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Impak Pengajian Kenegaraan terhadap penyertaan mahasiswa dalam politik:kajian kes di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)
Norhafiza Mohd Hed
Artikel ini mengkaji impak kursus Pengajian Kenegaraan terhadap penglibatan politik belia khususnya mahasiswa. Perbincangan ini penting untuk menganalisis sama ada kursus ini memberi impak terhadap pengetahuan politik, tingkah laku politik dan penglibatan politik belia dengan andaian bahawa belia yang telah mengikuti kursus ini mempunyai tahap penglibatan politik yang tinggi berbanding dengan belia yang belum mengikutinya. Dengan menggunakan kaedah campuran iaitu gabungan antara instrumen soal selidik dan temu bual bersemuka, dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa mahasiswa yang mengikuti kursus Kenegaraan di UPSI mempunyai tahap pengetahuan, dan nilai-nilai politik yang tinggi berbanding dengan mahasiswa yang belum mengambil kursus ini. Walaupun kursus ini tidak memberi impak yang besar ke atas penglibatan mahasiswa dalam politik, namun mahasiswa yang telah mengambil kursus ini dilihat lebih cenderung untuk melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti khidmat masyarakat dan menandatangani pet.....

414 hits

Identiti teater indie Malaysia dalam perkembangan pentas drama Melayu
Syarul Azlina Sikandar
Perkembangan teater memainkan peranan yang penting dalam memperkasa industri seni kreatif di Malaysia seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi. Laporan Dasar Industri Kreatif Negara menyatakan usaha dan komitmen dalam memperhebat dan merakyatkan industri kreatif perlu dipertingkatkan. Justeru, permasalahan kajian terhadap bagaimanakah terbentuknya identiti teater indie Malaysia dalam perkembangan pentas drama Melayu wajar dijalankan untuk membawa profesional, ahli akademik, pengamal teater dan pelajar dalam memperkasa perkembangan industri kreatif. Identiti teater indie Malaysia dalam perkembangan pentas drama Melayu mula terbentuk setelah fungsi pentas Istana Budaya telah memberi tamparan hebat bagi pengamal teater baru untuk aktif dalam kegiatan mementaskan teater. Mereka terpaksa mencari ruang baru untuk meneruskan pementasan dengan berskala kecil untuk mementaskan teater. Justeru adakah perkembangan teater berskala kecil Ini secara tidak langsung telah membuka perspektif baru te.....

541 hits

Exploring undergraduate students awareness of internal Shariah auditing in Malaysia
Abdelhakeem Khalid Ahmed, Azam
It is the goal of this study to explore selected Malaysian public universities undergraduates’ awareness and knowledge level of internal Shariah audit. The research used the quantitative approach of the survey. A survey was administrated to undergraduate students in accounting and finance programs in selected Malaysian public universities. The results of this research may indicate the level of knowledge and awareness among accounting students in selected Malaysian public universities. The outcomes of this research could serve as a reference point for the public universities, regulatory and professional bodies in evaluating the execution of a complete internal Shariah audit’s framework. This research will help to enhance the accounting courses offered by selected Malaysian public universities. This research may provide the accounting students and professional accountants the understanding of the importance of internal Shariah auditing in Malaysian IFIs. Awareness of Internal.....

633 hits

A framework to explore customer experience on first-store design concept in China
Muhammad Zaffwan Idris
Driven by big data, the development of new technology and the enhancement of customer experience (CX), the first-store transformed the retail industry. Based on customer-centric approach and driven by S-O-R model, this paper proposed a new framework to amplify the quality of CX. Furthermore, this study is proposing the adaptation from service design tools including personas and customer journey map. Thus, data are collected from the customer visit at first-store by dividing it into three stages: pre-visit, during-visit, and post-visit. Consumer personas are generated according to the market segmentation theory, which was proposed as a part of the framework proposed in this paper. Keywords: Customer Experience, First-Store, Service Design, Persona, Brand Personality..

852 hits

Eksperimentasi teater sebagai kaedah mengenalpasti tanda-tanda awal penyakit mental Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Salman Alfarisi
Pada dasarnya, penyakit mental Obsessive Compulsive Disorder yang seterusnya disebut OCD merupakan penyakit yang membimbangkan bukan sahaja di Malaysia, malah dunia. Sehingga kini, apabila isu masalah mental dibangkitkan, masih ada individu yang tidak mahu memahami keadaan sebenar pesakit mental, malah lebih memilih untuk bertanggapan negatif terhadap mereka. Masyarakat berperanan mengurangkan pandangan negatif terhadap penghidap OCD. Tentu sahaja dalam perkara ini juga termasuk bidang teater. Mini eksperimentasi teater ini dijalankan berdasarkan konsep teater dua dunia Peter Brook yang digabungkan dengan pengaplikasian teori interaksi simbolik Herbert Mead. Pengumpulan data dijalankan dengan kaedah kualitatif. Adapun data penyelidikan diperoleh melalui temu bual dan perlaksanaan bengkel berteraskan mini eksperimentasi teater yang diteruskan dengan persembahan mini. Oleh itu, dapatan penyelidikan ini seperti berikut: (1). Pelbagai bentuk atau genre teater boleh digunakan d.....

321 hits

Effect of Morus nigra, vitamin E and exercise on biomarkers activity of neurogenesis, neurotransmitter release, stress hormone and oxidative stress.
Nor Aijratul Asikin Mohamad Shalan
Neuronal survivability is fundamental for optimum cognitive performance, thus human wellbeing. This study aimed to investigate the effect of Morus nigra, vitamin E, and exercise neuroplasticity-related biomarkers. Participants (n=40) were randomly assigned to receive Morus nigra fruit extract, sunflower seed, and pumpkin seed with or without exercise for 60 days. To obtained serum, blood samples were collected from all participants at the end of the experimental duration. The serum was used to determine malondialdehyde (MDA), glucocorticoid receptor-α (GCR-α), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) concentrations using ELISA kit. Compared to the control group, GCR-α was significantly reduced in all groups, while BDNF concentration was doubled in treatment and exercise group. GDH concentration was increased significantly in the treatment group. Overall, the findings of the present study demonstrate that consumption of Morus nigra fruit e.....

241 hits

Development of PM10 pollutant forecasting model at different geographical areas through phase space reconstruction approach
Nor Zila Abd Hamid
This study focused on development of PM10 pollutant forecasting model at different geographical areas namely background (Jerantut, Pahang), industrial (Bukit Rambai, Malacca) and urban (Klang, Selangor) through phase space reconstruction approach. Firstly, PM10 pollutant is reconstructed into a multi-dimensional phase space. Then, the reconstruct phase space is used to forecast future PM10 pollutant. Comparison with traditional approach of autoregressive linear through mean absolute error and root mean squared error showed that phase space reconstruction approach is better. Furthermore, values of correlation coefficient showed that PM10 pollutant is forecasted well through phase space reconstruction approach. In conclusion, development of PM10 pollutant forecasting models at different geographical areas are success. These findings are expected to help stakeholders in having a better PM10 pollutant management...

557 hits

Development of module for emerging issues in Mathematics education
Phoong, Seuk Yen
This module is mainly develop to investigate and explore the foundation, purposes and structures of Mathematics education in Malaysia. The factors that change the Mathematics education will be critically studied by comparing the issues in Malaysia with other countries. Issues such as the paradigm shift in Mathematics education, classroom concept and teaching and learning process are discussed. Therefore, the aim of this research is to develop a module for emerging issues in Mathematics education. Then, the module was developed based on Sidek's Module Development Model. A four point likert scale questionnaire was given to the experts from Mathematics education field to check the content of the module. It is expected that with this module, students will be exposed to the current issues about Mathematics education...

740 hits

A comparative study between china and Malaysia: investigating the influence of first language (L1) syntax in speaking English (L2) among primary school students
Mahendran Maniam
For Malaysian students, speaking in English is one of the most challenging skills to master, especially if they do not have a strong command of the language. Meanwhile in China, the English language is primarily employed as a means of academic communication and teaching. This paper aims to identify which linguistic items have been transferred positively and negatively from L1 (Bahasa Melayu and Mandarin) in speaking English (L2) among primary school students. A qualitative study among primary school students from China and Malaysia was carried out using purposive sampling. Based on the findings, four types of syntactic errors from the Malaysian students' speech were identified. It was evident that the students had difficulties to speak correctly in terms of sentence structure. The four syntactic errors found are simple past, simple present, verb ‘to be’ and subject-verb-agreement. Meanwhile, it has been found that Chinese students frequently produce linguistic mistakes during their.....

952 hits

Diari Mingguan Pusat Kokurikulum UPSI 31 Januari-6 Februari 2022/ Edisi 106
Pusat Kokurikulum UPSI
202 hits

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