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Combination of Fuzzy-Weighted Zero-Inconsistency and Fuzzy Decision by Opinion Score Methods in Pythagorean m -Polar Fuzzy Environment: A Case Study of Sign Language Recognition Systems
Abdullah Hussein Abdullah Al-Amoodi
In the fuzzy multicriteria decision-making approach, a committee of decision-makers is usually involved in the assessment of the suitability of different alternatives based on the evaluation criteria by using linguistic terms and their equivalent fuzzy numbers. In this context, researchers have developed the Pythagorean fuzzy set (PFS) to overcome the limitation of intuitionistic fuzzy set in the description of decision-maker information such as imposing restrictions on the representation of membership and nonmembership grades. On the one hand, PFS still does not have sufficient ability and flexibility to deal with such issues. On the other hand, multipolar technology is used to operate large-scale systems in real-life situations, especially in dealing with dissatisfaction and indeterminacy grades for the alternatives of the reference set. Thus, m-polar fuzzy set is utilized and applied with other fuzzy sets because of its remarkable ability as a tool for depicting fuzziness and uncert.....

47 hits

Hybrid Correlation Coefficient of Spearman with MM-Estimator
Nurul Hila Zainuddin
The Spearman rho nonparametric correlation coefficient is widely used to measure the strength and degree of association between two variables. However, outliers in the data can skew the results, leading to inaccurate results as the Spearman correlation coefficient is sensitive toward outliers. Thus, the robust approach is used to construct a robust model which is highly resistant to data contamination. The robustness of an estimator is measured by the breakdown point which is the smallest fraction of outliers in a sample data without affecting the estimator entirely. To overcome this problem, the aim of this study is two-fold. Firstly, researchers have proposed a robust Spearman correlation coefficient model based on the MMestimator, called the MM-Spearman correlation coefficient. Secondly, to test the performance of the proposed model, it was tested by the Monte Carlo simulation and contaminated air pollution data in Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. The data have been contamina.....

55 hits

A Study of the Effect on Air Velocity and Temperature by Altering the Shuttle Bus Parameters
Arasinah Kamis
The purpose of this research was to assess thermal comfort by analyzing the temperature and air velocity of a shuttle bus while changing factors such as bus speeds and regulator speeds. Data were collected at the front, middle, and back seats using a thermocouple and anemometer mounted to the air conditioning outlets. The goal was to understand how air velocity and temperature behaved to supply cooled air within the bus cabin when the vehicle and regulator speeds were increased. The results revealed that when the regulator speeds increased from minimum to maximum, the air velocity recorded at the front, middle and back seater decreased. When the bus is accelerated from 20 km h-1 to 60 km h-1, the air velocity drops from 4.1 m s-1 to 1.4 m s-1. The overall temperature was able to decrease when the bus speeds were accelerated from 20 km h-1 to 60 km h-1. In all conditions, the lowest temperature was observed mainly at the front seater, which reflected from the evaporator blower location......

35 hits

Applying E-Writing Therapy to Improve Mental Wellbeing among Malaysian University Students Following the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tee Ying Qin
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis that has significantly impacted peoples lives worldwide, particularly in terms of mental health and wellbeing. The implementation of frequent and restrictive movement control orders has resulted in prolonged online learning for university students. However, limited research has been conducted to test practical interventions aimed at alleviating the negative impact on the mental wellbeing of university students during the pandemic. This mixed-method research study aimed to investigate the usability of e-writing therapy as an intervention tool to improve the mental wellbeing of 40 university students in a public Malaysian higher education institution. A one-group pretest-posttest design was employed, and a mental wellbeing questionnaire based on the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7), and the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS) was administered to the participants before and after the intervent.....

42 hits

Impact of TeO2-B2O3 manipulation on optical and radiation shielding properties of mixed glass former borotellurite glass
Muhammad Noorazlan Abd Azis
(80-x)B2O3-xTeO2-10Li2O-Al2O3 (x=10-60 mol%) mixed glass former (MGF) glasses were prepared by using melt-quenching method to investigate the effect of mixed glass former between B2O3 and TeO2 on the optical properties and to evaluate the radiation shielding ability of the glass. Extremes observed at x=40 mol% for all optical properties parameters were suggested due to large number of non-bridging oxygen. The radiation shielding properties of the glass samples were determined for 0.284 MeV1.333 MeV energy range by using Phy-X/PSD software. The studied radiation parameters have shown enhancement due to high density and high atomic number, Z of Te over B. 2023, S.C. Virtual Company of Phisics S.R.L. All rights reserved...

49 hits

Connate Water Distribution Zone Affecting Groundwater Quality of Semarang City Coastal Plain
Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman
Semarang City Coastal Plain is an alluvial plain with groundwater conditions that have a salty, slightly brackish, or brackish taste, and some are fresh. The limited availability of fresh water on alluvial plains is caused by several factors, including the influence of seawater on coastal aquifers. There is connate water or water trapped in the clay layer will affect the quality of groundwater to be brackish or salty. Connate water is water trapped in the cavities of sedimentary rocks, since the deposition occurred. The process is caused by seawater entering the land, or seawater that is trapped during the sedimentation process. The results of the study using the hydro stratigraphic estimation method showed that there were several distributions of salt water that were trapped or trapped in the cavities of sedimentary rocks along the coastal plain of Semarang city. The trapped salt water can be predicted to be caused by the phenomenon of connate water. Based on map data, it is shown tha.....

43 hits

Improving Competence Through Virtual Digital Engineering Laboratories with Mobile Virtual Reality
Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman
This study aims to describe the use of virtual digital engineering laboratories to raise student proficiency in vocational high schools (VHS). Virtual reality technology was used in virtual laboratories to improve students learning experiences. This study's methodology was quantitative. Using virtual digital engineering laboratories, student work was compared before and after to evaluate whether there had been an improvement in their level of competency. Each school's average student grade improved when compared to before adopting a virtual digital engineering laboratory. The findings of this study showed an improvement in the scores at each of the three schools where data was gathered. With a total of 15 students, State VHS 2 Yogyakarta saw a rise in scores from 2.56 to 6.37, and the number of students with scores above 70 increased from 0 to 11 at first. In contrast, State VHS 2 Depok, which had 32 students, had an increase in scores from 5.26 to 8.01 and a jump from 7 to 28 in the p.....

50 hits

Development of Easy Match as a Teaching Aid for Students of the Integration Special Education Program (Learning Problems) in Form One Basic Cooking Subjects at SMK Telok Gadong, Klang
Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman
Teaching Aids using the Word Wall website have their differences in that teaching aid can provide fun learning to students. Nowadays, learning using ICT and technology is a learning that needs to be taken seriously so that education in Malaysia is comparable to that of education in other developed countries. The purpose of this study was to develop a teaching aid for students with learning difficulties in Basic Cooking subjects. Basic Cooking Subject is a Vocational Skills Basic Document according to the Standard Curriculum of Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas (KSSMPK) implemented at SMK Telok Gadong, Klang, Selangor. The development of Easy Match was developed to overcome the problems faced by students with special needs, especially for students with learning difficulties. This study used a qualitative study design using interview instruments by selecting three experts as respondents. As a result of the interview, it is analyzed using the content analysis method. The data findings show.....

43 hits

Aspergillus niger causing fruit rot disease on rose apple in Malaysia
Jameel Rabee Jameel Al-Obaidi
[No abstract available]..

56 hits

A photocurable method for copper(ii) oxide-doped polyaniline conducting polymer membrane synthesis
Illyas Md Isa
The development of conductive polyaniline (PANI) membrane doped with copper(II) oxide (CuO) by means of the photopolymerization method has been successfully carried out. The photocurable PANI polymeric material was synthesized by mixing 0.011 g of aniline monomer with 0.016 g of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) crosslinker, 0.021 g of dimethoxy phenylacetophenone (DMPP) photoinitiator and 0.026 g of CuO dopant. The electrical conductivity analysis showed that the as-synthesized CuO-doped PANI (PANI/CuO) film possessed an optimum electrical conductivity value of 39.8110-3 S cm-1 at the dopant loading of 0.011 g CuO. Chemical elucidation by using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) revealed that the PANI/CuO conducting material with several main functional groups e.g., N-H, C-H, C-N, C=C, C=N, C-O and C=O chemical bonds were identified. Meanwhile, optical characterization of the resulting PANI/CuO membrane by using UVvis diffuse reflectance spectrophotometer (DR/UV-vis) .....

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