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The comparison of the use of microsoft academic, google scholar, and science direct as search engines in obtaining library resources for students
Wiyono, Bambang Budi
Obtaining library resources is the main task that carried out by students in attending lectures. The student learning experience will be achieved maximally if it is supported by complete library resources. The existence of strong development of information and communication technology makes everyone tend to seek information through the internet. For that reason, search engines are an easy way to get sufficient library resources. Many types of search engines are available, but which ones are effective and efficient are not studied in depth. Hence, it is necessary to research to find an effective search engine. In this study, three types of engines were taken from that were mostly used by the students, namely Microsoft Academic, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect. A total of 134 doctoral program students were taken as research samples. The results showed that students used Google Scholar more in finding library sources, followed by ScienceDirect, and Microsoft Academic. There are differen.....

521 hits

The causal effects of leading macroeconomic indicators on stock return: evidence from 13 selected Asia Pacific countries
Gan, Pei-Tha
The motivation for this study stems from the fact that the leading macroeconomic indicators, namely output, inflation, interest rate and exchange rate can cause a change in the stock return. This study aims to examine the causal relationship between stock return and the leading macroeconomic indicators. This study uses the idea of market informational inefficiency via the context of semi-strong form of the efficient market hypothesis based on 13 selected Asia Pacific countries. To avoid spurious regressions, this study employs the augmented Dickey-Fuller and the Phillips-Perron unit root tests to determine the stationarity of the variables and the random walk effect. By using the Toda-Yamamoto Granger causality test, the finding suggests that the causal effect of the leading macroeconomic indicators on the stock return may shed light on decisive decision-making about risk minimisation and returns maximisation of fund managers, investors, and investment agencies. Copyright ? 2021 Inders.....

204 hits

The Beryllium-7, 7Be depth penetration in two seasons study at Timah Tasoh, Perlis
Sharib@Sarip Jalal
This paper examines the 7Be penetration onto the soil surface within two seasons of different agricultural activity areas. This study was conducted during the wet and dry seasons in October 2015 until March 2016.Timah Tasoh is a catchment area located in Perlis State, Northern Peninsular of Malaysia and has been identified as the most suitable study site due to a small size of the catchment area. A total of sixteen core soil samples were taken over the course of the study using corer made of metal with a depth of 4cm each. All the results from this study site indicate that the 7Be penetration decreases exponentially decay in soil depth.The distribution of soil depth profile onto the soil surface or ho values for both seasons varied from 2.98 to 4.98 kgm-2 and from 3.57 to 5.57 kgm-2, respectively.Therefore, all the ho values of two seasons from this study are slightly higher from the results that have been reported by others. However, more extensive studies such as the addition of rese.....

585 hits

The behavior of the instantaneous speed ratio at merging area of traffic flowing on federal highway
Nurul Akmal Mohamed
The purposes of this study are to determine the ratio of instantaneous speed on Federal highway at Kilometer 32.9 from Kuala Lumpur to Shah Alam, to analyse the implications of the instantaneous speed ratio's numerical findings, and to examine the behaviour of convergence for each level of easiness to flow. The continuous flow model is one of the traffic flow theories that conclude the traffic flow is identical to the equation of heat. The research design used in this study is a comparative model. The continuous flow model uses a boundary value problem as well as additional constraints to solve the differential equation solution. The videotaping approach was used to select a sample of highway traffic data on the tapered acceleration path. The findings of this study disclosed that the ratio of instantaneous speed converged slower at lower levels of easiness to flow than at higher levels of easiness to flow. The ratio of instantaneous speed was found to be more accurate when the addition.....

281 hits

The assimilation of different carbon sources in Candida albicans: fitness and pathogenicity
Sandai, Doblin
Candida albicans is a commensal yeast commonly found on the skin and in the body. However, in immunocompromised individuals, the fungi could cause local and systemic infections. The carbon source available plays an important role in the establishment of C. albicans infections. The fungi's ability to assimilate a variety of carbon sources plays a vital role in its colonization, and by extension, its fitness and pathogenicity, as it often inhabits niches that are glucose-limited but rich in alternative carbon sources. A difference in carbon sources affect the growth and mating of C. albicans, which contributes to its pathogenicity as proliferation helps the fungi colonize its environment. The carbon source also affects its metabolism and signaling pathways, which are integral parts of the fungi's fitness and pathogenicity. As a big percentage of the carbon assimilated by C. albicans goes to cell wall biogenesis, the availability of different carbon sources will result in cell walls with .....

549 hits

The acceptance of m-heutagogical practice in higher education: a systematic literature review
Analisa Hamdan
Mobile Heutagogy (M-Heutagogy) is the teaching practice that emphasizes self-determined learning and student autonomy. Many teachers and academicians have applied M-Heutagogy in their teaching and learning in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The purpose of this study is to synthesize an empirical literature review of the M-Heutagogical practice among Higher Education students and its acceptance. The main objective of this paper is to review the literature on M-Heutagogy practice and its acceptance among Higher Education students. The researcher conducted a systematic review of 60 articles for the period 2007 to 2020. The findings indicate that M-Heutagogy has been applied in HEIs around the world with the support of emergent technologies and mobile applications. Unfortunately, only two M-Heutagogy acceptance studies have been done so far. Future research suggested that the M-Heutagogy acceptance model should be developed to be referred by researchers while doing an acceptance stud.....

438 hits

The ability and analysis of students\ errors in the topic of algebraic expression
Mazlini Adnan
This study aimed to determine the level of ability of Form One students in the topic of algebraic expressions based on the six levels in the Bloom's Taxonomy Revision. In addition, this study aimed to identify the types of errors of form one students in the topic of algebraic expressions based on Newman's Error Analysis. Respondents of this study consist of 68 form one students were selected from school in Melaka through simple random sampling method. The data in this study has been analysed in a descriptive basis involving frequency, percentages and mean. This study uses the application of [[CHECK_SINGLEQUOT_ENT]] Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) version 26 for the purpose of this analysis. The findings showed that the students have troubled in the topic of algebra. 3 of 6 levels in the Bloom's Taxanomy cannot be responded well by these students. Students only show high levels of mastery in the first two levels of remembering and understanding levels. Students have the mos.....

273 hits

The 5E inquiry learning model: its effect on the learning of electricity among Malaysian students
Ong, Eng Tek
The effectiveness of the 5E Inquiry Learning Model as compared to the teacher-centred traditional method on science achievement in electricity was examined in this study. The quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group research design was utilized. A total of 65 students (33 and 32 students in the experimental and the control groups, respectively) from two Year 5 intact classes in Malaysia participated in this study. A test comprising 54 dichotomously scored items with overall KR-20 reliability of.84 was used in the pretest and posttest. Given the significant difference in the pretest and posttest, it was presumed that the analysis could be done using the ANCOVA. However, on further analysis, the assumption for homogeneity of the regression slope was violated and ANCOVA could not be performed. Instead, the covariate was categorized into two equally-spaced categories (i.e., low and average achievers) and further t-test supported the equivalency of the experimental and control grou.....

235 hits

Temperature dependant high output voltage generation via mechanical transducer by using surface modified (O2, CO2, NO2) ZnO nanowires
Mansoor Ahmad
Here, we report high output piezoelectric voltage generation using ZnO nanowires oxidized at high temperature. The study has been carried out to observe behavior of ZnO nanowires in the presence of strong oxidizing gases (O, CO2, and NO2) at elevated temperature. The focus of the research was to generate high piezoelectric voltage by using surface modified ZnO nanowires. VING (vertically integrated nanowire generator) has been exposed to oxidizing gases. ZnO nanowires oxidized with O2 have shown maximum high output voltage of 3.36 V at 200o C, showing net rise of 0.762 V as compared to voltage generated at room temperature. Similarly, ZnO nanowires modified with CO2 molecules have generated piezoelectric voltage of 2.589 V at 200o C, exhibiting a rise of 0.778 V as compared to the values recorded at room temperature and ZnO nanowires modified with NO2 have generated maximum output voltage of 3.307 V at 150o C, indicating net rise of 0.59 V to the voltage values achieved at room tempera.....

410 hits

Temperature and concentration dependent viscosity of microcrystalline cellulose in water
Shahrul Kadri Ayop
The viscosity of cellulose behaves differently and uniquely in various conditions. In this paper, we aim to report the viscosity measurement and related properties of low concentration of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) in water using a magnetic bearing rheometer. Dynamic viscosities for MCC diluted in water at varying concentrations were measured using the standard rheometry technique. The viscosity of the MCC solution was found highly dependent on its concentration and the experiment temperature. This varieties behaviour and properties offers benefits to the current growing rapidly technology applications such as in food, pharmaceutical cosmetics and textile. ? 2021, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences. All Rights Reserved...

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