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Development of green skills module for meat processing technology study
Handayani, Mustika Nuramalia
Green skills need to be developed in vocational education for sustainable future. However, the vocational high school curriculum of agricultural food processing technology in Indonesia does not explicitly state the development of green skills. Teaching materials, such as module are needed to develop vocational students? green skills. This study aimed to develop green skills module for meat processing technology at vocational high schools. Development of this module used the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) model. The contents for a green skills module were developed based on a need analysis for the elements of green skills that must be developed in vocational high schools, curriculum and a literature review analysis related to sustainability in meat processing technology. The module was designed using a scientific approach to strengthen active student learning as per the 2013 curriculum policy for vocational high schools in Indonesia. The developed .....

489 hits

Development of genetic tools for protein overexpression from pseudomonas
Wong, Chee Fah
Overexpression of a number of industrially- and medically-important proteins is always a challenge for most researchers as genes from bacterial hosts especially from the opportunistic pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as from other Pseudomonads were reported to be poorly expressed in E. coli. Examples continue to be published demonstrating that certain Pseudomonas proteins cannot be expressed at satisfactory levels in E. coli owing to their promoter variations, absence of specific molecular activators and poor protein translation. Nevertheless, the extension of E. coli-based technology to Pseudomonas can be used to overcome such barriers. In this chapter, the evolution and modification of genetic tools ranging from types of promoters, elements for interspecies transfer, origins of replications, regulatory genes, genes facilitating in genome integration and host strains, used in the construction of Escherichia-Pseudomonas shuttle expression vectors will be explored and discussed.....

636 hits

Development of effective Internal shariah audit framework using Islamic agency theory
Khalid, Azam Abdelhakeem
The objective of this paper is to analyze the development of an effective internal Shariah audit framework for Islamic banks in Bahrain using Islamic agency theory. The questionnaire method and Islamic agency theory were used to examine the independence and effectiveness of internal Shariah audits. The insights from the study are gained through the Islamic agency theory, which has a direct relationship with the degrees of independence and effectiveness. The findings indicate that a well-founded Islamic agency theory could potentially be used as the theoretical foundation in building a conceptual, multifaceted framework. This research fills a gap in terms of the level of development for an effective internal Shariah audit framework in Islamic banks using Islamic agency theory. ? 2021 AESS Publications...

642 hits

Development model for environment-based learning to improve junior high school students\ geographical skills
Hamid, Nur
In this study, an obstacle unlikely faced by teacher is the lack of innovation in the learning model employed. The teachers are still being the center of learning resources so that they are made to correct the perception by creating a learning model that students prefer. This study aims to provide a new design in environment-based-learning (EBL) to improve geographical skills and to encourage students to think critically, innovatively and to come up with solutions. This research was development study of environment-based-learning in geography teaching. Learning media used covered syllabus, lesson plans, student modules and EBL teaching materials. Samples consisted of 32 students aged 1314 years who were purposively selected. Data collection techniques were a compilation of observation, interviews, questionnaires documentation, and test. Data were analyzed from the syllabus, study plan, and student module validation along with instructional media, teacher and student response questionna.....

351 hits

Developing of a learning media for smartphones for disaster mitigation education
Wijaya, Daya Negri
Disaster preparedness is an absolute prerequisite for the development of disaster risk reduction. This means that there is no awareness of danger disaster, then the high possibility of both physical and material losses is an inevitable matter. It is a must for humans to be sensitive and care for various possible disasters that can occur in the vicinity stay. Education on disaster mitigation needs to be introduced to the community. This is important to create residents who are responsive and ready for disaster. This paper aims to develop learning media supported by the use of smartphones to increase literacy about volcanic eruption disaster mitigation. This study using research and development with the 4D model. The results of this development are mobile encyclopedia packaged in a smartphone application as a media for volcanic eruption disaster mitigation education. Media and material validation show that the product being developed is very good and worth testing. Besides, the results o.....

419 hits

Developing an educational framework for using whatsapp based on social constructivism theory
Al-Qaysi, Noor
Social media applications are one of the promising tools in facilitating the educational process. Among these applications, WhatsApp was recently suggested as one of the most popular applications used by students. However, there is a scarce of a framework that can fully utilize the WhatsApp for educational purposes. To bridge this gap and to draw upon the social constructivism framework, the aim of this study is to develop a social constructivism framework for WhatsApp (SCFW) that enables both formal (in-class) and informal (off-class) learning environment. The SCFW framework is based on the principle that educators can use WhatsApp closed groups to enable learners to construct and share knowledge with their peers. This has been accomplished through the integration of four aspects, including device aspect, social aspect, learner aspect, and teacher aspect. ? 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG...

611 hits

Developing a comprehensive theoretical model for adopting social media in higher education
Al-Emran, Mostafa
To identify the most frequent factors that showed significant results in the previous literature of social media, a quantitative systematic approach of 713 studies was conducted. The results showed that perceived enjoyment (PE), subjective norm (SN), self-efficacy (SE), perceived critical mass (PCM), facilitating conditions (FC), perceived compatibility (PC), and information quality (IQ) were the main frequent factors that showed significant results in the reviewed studies. Accordingly, this research aims to develop a comprehensive theoretical model by extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with those factors to investigate the students? behavioral intention to adopt social media in higher education. The developed model is validated using the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique through data collected from 655 students studying at eight colleges/universities situated at eight governorates in Oman. The findings showed that PE, PCM, PC, and IQ p.....

767 hits

Determining the effectiveness of pre-university students online learning in geography subject using relative importance index
Hanifah Mahat
This study aims to examine the Relative Importance Index (RII) that influences online learning in the subject of Geography. The study adopted survey research design involving five secondary schools in the state of Perak, Malaysia consisted of 135 preuniversity students selected via simple random sampling method. Data were collected through a questionnaire developed by the researchers. The questionnaire was composed of 45 items to measure interest, acceptance, and effectiveness. The collected data were analyzed via SPSS software using descriptive analysis and RII analysis. Findings of the study revealed that the statement; ?when learning there is an interesting video display? had the highest RII value (RII = 0.8933), while ?I prefer to learn through the internet because any time I can learn ?received the second highest RII value (RII = 0.8296) for the factor acceptance criteria. For the learning effectiveness criteria, the ?online learning factor created curiosity to me in the subject o.....

215 hits

Determinants affecting customer perceived e-service quality towards e-retailing shopping site in Malaysia
Mohammed Hariri Bakri
In the current new era of digital, e-commerce platform has been growing rapidly. Thus, this research aimed to study the determinants affecting customer perceived e-service quality (PeSQ) towards e-retailing shopping site in Malaysia and to examine the most significant determinants of e-service quality towards customer PeSQ from e-retailing shopping site in Malaysia. In order to study this, the researchers have selected 384 respondents as sample using Google Form questionnaire distributed online. For the finding analysis, the researcher used SPSS software with explanatory factor analysis test of the data. It depicted that there were exactly five factors extracted in the research. Multiple regression tests were used to find the most significant factor. The results showed that privacy as the most significant predictor but reliability was not significant in the research. Copyright ? 2021 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd...

397 hits

Detection-based prioritisation: Framework of multi-laboratory characteristics for asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers based on integrated Entropy - TOPSIS methods
Albahri, A. S.
Context and background: Corona virus (COVID) has rapidly gained a foothold and caused a global pandemic. Particularists try their best to tackle this global crisis. New challenges outlined from various medical perspectives may require a novel design solution. Asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers show different health conditions and no symptoms; hence, a differentiation process is required to avert the risk of chronic virus carriers. Objectives: Laboratory criteria and patient dataset are compulsory in constructing a new framework. Prioritisation is a popular topic and a complex issue for patients with COVID-19, especially for asymptomatic carriers due to multi-laboratory criteria, criterion importance and trade-off amongst these criteria. This study presents new integrated decision-making framework that handles the prioritisation of patients with COVID-19 and can detect the health conditions of asymptomatic carriers. Methods: The methodology includes four phases. Firstly, eight important lab.....

436 hits

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