships and natural disasters in China forced mass migration of Chinese hailed from China to Penang. Many of the migrants from China took refuge in Penang. Dedicated to their own origins of Chinese culture, education and ar t, they preserved the original sources of Chinese heritage and left behind their invaluable treasures which in one way or another shaped and formed the culture of Penang Chinese community today. Among those Chinese migrants to Penang, some of them were sch olars, calligraphers and artists originally from China. Tsue Ta Tee, a prominent Chinese Calligrapher, found his feet and settled down in Penang from 1903 to 1974. This research is an attempt to explore his life experiences (e.g., job, name experiences in mainland China), migration journey to Penang, and social interactions in Penang. All these are the fundamental aspects which lay the foundation of the future research to further a..... 264 hits |
2377 | 2021 article | Stick to the point of view of literature:a critical review on Chao Foon and the non leftist Mahua literature Chin, Ying Xuan Chao Foon and the non leftist Mahua literature was the academic work published by Lim Choon Bee this year. It was an academic review about Chao Foon magazines. This book come out with “the non leftist Mahua literature” concept, and this concept bring the criti cal work of this book stick to the point of view of literature.
.. 443 hits |
2378 | 2021 article | Rethinking intellectual legacies of the “May Fourth Period”: the case of Hu Shihs interpretation of Ching hua yuan flowers in the mirror Pan, Kuang-che Given the significance of the May Fourth period in modern Chinese history, the sch olarly projects pursued by intellectuals of the time and their legacies deserve further exploration. Focusing on Hu Shih’s interpretation of Ching hua y ü an Flowers in the Mirror; hereafter CHY )), an early nineteenth century Chinese fantasy fiction, this pa per outlines some major threads of the May Fourth intellectual projects and their profound influences. For Hu, CHY was a fiction on the question of women’s rights, with which the author Li Ruzhen advocated equalities in wellbeing, education, and opportunit y between men and women. This interpretation became virtually canonic since its publication in 1923. By contextualizing Hu Shih’s interventions in the “women question” of his time, we will be able to capture the intellectual origins of his interpretation o f CHY , as well as its lasting significance. This case illustrates specifically how legacies of the May Fourth period shaped the..... 255 hits |
2379 | 2022 thesis | Exploring the sustainability of institution-based private childcare centre in Klang Valley Chan, Yi Bing With the increased number of women participating in the labour force and the
encouragement from the Malaysian government to the private sector in setting up
preschool and early childcare centres, there is a high demand for the number of
institution-based private childcare centres. However, the literature has shown that
the number of childcare centres closing is on the rise and in a worrying state. Hence,
the purpose of this study is to explore the possible factors affecting the closing of
the institution-based private childcare centres in Klang Valley and to learn the best
practices from the sustaining childcare centres. This study utilized multiple case
studies methods in researching the success factors of those sustainable childcare
centres as well as identifying the factors that lead to the closing of some childcare
centres. Two institution-based private childcare centres that have operated for more
than ten years and two centres that have recently closed after operating ..... 466 hits |
2380 | 2022 thesis | Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran pengajaran rekoder di kalangan guru bukan opsyen di Daerah Kanowit menerusi mentoring satu kajian kes Janin Janting Alat muzik rekoder telah dikekalkan kepada pelajar sekolah rendah dalam
pelaksanaan kurikulum standard sekolah rendah (KSSR) yang termasuk pengalaman
muzikal, penciptaan muzik, penghargaan muzik, membaca serta menulis notasi
muzik. Tinjauan awal penyelidikan mendapati bahawa guru muzik sekolah rendah di
daerah Kanowit terdiri daripada guru tanpa latihan formal muzik atau pengalaman
muzik. Mereka tidak mempunyai kemahiran bermain rekoder menyebabkan
pengajaran dan pembelajaran rekoder tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. Oleh itu,
penyelidik telah melaksanakan satu kajian kes menggunakan kaedah mentor menti
untuk membantu mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi. Tiga orang guru sekolah rendah
di daerah Kanowit telah dipilih secara khusus dan telah dibimbing sehingga mereka
berupaya melaksanakan pengajaran rekoder ke tahap yang diharapkan. Kajian kes ini
telah melalui prosedur pemerhatian, temu bual dan dokumentasi yang kebanyakannya
dilakukan di lapangan. Data yang dianalisis telah..... 745 hits |
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