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5271 | 2020 article | A new xanthone and a new benzophenone from the roots of Garcinia hombroniana Wan Mohd Nuzul Hakimi Wan Salleh In this study, the roots of Garcinia hombroniana were chemically investigated, in which novel derivatives of xanthone and benzophenone, known as garcihomxanthone (1) and garcihombrianone (2), respectively, together with garceduxanthone (3), cheffouxanthone (4), norathyriol (5), and 2,3′,4,5′-tetrahydroxy-6-methoxybenzophenone (6) were isolated.. The structures of these compounds were elucidated by extensive spectroscopic techniques and evaluated based on references with previous literature data.
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5272 | 2020 article | A new standardisation and selection framework for real-time image dehazing algorithms from multi-foggy scenes based on fuzzy Delphi and hybrid multi-criteria decision analysis methods Abdulkareem, Karrar Hameed Given the rapid development of dehazing image algorithms, selecting the optimal algorithm based on multiple criteria is crucial in determining the efficiency of an algorithm. However, a sufficient number of criteria must be considered when selecting an algorithm in multiple foggy scenes, including inhomogeneous, homogenous and dark foggy scenes. However, the selection of an optimal real-time image dehazing algorithm based on standardised criteria presents a challenge. According to previous studies, a standardisation and selection framework for real-time image dehazing algorithms based on multi-foggy scenes is not yet available. To address this gap, this study proposes a new standardisation and selection framework based on fuzzy Delphi (FDM) and hybrid multi-criteria analysis methods. Experiments are also conducted in three phases. Firstly, the image dehazing criteria are standardised based on FDM. Secondly, an evaluation experiment is conducted based on standardised criteria and nine r..... 494 hits |
5273 | 2020 article | A new hyhbrid coefficient of conjugate gradient method Nur Syarafina Mohamed Hybridization is one of the popular approaches in modifying the conjugate gradient method. In this paper, a new hybrid conjugate gradient is suggested and analyzed in which the parameter ?k is evaluated as a convex combination of while using exact line search. The proposed method is shown to possess both sufficient descent and global convergence properties. Numerical performances show that the proposed method is promising and has overpowered other hybrid conjugate gradient methods in its number of iterations and central processing unit per time.
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5274 | 2020 article | A narrative review of the literature on students at risk of dropping out Nurulaini Moshidi The issue of dropping out is an important issue either nationally or internationally (Chung & Lee, 2018; Ripamonti, 2017; Siti Eshah et al, 2016; De Witte et al., 2013; McIntyre, 2013; Murad, 1973). Educational Planning and Research Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia (2016) reports that 4.3% of high school students are at risk to dropping out of the school system. National Center for Education Statistics (2016) states that the percentage of dropping out in US has declined from 7.4% (2010) to 5.9% (2015) but efforts to reduce the rate are still ongoing (Freeman & Simonsen, 2015). The Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) states one to two percent of Korean students stop learning (dropout) due to the difficulty in adjusting to school life (Chung & Lee, 2018). While dropping out have become a critical issue in basic education in Indonesia, around 2.6 million students aged 7 to 15 have dropped out of the education system (Pujiastuti et al., 2017).
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5275 | 2020 article | A module for the teaching of ornamentation, visual arts subject KSSM: an analysis of necessity Gopinath Sandra With the explosion of Industrial Revolution 4.0 the Malaysian Education system faces positive challenges in the Teaching and Learning Process (PdPc) of the country. In line with the Malaysia Education Blueprint (PPPM) 2013-2025 these challenges have set in motion a series of changes in the KSSM. These changes require the Visual Arts subject teachers in secondary schools master the skills of The 21st Century Teaching and Learning Process in classrooms. This research aims to identify the analysis of necessity in the element of constructing a Module for The Teaching of Ornamentation KSSM. This research applies the quantitative method by implementing the FuzzyDelphi Technique to obtain the research data through the use of questionnaire instruments on Phase 1 level. The total number of respondents involved in this research are 30 Visual Arts subject teachers. The reliability of the instrument of this research is high based on Cronbach’s Alpha which is 0.868. The research findings show tha..... 733 hits |
5276 | 2020 article | A modified correlation in principal component analysis for torrential rainfall patterns identification Shazlyn Milleana Shaharudin This paper presents a modified correlation in principal component analysis (PCA) for selection number of clusters in identifying rainfall patterns. The approach of a clustering as guided by PCA is extensively employed in data with high dimension especially in identifying the spatial distribution patterns of daily torrential rainfall. Typically, a common method of identifying rainfall patterns for climatological investigation employed T mode-based Pearson correlation matrix to extract the relative variance retained. However, the data of rainfall in Peninsular Malaysia involved skewed observations in the direction of higher values with pure tendencies of values that are positive. Therefore, using Pearson correlation which was basing on PCA on rainfall set of data has the potentioal to influence the partitions of cluster as well as producing exceptionally clusters that are eneven in a space with high dimension. For current research, to resolve the unbalanced clusters challenge regarding t..... 747 hits |
5277 | 2019 article | Pengetahuan Teknologi Pedagogi kandungan di Malaysia:satu kajian meta analisis Chieng, You Eng Dalam beberapa dekad kebelakangan ini, terdapat peningkatan minat penyelidikan tentang kompetensi guru dalam penggunaan teknologi dari aspek amalan pengajaran. Kompetensi ini adalah didasarkan dengan pengetahuan teknologi yang jelas dan pengetahuan pedagogi yang luas serta pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang isi kandungan. Oleh itu, terdapat keperluan untuk menganalis kajian lepas tentang ketiga-tiga aspek ini dengan melaporkan kajian yang telah dijalankan dengan menggunakan kerangka Technological Pedagocigal Content Knowledge (TPACK). Kajian ini telah menganalisis artikel yang berkaitan dengan kerangka ini dari tahun 2014-2018. Penemuan daripada ini telah menunjukkan pendekatan penyelidikan kuantitatif sering digunakan dimana reka bentuk tinjauan adalah pilihan utama penyelidik. Sampel guru di sekolah menengah dan sekolah rendah adalah sama banyak. Penemuan kajian ini boleh digunakan sebagai rujukan untuk para penyelidik dalam bidang pendidikan tempatan yang menjalankan kajian berkaitan..... 793 hits |
5278 | 2019 article | Pembangunan modul interaktif pengukuran kendiri guru terhadap tahap kegunaan harian kandungan pelajaran Ismail @ Ismail Yusuf Panessai Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangunkan sebuah sistem modul interaktif yang boleh digunapakai bagi meneroka dan membina senarai semak pengukuran kendiri guru terhadap kandungan pembelajaran yang signifikan dalam kehidupan harian dan pekerjaan murid pada masa akan datang. Tujuan sistem modul interaktif ini dibangunkan adalah untuk menyumbang kepada guru dalam memilih kandungan pembelajaran yang sesuai untuk pengajaran. Kajian ini akan berfokus pada kandungan mata pelajaran sejarah tingkatan 1 yang melibatkan guru dan murid. Selain itu, dengan wujudnya senarai semak pengukuran kendiri guru, warga pendidik boleh menggunakannya dalam menentukan kandungan pembelajaran yang signifikan dengan kehidupan dan alam pekerjaan murid. Sistem modul interaktif yang dibina juga memberi manfaat kepada murid apabila pembelajaran yang berlaku berpaksikan kandungan dan kemahiran yang dapat digunakan sepanjang masa. Data kajian diperoleh melalui pemerhatian lapangan di dalam bilik darjah dan hasil kerja gur..... 574 hits |
5279 | 2018 thesis | Penyeliaan pengajaran guru sekolah kebangsaan di Semenanjung Malaysia Sharifah Hasima Syed Daud Tujuan kajian ini untuk menganalisis (a) tahap amalan penyeliaan pengajaran; (b) tahap
penyeliaan berkesan; (c) tahap prestasi kerja; (d) melihat sejauh mana amalan penyeliaan
pengajaran yang dijalankan oleh ketua panitia dapat memberikan kesan terhadap penyeliaan
berkesan iaitu motivasi guru, perkembangan profesionalisme dan prestasi pengajaran dalam bilik
darjah; dan (e) menentukan kesan amalan penyeliaan pengajaran oleh ketua panitia terhadap
prestasi kerja guru. Kaedah kajian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan reka bentuk deskriptif
tinjauan digunakan. Teknik persampelan rawak berstrata dan persampelan rawak mudah
digunakan dalam pemilihan unit analisis iaitu 382 orang guru-guru sekolah kebangsaan di
Semenanjung Malaysia. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis Model Persamaan
Struktur. Da..... 1261 hits |
5280 | 2018 thesis | Development of a new curriculum of ergonomics-based technology education for Nigerian universities Mustapha Chedi, Jamilu The purpose of this study was to develop a new curriculum of ergonomics-based
technology education for Nigerian universities. This study consisted of two phases: needs analysis
and modified Delphi technique. The purpose of the needs analysis was to explore the levels of
ergonomics awareness and the needs of ergonomics curriculum as well as to determine the lecturers’
perception toward the incorporation of ergonomics curriculum. Also, modified Delphi technique
was implemented to determine the relevant domains needed for the new ergonomics curriculum
using experts’ consensus. A sample of 132 lecturers’ was selected based on the Krejcie and
Morgan’s sample size table from the population (N=200) for the needs analysis phase from four
selected universities in Nigeria. Participants were selected using stratified random sampling. The
second phase involved a Delphi panel which consisted o..... 1517 hits |
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