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Hubungan antara dimensi-dimensi iklim sekolah dengan prestasi guru sekolah rendah di negeri Selangor
Nur Syaima Salleh
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan antara dimensi-dimensi iklim sekolah yang terdiri daripada kolaborasi, hubungan murid, sumber kelengkapan sekolah, membuat keputusan dan inovasi pengajaran dengan prestasi guru sekolah rendah di negeri Selangor. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah tinjauan. Dimensi-dimensi iklim sekolah yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah berdasarkan Model Skala Persekitaran Tempat Kerja oleh Rudolf Moos. Seramai 381 guru sekolah rendah dipilih secara rawak berstrata daripada 34,784 orang populasi guru sekolah rendah di Selangor berdasarkan jadual saiz sampel Krejcie dan Morgan. Strata kajian berdasarkan lokasi sekolah mengikut daerah. Instrumen kajian terdiri daripada satu set soal selidik School Level Environment Questionnaire (SLEQ) yang diadaptasi daripada Johnson, Stevens dan Zvoch. Markah prestasi guru pula diukur melalui markah Penilaian Bersepadu Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan (PBPPP). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan responden bersetuju bahawa.....

652 hits

Bringing the children’s songs of the Rungus of Sabah into Malaysian Music classrooms
Jinky Jane C. Simeon
The Rungus are one of the indigenous Dusunic ethnic groups of Sabah, most of whom reside in the administrative Districts of Kudat and Pitas. In Rungus culture, many different genres of intangible cultural heritage have been passed down orally over generations. These heritages are valuable resources for teaching cultural awareness and appreciation among children of different ethnicities in Malaysia. They have yet to be introduced in the national music education curriculum. The purpose of this research was to document, transcribe, analyse, and thereafter to select the appropriate longoi tanganak (children’s songs) and longoi pogondoi (lullabies) that are suitable to be introduced into the Malaysia primary school music curriculum based on the recommendations of the culture bearers. This research employed ethnographic field techniques including participant observations, in-depth and focus group interviews, as well as audio and video recording. This article taps on the suggestions of cult.....

447 hits

An assessment of Music education needs among Orthodox and Pentecostal church choristers in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria
Soretire, Eyitayo A.
This study assessed the requirements for music education among Orthodox and Pentecostal churches in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Based on the quantitative research method, multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 367 choristers from Abeokuta metropolis, Ogun State. Structured questionnaires were used for data collection and subjected to descriptive statistics at 5% level of significance. The results indicate that choristers within the age group of ≤ 40 in Pentecostal churches outnumbered their counterpart in Orthodox churches. Although female choristers dominate church music practice broadly, the number of people within the household range of 1–5 among Pentecostal choristers (81.8%) was greater than those found in Orthodox churches (75.4%). Whereas a little more than half of the membership (50.4%) received University education, a majority (80.7%) had ≥ 20 years of experience. A significant relationship existed between the necessity for church music education and choris.....

395 hits

Realiti kehidupan masyarakat Tamil Malaysia dalam kumpulan cerpen Urimai Porattam
Kumar Dorairajoo
Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti ciri-ciri realiti kehidupan masyarakat Tamil Malaysia, menganalisis kesesuaian ciri-ciri realiti kehidupan masyarakat Tamil Malaysia berdasarkan teori Sosiologi Sastera Model Pencerminan George Lukacs. Kajian ini juga menghuraikan unsur-unsur pengajaran dalam kumpulan cerpen Urimai Pōrāttam hasil karya A. Kandan. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif yang menggunakan kaedah analisis teks berdasarkan teori Sosiologi Sastera Model Pencerminan George Lukacs. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat sebanyak 33 isu yang mencerminkan realiti kehidupan masyarakat Tamil Malaysia, iaitu sebanyak 20 isu berkaitan masalah sosial, tiga berkaitan dengan ekonomi, enam lagi berkaitan pendidikan dan empat pula berkaitan dengan hal keagamaan. Kesemua 33 isu realiti kehidupan masyarakat Tamil Malaysia adalah seiring dengan teori Sosiologi Sastera Model Pencerminan George Lukacs. Kajian ini juga turut mengesan sebanyak 12 pengajaran yang bersifat teguran, pes.....

498 hits

Kesan pengajaran menggunakan strategi model peringkat kefahaman numerasi terhadap pencapaian dan sikap murid tingkatan 2 dalam penyelesaian masalah Matematik berayat
Norshafikah Mustapha Kamal
Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji kesan pengajaran menggunakan Strategi Model Peringkat Kefahaman Numerasi (SMPKN) terhadap pencapaian dan sikap murid Tingkatan 2 dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematik berayat. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian kuasi eksperimen. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada dua buah kelas berjumlah 66 murid Tingkatan 2 yang dipilih secara rawak kelompok daripada sebuah sekolah di daerah Larut, Taiping. Seramai 33 orang murid sebagai kumpulan eksperimen menjalani pengajaran menggunakan SMPKN manakala seramai 33 orang murid sebagai kumpulan kawalan menjalani pengajaran menggunakan Strategi Pengajaran Konvensional (SPKON). Dua jenis instrumen digunakan bagi mengumpul data iaitu Ujian Pra dan Pasca Penyelesaian Masalah Matematik Berayat dan Soal Selidik Sikap terhadap Penyelesaian Masalah Matematik Berayat. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif iaitu min dan sisihan piawai, disusuli dengan analisis statistik inferensi men.....

650 hits

Impak pelaburan terhadap kemahiran kebolehpasaran graduan diploma kolej vokasional pertanian di Malaysia
Enah Ali
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai impak pelaburan kerajaan terhadap kemahiran kebolehpasaran graduan kolej vokasional pertanian di Malaysia dan membina kerangka model kebolehpasaran graduan pendidikan teknik dan vokasional. Instrumen kajian terdiri daripada pelaburan kerajaan (perbelanjaan mengurus dan perbelanjaan pembangunan) dan kemahiran kebolehpasaran graduan (pengetahuan, aplikasi kemahiran, efikasi kendiri, metakognisi dan kemahiran insaniah). Bagi mencapai objektif ini, teknik persampelan rawak mudah telah digunakan untuk mengumpul soal selidik daripada 318 graduan kolej vokasional pertanian yang bergraduat pada 2017. Hasil analisis data menggunakan perisian SPSS dan SmartPLS menunjukkan empat dapatan penting. Pertama, kemahiran insaniah merupakan kemahiran kebolehpasaran yang paling penting kepada graduan. Seterusnya diikuti oleh metakognisi, efikasi kendiri, pengetahuan dan aplikasi kemahiran. Kedua, perbelanjaan mengurus merupakan perbelanjaan terpenting dan diikuti dengan .....

1398 hits

Mathematics learning module based on character learning: a proposal of the study
Mohd Afifi Bahurudin Setambah
This study is a research proposal paper that aims to develop mathematics teaching and learning modules based on character education. This study uses development design guided by ADDIE model. The analysis process will use a quantitative approach. The validity and reliability processes to be carried out are the content validity level, content validity index and Cronbach’s alpha analysis. Sampling techniques are intended to be used to select samples for validity and reliability purposes. The sample is among mathematics education experts, module experts, Language experts and students. This study is expected to have an impact on educators in conducting module development systematically. It is hoped that the module developed can be used as a guide to all education, especially mathematics educators in implementing the teaching and learning process based on character education. This study will help the Malaysian Ministry of Education to achieve the mission, vision and aspirations of the coun.....

792 hits

M-Heutagogy acceptance among students of higher education institutions: the conceptual framework
Wong, Kung Teck
The education systems worldwide are showing changes in teaching and learning. The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred since the end of 2019 is also a contributing factor to the change in our country's education system. Students and educators have to cope with the challenges of learning out of the classroom. Therefore, one of the learning approaches, which is Mobile Heutagogy (M-Heutagogy) has been chosen by educators as a teaching and learning framework. Numerous studies have identified the effectiveness of M-Heutagogy to promote learner autonomy and capability among higher education institutions students. However, past studies have shown students mostly having problem to learn online due to weak Internet access. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to discuss the factors that influence the acceptance of M-Heutagogy. This study proposed a conceptual framework of M-Heutagogy acceptance that predicts the behavioural intentions to use M-Heutagogy among students. This study will contribute.....

729 hits

Language Learning Strategy (SPB) used by remedial teachers for remedial students’ mastery of reading skill in Bahasa Melayu class
Alizah Lambri
Failure in mastering basic reading skill, writing skill and counting skill (3M) among primary school in the country is still persistent. The 3M skill mastery performance gap between mainstream student and Special Remedial students are still apparent. The failure of some teacher to implement Special Remedial Program had caused student to be left out in learning. Study is intended to observe SPB implementation in Bahasa Melayu teaching and learning in mastering reading skill in remedial class. This qualitative study used case study design. This study used the Searchlight Model. One Special Remedial teacher and 22 Special remedial student from a primary school in Kinta Utara district, Perak state were chosen as intended. Study data were collected through observation, document researches, and interviews. Data was analyzed thematically using continuous comparative analysis technique. Study results found that constructs which were derived from this study to answer problem are remedial teache.....

836 hits

LACLOD: Learning Analytics For Children’s Logic Development
Suzani Mohamad Samuri
Learning Analytics for Children's Logic Development (LACLOD) is a web-based and mobile friendly learning analytic platform for assessing the logic development of children age 3 to 4 years old in TASKA PERMATA UPSI Malaysia. The platform is developed using Unity and connected through Google Analytics (GA) plugin where it tracked the user interaction for the application. LACLOD is designed only for mobile or tablet which is using Android. In this paper, the development of this learning analytic platform is presented. For evaluation of this system, observation and survey have been used, to get the feedback from 2 teachers (female) and 3 children (2 female and 1 male). Based on the evaluation, it can be seen that there are still rooms for improvement. Female children found it quit hard to understand the game but the male children looked satisfy because he knew on how to navigate the app and he actively played the app by himself. As for teachers, the acceptance to this kind of assessment is.....

579 hits

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