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Analisis pencapaian dan tahap motivasi pelajar menggunakan koswer Friend Rescue Game bagi tajuk asid dan bes
Mimi Marzziana Hamzah
Kajian ini bertujuan membangun dan menilai koswer pembelajaran berasaskan permainan komputer iaitu Friend Rescue Game (FRG) bagi tajuk Asid dan Bes. Kaedah pembangunan koswer yang digunakan dalam kajian ini meliputi lima peringkat berdasarkan model ADDIE. Koswer FRG ini dibangunkan dengan menggunakan perisian RPG Maker Ace VX. Kajian berbentuk kuasi eksperimen ini melibatkan 50 orang responden dari aliran sains tulen iaitu 25 orang untuk kumpulan kawalan dan 25 orang kumpulan eksperimen. Teknik persampelan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah persampelan rawak mudah. Instrumen kajian ini adalah berbentuk ujian pra dan ujian pos untuk menguji pencapaian pelajar manakala soal selidik IMMS bertujuan untuk menguji tahap motivasi pelajar. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan ujian-t dan ujian ANCOVA untuk menentukan pencapaian pelajar manakala ujian Mann-Whitney U digunakan untuk menentukan tahap motivasi intrinsik pelajar. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat peningkatan pencapaian pada kedua-du.....

1092 hits

Model kesediaan guru pendidikan kesihatan dan seksualiti pendidikan khas program integrasi murid bermasalah pembelajaran sekolah rendah
Ruayah Herman@Doren
Kajian ini bertujuan membina satu Model Kesediaan Guru Pendidikan Kesihatan dan Seksualiti Pendidikan Khas Program Integrasi Murid Bermasalah Pembelajaran Sekolah Rendah di Sabah. Selain itu, pengaruh faktor-faktor kewajaran pelaksanaan Pendidikan Kesihatan dan Seksualiti dan faktor kepercayaan dan kesedaran guru terhadap kesediaan guru-guru ke atas pelaksanaan Pendidikan Kesihatan dan Seksualiti kepada murid-murid bermasalah pembelajaran turut dikaji. Seramai 288 orang guru yang mengajar di seluruh sekolah rendah Pendidikan Khas Program Integrasi Murid Bermasalah Pembelajaran di seluruh Sabah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Pembinaan kerangka model Kesediaan Guru ini menggunakan pembinaan Model Persamaan Struktural berasaskan data empirikal dan menunjukkan hubungan faktor-faktor yang dikaji. Instrumen soal selidik dibangunkan sepenuhnya oleh pengkaji dan dianalisis mengikut keperluan iaitu melalui analisis faktor eksploratori (Exploratory Factor Analysis/EFA) menggunakan program aplikasi S.....

1483 hits

Factors influencing the productive performance of selected goat breeding systems in Malaysia
Mohammed Muayad Taha
This research was carried out to investigate the factors that influence the productive performance of crossbreeding in goats under controlled feeding and managing. A total of 205 goats from Al Hilmi Agrofarm, Slim River, Perak were used in this study. These goats comprised of three indigenous breeds, namely, Katjang, Boer, and Jamnapari, and their hybrids. Sixty female goats were divided into 2 groups; treatment group (n = 30) which received Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR) for 9 consecutive days and artificial insemination was done on the 10th day, and a control group (n = 30) with normal breeding. Adult goats and their kids from each groups were weighed weekly and blood samples were withdrawn in every 2 weeks. Blood samples were collected into two types of tubes; containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) for hematological studies and without EDTA for protein profiling and gene polymorphism. ANOVA and t-test were used to see if there is any significant differences on st.....

965 hits

Characterization of major allergens of selective local snails and their cross-reactivity against common shellfish
Nor Asyikin Kamarazaman
This study aimed to identify the major allergens of two species of snails, Cerithidea obtusa (C. obtusa) and Pila polita (P. polita). C. obtusa and P. polita samples were obtained from Perak and Kelantan, respectively.Subsequently, the cross-reactive allergens between C. obtusa and P. polita with common local shellfish including Penaeus monodon (P. monodon), Loligo edulis (L. edulis) dan Scylla serrata (S. serrata) were identified. Proteins of C. obtusa, P. polita, P. monodon, L. edulis and S. serrata were extracted from their flesh. Protein profiles were determined by sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Major and cross-reactive allergens were then identified by immunoblotting and immunoblotting inhibition tests, respectively using sera from patients with allergy to C. obtusa, P. polita, P. monodon, L. edulis dan S. serrata. The major allergens of C. obtusa and P. polita were then identified by mass spectrometry analysis. Research findings showed that C.....

460 hits

Production, characterization and cross-reactivity of local bivalve allergens
Zailatul Hani Mohamad Yadzir
This study aimed to produce allergen extracts, determine the frequency and characterize the major and cross-reactive allergens of five species of local bivalves. Allergen extracts were produced from raw and cooked bivalves. The raw bivalve extracts were used in skin prick tests (SPT) on 131 atopic patients. Protein profiles, major and cross-reactive allergens were then identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), immunoblotting and immunoblotting inhibition tests, respectively, using sera from bivalve-allergic patients. The major allergens were then identified by mass spectrometry analysis. Research findings indicated that SDS-PAGE of raw extracts revealed 12 to 23 protein bands between 13 to 250 kDa, while the cooked extracts have fewer protein bands. 34 (26%) of the subjects had a positive SPT to at least one bivalve species. The frequency of SPT reactivity to Anadara granosa was the highest at 18%, while Perna viridis was the lowest at 5%. Immu.....

845 hits

Towards a framework on sentiment analysis of educational domain for improving the teaching and learning services
Mat Zin Harnani, Mustapha Norwati, Azmi Murad Masrah Azrifah, Mohd Sharef Nurfadhlina,
845 hits

Reducing broadcasting route request packet through LF-AODC
Ismail Roswan, Zulkifli Che Zalina, Samsudin Khairulanuar,
1247 hits

Pemodelan guru cemerlang KPM menggunakan perlombongan data
Abdul Halim Nik Haslinda, Hamdan Abdul Razak, Ali Othman Zulaiha, Jantan Hamidah,
1144 hits

Kolaborasi dalam pendidikan vokasional: mewujudkan pembelajaran teradun melalui teknologi web 2.0
Stapa Muhamad Azhar, Ibrahim Mohamad, Yusoff Amri,
3994 hits

Keberkesanan penggunaan kaedah Frog VLE terhadap pencapaian Matematik sekolah rendah
Munusamy Theinmoli, Mohamad Yatim Maizatul Hayati,
1385 hits

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