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Kompetensi guru prasekolah dan ibu bapa dalam pengesanan awal disleksia bagi kanak-kanak prasekolah
Rathana Shanmugavel
Di Malaysia, instrumen pengesanan awal disleksia kurang dititiberatkan untuk kanakkanak prasekolah. Maka, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kompetensi guru prasekolah dan ibu bapa dari segi aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap terhadap pengesanan awal disleksia dalam kalangan kanak-kanak prasekolah. Terdapat dua objektif yang dirangka antaranya objektif pertama dibuat untuk mengenalpasti masalah pengesanan awal disleksia bagi kanak-kanak prasekolah dari pandangan guru prasekolah dan ibu bapa. Oleh itu, Kajian Literatur Sistematik (SLR) digunakan sebagai reka bentuk kajian. Sebanyak 29 artikel dipilih dari Scopus, Springer, Sage Publications dari tahun 2015 hingga 2020. Daripada 29 artikel hanya 6 artikel dipilih melalui teknik PRISMA untuk menjawab persoalan pertama. Manakala objektif kedua adalah bagi mengenalpasti kompetensi guru prasekolah dan ibu bapa dari aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran serta sikap terhadap pengesanan awal disleksia bagi kanak-kanak p.....

465 hits

Development of mini-research project module and its effect on English technical writing competence among engineering students in Malaysian polytechnics
Siti Fazlina Isnin
The engineering industry has recommended that Malaysian polytechnic engineering students improve their English Technical writing skills before they graduate. Thus, this research aimed to develop a Mini-Research Project (MRP) Module and examine its effect on English Technical writing competence in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes among engineering students in Malaysian polytechnics. The MRP Module was developed based on the adaptation of several theories and models, including ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) Instructional Design Model, Cognitive Process of Writing Theory, Canale and Swain of Communicative Competence Theory and Model, and Model of Technical Writing Domains. This study involved 134 engineering students from two conventional polytechnics in Malaysia, selected using multistage random sampling. The 134 subjects were selected from four classes which comprised two experimental groups and two control groups. The main effect .....

1057 hits

The attitude of Malaysian Indian plantation community as portrayed in selected Malaysian Tamil novels
Govindasamy Kolendai
The objective of this research is to identify the socioeconomic status of Malaysian Indian plantation community, to analyze their attitude and to study the correlation between these two variables as portrayed in Malaysian Tamil novels. The qualitative research method was used and data collection was carried out using description and analysis. The Theory of Reasoned Action was used to analyze the attitude and behavior according to four elements which are intention, belief, reflection and behavior. Six Malaysian Tamil novels with the background of Malaysian Indian plantation community were used for this study. Twentynine characters from the selected novels were used to identify their socio-economic status; to analyze their attitude and to study the correlation between these two variables. The findings show that there are twelve characters portray high socioeconomic status with positive attitude while the other seventeen portray low socioeconomic with negative attitude. The fin.....

780 hits

The issues of Literature and it\'s role in the society building and the solution of it\'s problems
Mohammed, Hadia Yousf Abd. Rahman
Literature is an art of the beaux arts that reflects a face of the social life semblance, and is it's mean to express those values, the positive expressive word, The relationship of the Literature and the community includes the relationship of the author with his society and his awareness to what is going on around him and his exploring to which belong to that society and the other . Literature is considered as alive phenomenon in human history since ancient time till our day , and it will extend to the far future, It's a phenomenon that linked to human that doesn't separate from him ،emanate from him or rewarded to him favor by God , The real literature doesn't stand insulated from the community, Fathers should live and reflect their era experience in their works and envisaging to fix the novellas and foreswear the spoiled, literature contributes in the real social life thus it enrich all the society's propriety, ethics, habits and traditions ،since the society clings with it's reli.....

232 hits

The esthetic function of grammar in our ancient Arab critisism heritage- Abdul-Qaher Al- Jorjani as a model
El Marrakchi, Hanan
In "his" books" DalaelI”jaz” and "Asraralbalara”, Abdul-Qaher Al-Jorjani represents "the secrets of rhetoric" and "the signs of miracles" in our Arab heritage, the most mature attempts in analyzing literary style or text are based on his understanding of the function of grammar in the speech system and the production of the significance. He was guided by the fact that any literary statement is language-based but has identifiable characteristics, which he enters within the limits of art, which implicitly distinguishes between language in the sense of a well-established grammar system in the consciousness of the community and speech in the sense of the actual realization of these laws in a particular speech. The poet's lexical work - for example - with the language similar to that of the manufacturer's relation with its raw material, the latter does not start the subject of words or its meaning, but reforms the humble words on them in new relationships, producing a form that affec.....

243 hits

Teaching Arabic language, reality and prospects
Al-Sebti, Kihel
It’s obvious to everyone than the language plays a very important role in the life of the individual and so it became vert important that we take care of our language since it is the means of communication between the individual and others and so we must develop tools to promote it so that we create such a link the market as well as work, administration, economy and so considering it as being such an important subject as we develop undoubtedly each time we speak. Taking care if one’ is language is considered as a priority to preserve one‘s patrimony, since it lives and dies with its people and diffuses efficiently each time it translates its natives achievements. With which language can we, acquire the other civilazations and different cultures, if our language is in isolation about is happening arand us ?..

294 hits

Social values in selected arabic poems in Yorubaland Nigeria
Hambali, Abdessalami Babatandi
Arabic poetry composed by Yoruba Arabic poets is more of Islamic culture in its orientation. The poetic themes explored by the poets include panegyrics, description, admonition and elegy. Greeted with modern trends however, the literary productivity of the Yoruba Arabic poets started experiencing multidimensional influences. Social issues thus became literary themes especially ones that relate to major national challenges. This paper (Social Values in Selected Arabic Poems in Yorubaland, Nigeria) therefore focused on the poetic works of Yoruba Arabic poets on social issues. The objectives of the study were to: (i) establish the availability of Arabic poetry on social issues in Yorubaland, (ii) analyse their contents in the light of socio-economic and political development of Nigeria. (iii) examine the artistic features of the social poetry, and (iv) evaluate selected poems with a view to appreciating their conformity with literary norms in Arabic. The study adopted both historical and .....

214 hits

Interpretasi imej fotografi hitam putih dalam argumentasi visual sosio budaya lokaliti
Fakir Mohamad Md.Nor
Penyelidikan ini bertujuan menginterpretasi isu yang menjadi argumentasi dalam masyarakat melalui bentuk penghasilan karya visual hitam putih. Gabungan teknik konvensional dan perkembangan teknologi terkini sebagai medium merakamkan imej fotografi, meningkatkan pembangunan seni visual tempatan dalam memperkenalkan kepelbagaian teknik melalui penghasilan karya. Artis rujukan yang terlibat dalam kajian ini adalah Angelíca Dass, Andy Warhol, Mikio Hasui, Raghubir Singh, Mohd Azlan Mohd Latib, Nirmala Shanmughalingam dan Ismail Zain. Penerokaan idea yang dirujuk melalui artis rujukan adalah melalui tema kemanusiaan menjadi hubung kait argumentasi lokaliti dikembangkan melalui penghasilan karya eksperimentasi dari sudut kepelbagaian teknik. Metodologi kajian yang dijalankan adalah melalui kaedah penyelidikan studio yang berasaskan eksperimentasi, pandangan kritis refleksi kendiri dan ulasan kontekstual. Konsep teori fotografi hitam putih dan konsep seni appropriation dijadikan .....

417 hits

The effects of pragmatic instruction on Iraqi undergraduate English as a foreign language students usage of the speech act of request
Hussein, Nadhim Obaid
The study aimed to investigate whether pragmatic instruction has an effect on Iraqi students' usage of request and whether male and female students differ in their usage of overall strategy and strategy patterns. This study also explored Iraqi EFL learners' perceptions of learning speech act of request and investigate whether Iraqi students were able to present the appropriate linguistic and pragmatic forms in performing speech act of request. Experimental design was adopted in this study. A discourse completion test (DCT) and a questionnaire were used for data collection. 80 undergraduate students participated in the study and they were divided into two groups; the control group consisted of 40 learners who did not receive any pragmatic instruction, and the experimental group that composed of 40 learners who were taught request strategies via pragmatic instruction. The results revealed that the experimental group showed a significant improvement in the scores of four compon.....

561 hits

Penggunaan media sosial sebagai bahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam di IPT
Fatin Ardani Zamri
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk melihat potensi penggunaan media sosial sebagai bahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam kalangan pelajar Pendidikan Islam di IPT yang terpilih. Kajian ini melibatkan 146 orang pelajar yang mengambil jurusan Pendidikan Islam di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Universiti Malaya, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia dan Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor. Borang soal selidik digunakan sebagai instrumen dalam kajian ini. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensi. Analisis deskriptif melibatkan penggunaan media sosial dalam kalangan pelajar, persepsi pelajar terhadap sistem rangkaian media sosial sebagai bahan pdp, faktor penerimaan dan kepercayaan pelajar terhadap media sosial sebagai bahan pdp. Manakala analisis inferensi melibatkan ujian – t, ANOVA sehala dan ujian korelasi Pearson bagi menerangkan perbezaan serta hubungan antara pemboleh ubah kajian. Hasil kajian menunjukkan penggunaan.....

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