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5171 | 2020 article | An economic assessment of the coastal tourist area in Pasir Bogak beach, Pangkor Island using the Travel Cost Method (TCM) Farah Zulaikha Mokhtar A coastal tourist area is a natural resource of non-market goods where its economic value is important to assess and should be calculated due to the available resources to maintain for further generation use. The economic value of coastal tourist area was determined by the willingness to pay (WTP) among the tourist to assess to the tourist site. This article aims to determine the economic value of coastal tourist area in Pasir Bogak beach, Pangkor Island using Travel Cost Method (TCM). By adopting the travel cost method (TCM), the individual travel costs and expenses paid by local tourists for their visit to the coastal tourist area in Pasir Bogak beach were measured. A total of 64 local tourists were selected as respondents of the survey method. The findings suggested that the mean of the total expenses paid by an individual tourist for the duration of between two to three days stay in Pasir Bogak Beach was around RM 219.39 per visit. The studies show that Pasir Bogak beach receive le..... 859 hits |
5172 | 2019 thesis | Pembinaan Modul Love Biology dan kesannya terhadap kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi serta hubungannya dengan minat pelajar Krisnavimala Krishuan Kajian ini bertujuan membina Modul Love Biology dan menilai kesannya terhadap
pencapaian kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) serta hubungan minat dengan
KBAT pelajar. Pembinaan modul ini berdasarkan pembelajaran inkuiri dan koperatif
dalam Bab 8: Ekosistem Dinamik. Kajian ini menggunakan dua jenis rekabentuk iaitu
rekabentuk pembangunan bagi membangunkan modul menggunakan Model Sidek dan
Jamaludin dan rekabentuk kuasi eksperimen untuk menentukan kesan modul terhadap
KBAT. Pemilihan responden kajian dijalankan secara pensampelan rawak
berkelompok melibatkan 86 orang pelajar tingkatan empat aliran sains yang mengambil
mata pelajaran Biologi dari dua buah sekolah di daerah Betong, Sarawak. Responden
kajian terdiri daripada 43 orang pelajar kumpulan rawatan dan 43 orang pelajar
kumpulan kawalan. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan mendapat kesahan peratus
persetujuan pakar yang tinggi untuk ujian pencapaian pra dan pasca (100%) dan soal
selidik (93.2%) serta kebolehpercayaan yang..... 2026 hits |
5173 | 2019 thesis | Hubungan kepuasan kepuasan kerja ketua panitia dengan komitmen organisasi sekolah rendah di zon Keramat, Kuala Lumpur Rosnita A.Rahim Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengenal pasti hubungan antara kepuasan kerja dengan komitmen
organisasi dalam kalangan Ketua Panitia sekolah rendah di Zon Keramat, Kuala Lumpur.
Kajian ini menggunakan Inventori Kepuasan Kerja Herzberg dan Organizational Commitment
Questionnaire (OCQ). Seramai 251 orang Ketua Panitia daripada 25 buah sekolah yang
terpilih terlibat dalam kajian ini. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan kaedah statistik
deskriptif dan statistik inferens. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kepuasan kerja mempengaruhi
komitmen organisasi (β = 0.772, p < 0.05). Kajian juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan
yang signifikan antara kepuasan kerja berdasarkan jantina t=(251; p=0.363) = 0.911, p > 0.05
dan umur, F(3,247; p=0.297)= 1.23, p > 0.05. Pengalaman mengajar didapati mempunyai
hubungan yang signifikan dengan komitmen organisasi F(2,248; p=0.044) = 3.171, p < 0.05.
Pengalaman sebagai Ketua Panitia didapati mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan
kepuasan kerja F(2,248; ..... 1634 hits |
5174 | 2018 thesis | Isolation and characterization of new thermophilic aminoacylase from Geobacillus sp. Strain Szn Suzana Adenan Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memencilkan dan mencirikan aminoasilase termostabil
daripada bakterium termofilik. Dalam pemencilan bakterium, sampel air dan sedimen telah
diperolehi dari Air Panas Ulu Slim, Perak. Aminoasilase SZN termostabil diekstrak
secara intrasellular dan ditulenkan sehingga homogen dengan menggunakan kromatografi pertukaran
ion dan pengasingan saiz dalam eksperimen seterusnya. Aminoasilase SZN yang tulen telah
dicirikan pada pelbagai suhu, pH, ion logam dan perencat. Kajian struktur lebih lanjut
menggunakan spektrokopi sirkular dikroisma dilakukan bagi menentukan kestabilan a-heliks dan
lembaran dalam pelbagai suhu. Penghasil aminoasilase termofilik yang dipencilkan
itu dikenalpasti sebagai Geobacillus sp. strain SZN. Aminoasilase SZN dicirikan
sebagai enzim termostabil dengan aktiviti ..... 656 hits |
5175 | 2019 thesis | Bahasa kepimpinan rumah tangga Rasulullah S.A.W. dalam riwayat Aisyah R.A. dari sudut analisis wacana kritis Ariza Abdullah Analisis tekstual hadis Rasulullah SAW masih tidak meliputi seluruh aspek
kepemimpinan baginda. Kajian kritis wacana kepemimpinan dalam rumah tangga
baginda perlu sebagai model masyarakat. Konflik timbul dalam rumah tangga akibat
kurang persefahaman antara pasangan. Permasalahan ini perlu kembali kepada
rujukan agama yang telah dipraktis oleh baginda Rasulullah SAW sebagai model
qiwiimah rumah tangga. Praktis kepemimpinan baginda terangkum dalam bentuk
wac ana hadis terutamanya hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Aisyah r.a .. OIeh itu, kajian
ini bertujuan untuk mengenaI pasti ciri-ciri bahasa kepemimpinan rumah tangga
baginda dan amalan wacana dalam periwayatan hadis. Data dikumpuI daripada
sebelas buah hadis mengenai peristiwa-peristiwa utama yang berlaku dalam rumah
tangga baginda yang diambil daripada kitab hadis Sahih Al-Bukhariy. Analisis
dibuat menggunakan pendekatan Model Tiga Dimensi Fairclough (1995) dalam
analisis wacana kritis yang menganggap bahasa adalah satu bentuk..... 1461 hits |
5176 | 2020 article | An econometric analysis of the underground economy and tax evasion in Kuwait Awadh Ahmed Mohammed Gamal Up to now, no individual study on Kuwait with respect to the underground economy and tax evasion has been conducted using the recent adjusted form of currency demand function model (CDFM) before. This paper estimates the size of underground economy behind tax evasion from 1991: Q1 to 2010: Q4. It applies the Zivot-Andrews (ZA) procedure for the stationarity analysis, and Gregory-Hansen (GH) long run cointegrating technique for estimating the underground economy based on the adjusted currency demand function approach. While the general-to-specific technique is used to estimate the short-run error correction model. Toda-Yamamoto test is also used to explore the causal relationship between the underground economy and the non-oil tax revenues' variable. It finds that the averaged sizes of the underground economy and the tax evasion to the official gross domestic product (GDP) in Kuwait constituted about 24.95%, and 2.83% respectively.
.. 1083 hits |
5177 | 2020 article | An algorithm model for solving the single-period inventory transportation problems in the construction industry Mohd Kamarul Irwan Abdul Rahim Vendor managed inventory (VMI) is an illustration of effective partnering and collaboration practices between upstream and downstream points in a supply chain. VMI policy is an integrating decision between a supplier and the customers in which the supplier takes the accountability of sustaining the customers’ inventory while confirming that no stock-out. The supplier indicates when each delivery time takes place, so that the customers are no longer responses to the customers' orders. Under the VMI system, the planning is proactive as it is based on the available information rather than reactive to customers' orders. Consequently, in this paper, we expected that the demand at the construction sites are constant and stationary, and the construction consolidation centre (CCC) is implementing a VMI system. The concentration of this paper is to minimize the transportation and inventory holding costs of the customers for a two-stage supply chain system in the construction industry. The pro..... 672 hits |
5178 | 2020 article | Agripreneurs level of readiness for environmentally friendly mushroom cultivation waste management Rosmiza M. Z. Mushrooms are considered as an environmentally-friendly crops by using agricultural waste as substrate, while spent mushroom substrate (SMS) is reusable. However, mushroom cultivation waste (MCW) to be managed in environmentally-friendly is not much practiced by agripreneurs that led impact to the environment. Therefore, this study attempts to evaluate the level of agripreneurs' readiness on environmentallyfriendly management in post-harvest stage. It also evaluated the method of obtaining information regarding MCW management. Survey and interview were conducted involving 40 agripreneurs who were participants of the Young Mushroom Agripreneur Project Package Course. The results showed that agripreneurs knew and aware of caring the environmental quality when dealing with MCW, but most of them did not manage in a proper way, despite received advices from agency. Expanding agripreneurs awareness, skills capabilities in post-harvest techniques, and building-up networking with agencies and ..... 732 hits |
5179 | 2020 article | Aeroallergen sensitizations with special reference to fungi sensitization among the community of Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia Mai Shihah Abdullah The present study is aimed to profile the prevalence and determine the risk of aeroallergen sensitization including fungi on gender, ethnicity, and age groups. 225 of the university community population were interviewed using a standard questionnaire by allergists to collect information on demographic including gender, ethnicity, and age. To confirm the prevalence of the aeroallergens sensitization, the gold standard procedure, i.e. skin prick testing was performed using commercial aeroallergens. Of the subjects, 93 (41.3%) were categorised as atopic. The most prevalent positive SPT among the general and the atopic population were house dust mites, (32.4%; 78.5%), followed by German cockroach (20%; 48.3%), fungal (7.55%; 18.2%), and cat dander (4.8%; 11.8%) respectively. The prevalence of fungi sensitization among the atopic population is doubled to the general population and considerably high compared to the World Allergy report. Among the 17 fungal sensitized subjects, 9 (52.9%) were..... 553 hits |
5180 | 2020 article | Adult education in Johor before independence Nur Farhana Mohd Kosni This article is related to Adult Education among the Malays in Johor in the days before independence, which is around 1950 to 1956. The British colonial upbringing the pattern of education in Johor changed the structure of education that was initially traditional and more religious based. However, this cycle began to change slowly in the consciousness of the Malays towards education in the form of socialization in order to achieve better social mobility, not only to individuals but also to the entire community. Adult Education was first introduced in Johor as the community began to take the concept of wide and global education. The production of this article is to see the development of Adult Education in Johor and the impact of the community socialization among adults in Johor. This study uses qualitative methods by analyzing data and sources based on references in archives and libraries. This study was prepared and evaluated based on references to the primary and secondary sources fr..... 611 hits |
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