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Development of repertoire book for viola intermediate level using Malaysian folk songs
Ayderova, Violetta
To preserve the heritage and identity of folk songs of Malaysian ethnic groups, it is necessary to include them in educational material using western notation transcriptions. This research continues from the previous study that was completed with the creation of the method book for viola at the beginner level. The current research result is a repertoire book containing transcriptions of folk songs (six Malay, two Chinese and one Indian) for intermediate viola players. Malaysian folk songs are rich in embellishment types and need to be studied by utilising the western ornamentation signs in music scores. The resulting book introduces the common types of ornamentation signs utilised in Malaysian folk song transcriptions and exercises with notated explanations and practice methods. The book is organised following international requirements for the intermediate viola level. Research was carried out using a quantitative approach, and the ADDIE (Analysis; Design; Development; Implementation;.....

379 hits

Corrigendum to “Enhanced indium adsorption and surface evolution of semi-polar (11–22) LED via a strain periodic alternating superlattice
Omar Ayad Fadhil Al-Zuhairi
To date, considerable research has been devoted to semipolar (11-22) III-N based-light-emitting diodes due to the high demand for the future generation of high indium adsorption materials. However, higher indium content can generate stacking fault defects and partial dislocation that deteriorate the crystal, morphological, and optical quality. This study describes the effect of indium flux and two-dimensional nanoscale strain periodic alternating superlattices on the surface evolution during the growth of semi-polar (11-22) InGaN light-emitting diodes. Semi-polar (11-22) light-emitting diodes were grown on different templates with and without AlN/GaN strain periodic alternating superlattices. A direct correlation between the surface evolution, crystal quality, and optical properties was demonstrated, suggesting higher indium adsorption with increased crystallinity. Moderate indium flux induced lower surface undulation with intensified photoluminescence emission in the green range. Subs.....

500 hits

Pedagogical Competency of Dance Instructors in The Training of Malay Court Dance Skills Among Upper Secondary Students at Johor National Art School
Muhammad Fazli Taib bin Saearani
Dance pedagogy is a complex and dynamic field of competency that involves various skills and self-appearance. Therefore, dance instructors must widen the scope of their competency to strengthen and improve their level. This research aimed to identify the competency of dance instructors teaching the practical subject of Malay Court Dance based on factors including the components of pedagogy, curriculum, assessment, and professionalism. The data was collected from interviews with the instructors and was analyzed through thematic analysis. The findings indicated that the instructors’ competency level development could be mapped into three dimensions, namely orientation, agent, and competency content. It was concluded that art schools in Malaysia need to develop dance instructors’ competency in terms of (1) 21st-century learning needs, (2) vertical and horizontal knowledge sharing, (3) workshop, study tour, and competition, and (4) standardization of technological development relevant .....

607 hits

Development of hybrid algorithm of residual bootstrap artificial neural network based on sukuk volatility forecast model.
Nurul Hila Zainuddin
Accuracy estimation is an important issue in time series forecasting field, for example Islamic investment namely sukuk. In order to provide the accuracy estimation of forecasting, the statistical estimator has to be unbiased and has minimum error. In this study, the statistical estimator of moving average model is applied to forecast the sukuk series data. However, the accuracy of this model is questionable and in order to improve the accuracy, this study proposed a hybrid approach using artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm for moving average model. Noted that, the parameter of moving average is selected by considering the AIC, AICc and BIC criterion values, and the selected parameter eventually to be used as input layer of ANN algorithm. In order to examine the forecasting performance, the proposed algorithm used to calculate the 10 days ahead and 15 days ahead forecasting. Based on empirical result, it has shown that, the proposed algorithm helps to reduce the error estimation .....

446 hits

Development and evaluation of solar energy project module for pre-university programme level and its impact on students.
Faridah Lisa Supian
The main objectives of this research is to design and develop the Solar Energy project module entitled SESTEM. In this 34 pages module, technologies were embedded which there are QRCodes and links of videos that were mainly made for this module by the research assistant. This research is design based on ADDIE model (analyse, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Firstly, we analyse the requirements and criteria for developing the hands-on activity related to solar project. Next, designing the hands-on STEM-based and in the same time develop the module consist of several projects. Furthermore, we developed a set of questionaire survey using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) method in order to evaluate the students’ perception of the complete Solar Energy STEM module...

726 hits

Development and evaluation of an electrochemical teaching: Lectrofun 2.0.
Aisyah Mohamad Sharif
The present study aimed to develop and evaluate a simple and green electrochemistry experimental kit named Lectrofun 2.0. Lectrofun 2.0 consist of educational kits and module which was built using green chemicals, recyclable materials and easily accessible materials. It overview the basic concepts of electrochemistry and electrolysis in the guided learning approach. Objectives of this research are to (1) develop Lectrofun 2.0 module using green chemicals, recyclable materials and easily accessible materials, (2) evaluate the effectiveness of the module in terms of students' understanding of the topic of Electrochemistry and (3) investigate students’ perceptions on Lectrofun 2.0 module. Instructional design model used was based on the Design and Development Research, DDR. The development phase involved the objective of the study (1) while the evaluation phase involved the objective of the study (2) - (3). The research instrument applied content validity assessment form to ev.....

389 hits

Analisis ilustrasi Kashvi dalam cerpen-cerpen Tamil Nyaayiru Nanban
Nagagothi Arumugam
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ilustrasi Kahsvi dalam cerpencerpen Tamil yang telah diterbitkan dalam akhbar harian Malaysia Nanban edisi Ahad Nyaayiru Nanban. Ilustrasi ini dipilih dari bulan Januari hingga Jun 2018. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mencapai objektif bagi menjelaskan peranan ilustrasi dalam cerpen dengan mengenal pasti dan menyenaraikan elemen-elemen ilustrasi. Teori Semiotik- Spesifikasi Dyer telah digunakam untuk menghuraikan makna tanda-tanda ilustrasi. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif secara deskriptif berdasarkan tanda-tanda semiotik elemen-elemen tubuh fizikal, perwatakan, perlakuan dan latar belakang persekitaran. Jadual analisis digunakan untuk menghuraikan elemen-elemen berdasarkan perwakilan, objek dan interprestasi secara terperinci. Analisis dan hubung kait antara semua elemen dibincangkan bagi mewujudkan makna dan mesej keseluruhan dalam ilustrasi Kashvi. Seterusnya sinopsis cerpen diterangkan bagi menunjukkan hubungan dian.....

1291 hits

The significance of the artistic image in the story of Moses - peace be upon him – in the Holy Quran. sura poets model
Mohd Syauqi Arshad
Every Muslims, regardless of his ability to recite the Quran or mastering the Arabic language, receive a great reward from Allah for reciting the Quran, contemplating its meaning and applying its teaching. But it is noticeable that some readers of Quran while depending on Quranic translation fail to comprehend its interpretation perfectly. Therefore, this research studies the concept of the technical image and its vocabulary in Quran and its artistic and semantic effect. In addition, it also aims to highlight its role in persuasion and influence of the readers. This research comes to detail the mysterious translation of some translation readers, by drawing of photographing a frame, situation, atmosphere, surrounding conditions, environment, or state of an accident, as if we could imagine it in front of us. This research aims to study the artistic image in the story of Moses – peace be upon him – and what is related to it, and clarify its role in enriching the Quranic significance, .....

546 hits

Analisis adaptasi novel Tamil Lockup ke filem Tamil Visaranai
Kanesan Ramasamy
Tujuan kajian ini untuk menganalisis kandungan atau tema dan persoalan yang dipaparkan dalam dua genre kreatif, iaitu novel Tamil Lockup oleh penulis M. Chandarakumar yang diadaptasi ke filem Tamil Visaranai. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mencapai objektif bagi iaitu penelitian tentang unsur persamaan dan perbezaan dalam kedua-dua media ini sama ada berlaku sama ada pengekalan, pengguguran, dan penambahan naratif, watak dan perwatakan, dialog, latar dan sebagainya. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif secara deskriptif berdasarkan teori adaptasi Mc Franlane yang melibatkan empat peringkat adaptasi iaitu naratif, verbal ke visual, enunsiasi dan keseluruhan. Seterusnya sinopsis novel bagi setiap bab diterangkan bagi menunjukkan persamaan dan perbezaan diantara unsur naratif, watak, enunsiasi dan unsur keseluruhan dengan filem yang diadaptasikan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa adaptasi yang dihasilkan oleh pengarah filem menunjukkan kesetiaan novel dengan unsur-unsur.....

660 hits

Kompetensi guru prasekolah dan ibu bapa dalam pengesanan awal disleksia bagi kanak-kanak prasekolah
Rathana Shanmugavel
Di Malaysia, instrumen pengesanan awal disleksia kurang dititiberatkan untuk kanakkanak prasekolah. Maka, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kompetensi guru prasekolah dan ibu bapa dari segi aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap terhadap pengesanan awal disleksia dalam kalangan kanak-kanak prasekolah. Terdapat dua objektif yang dirangka antaranya objektif pertama dibuat untuk mengenalpasti masalah pengesanan awal disleksia bagi kanak-kanak prasekolah dari pandangan guru prasekolah dan ibu bapa. Oleh itu, Kajian Literatur Sistematik (SLR) digunakan sebagai reka bentuk kajian. Sebanyak 29 artikel dipilih dari Scopus, Springer, Sage Publications dari tahun 2015 hingga 2020. Daripada 29 artikel hanya 6 artikel dipilih melalui teknik PRISMA untuk menjawab persoalan pertama. Manakala objektif kedua adalah bagi mengenalpasti kompetensi guru prasekolah dan ibu bapa dari aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran serta sikap terhadap pengesanan awal disleksia bagi kanak-kanak p.....

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