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Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun PENDIDIKAN ISLAM Ahmad Hashim Abdul Halim Ali

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DNA barcoding of Malaysian marine fish, phylogenetics and phylogeography of the snappers (Perciformers: Lutjanidae)
Adibah Abu Bakar
This study, implemented DNA Barcoding which offers great potential as a reliable identification tool to classify catches in Malaysia. Overall, this study had successfully barcoded a total of 107 species, 69 genera, 36 families and 10 order of commercial Malaysian fishes. It is found that, the snappers, threadfin fishes, parrot fishes and goatfishes sampled were detected to either experience cryptic speciation or consist of unknown/undescribed species. Conventional identification to species level using morphological characters were found to be difficult for this genera especially in cases where juvenile and adult specimens exhibit variation in colouration. Using COl gene, deep genetic divergence (K2P = 6.1%) values was obtained between LLI and LL2 groups of L. lutjanus and the subsequent analysis of both COl and cyt b sequences revealed diagnostic nucleotide substitution sites exclusively to each group. Thus, at present, this study exposed that at least one lineage represents a currentl.....

545 hits

Dakwah kepada golongan profesional di Pahang
Mokhtar Ahmad Effat, Hashim Ibrahim, Jemali Misnan, Ismail Abdul Munir,
1953 hits

Amalan hafazan al-Quran di Darul Quran JAKIM
Abd Ghani Abd Rahman, Ismail Abdul Munir, Twahir Wahibah,
1519 hits

Sah (الصحة ) dan Batal (البطلان ) menurut ulama Usul Fiqh
Kamarul Zaman Muhammad Akramin,
684 hits

Pengangkatan anak serta implikasinya terhadap nasab, hadanah, nafkah dan pusaka dalam undang-undang keluarga Islam
Noor Zanariah, Opir Anhar,
875 hits

Pengajaran akidah dalam kalangan mualaf di Institut Dakwah Islamiyah PERKIM
Kasim Ahmad Yunus, Abdul Hamid Samsuddin, Jemali Misnan,
784 hits

Pendekatan pengajaran dalam kalangan pensyarah tahfiz al-Quran di Malaysia
Abdul Rahim Mohamad Marzuqi, Hashim Azmil,
878 hits

Pendekatan dakwah Mohd Fadli Yusof dalam pengislaman non-muslim di Kampung Padang, Sepulut Pensiangan, Sabah
Borham Abd Hadi, Abdullah Wahyu Hidayat, Ismail Abdul Munir, Abdul Kadir Fakhrul Adabi,
5382 hits

Penafian terhadap kekeliruan beberapa ayat al-Quran dalam Mashaf Uthmani
Abdul Hadi Ahmad Zulfiqar Shah, Abd Latif Mohd Abdul Nasir, Abdul Rahman Muhammad Hasbi,
2502 hits

Metodologi Ibn Hibban dan sumbangannya terhadap ilmu hadis dalam kitab Raudhah al-Uqala wa Nuzhah al-Fudhala : Satu kajian analisis
Ramle Muhamad Rozaimi, Abdullah Wahyu Hidayat,
1136 hits

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