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7921 | 2017 article | Kesan pembelajaran menerusi penggunaan bahan bacaan interaktif berasaskan laman web terhadap kefahaman membaca kanak-kanak Ayob Adenan, 979 hits |
7922 | 2017 article | Kesahan kandungan modul literasi awal (Modul Lit-A) pada peringkat kanak-kanak berumur 2+, 3+ dan 4+ tahun Mohamed Isa Zainiah, Bacotang Juppri, Che Mustafa Mazlina, 3528 hits |
7923 | 2017 article | Boneka sebagai alat pedagogi dalam perkembangan sosial dan emosi kanak-kanak prasekolah Loy Chee Luen, 1601 hits |
7924 | 2017 thesis | Study on alkaloids from the roots of Murraya koenigii Adilah Shahidan The aims of this study were to determine the phytochemical constituents from the roots of Murraya koenigii and to test the antidiabetic activities. The isolation and purification of the chemical compounds involves extraction and separations by using various chromatographic methods and structural determination by specttroscopic techniques such as ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), mass spectroscopy (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) including 1D-NMR (1H, 13C and DEPT) and 2DNMR (COSY, HMQC and HMBC). The structure of the isolated compounds were compared with previous work done by other researcher. Isolation studies on the roots of Malayan M. koenigii collected from Jerantut, Pahang involving hexane, dichloromethane and methanol extract yielded eight compounds. Hexane crude extracts gave two compounds; girinimbine and murrayafoline A, while five compounds were successfully isolated from the dichloromethane crude extracts known as mahanimbine, murrayanine, 3-formylcarbazole, N-methox..... 1063 hits |
7925 | 2017 thesis | Effects of outdoor education program on life effectiveness skills between MARA University of Technology and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Muhammad Wafi A. Rahman Research has proven that students produced by the institute of higher education were lack of soft skills, leadership skills, social skills, intellectual level, confident level which is required by the industry. The objective of this study is to examine the effects of outdoor education programs towards students’ life effectiveness skills among Sultan Idris Education University and MARA University of Technology. This study also investigates the socio demographic variables differences of life effectiveness skills and identifies outdoor education activity that preferred by the sport science and physical education students who participated in outdoor education program. This study utilized pre-test and post-test quasi experimental design. Life Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ- H) was administrated among 256 participants who were chosen as a sample by using purposive sampling. The data were analysed using descriptive analysis, paired sample t- test and MANOVA analysis. The primary findings ..... 829 hits |
7926 | 2017 thesis | Pembinaan dan validasi instrumen penilaian pelaksanaan pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah (i-PBS) Azwal Mohamed Zul Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membina dan menentusahkan Instrumen Penilaian Pelaksanaan Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah (i-PBS). Draf pertama instrumen ini mengandungi 50 item yang terdiri daripada kombinasi ujian aneka pilihan dan soal selidik berbentuk skala Likert 5- mata. Ujian aneka pilihan dibina untuk menilai tahap pengetahuan dan kemahiran guru melaksanakan PBS manakala skala Likert 5-mata pula dibina untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan kekuatan dan kekangan guru melaksanakan PBS. Populasi kajian terdiri daripada 1230 orang guru sekolah rendah di Daerah Rompin, Pahang. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 655 orang guru yang dipilih secara rawak daripada kesemua 43 buah sekolah rendah di daerah tersebut. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Model pengukuran Rasch digunakan untuk menentukan kebolehpercayaan dan kesahan item melalui nilai-nilai kebolehpercayaan dan pengasingan item, kesesuaian item (item fit), polariti item, peta item individu dan taburan kesukaran item. Keselur..... 2501 hits |
7927 | 2017 article | Tunisian mothers perception of their young childrens interactive screen time at home Fourati Amel Meziane, 359 hits |
7928 | 2017 article | The effects of free rotate gestures in multi-touch screen design on childrens achievement in learning shape for pre school children Mohd Razali Fadhlina, Abdul Aziz Nor Azah, Salim Siti Aisyah, Mohamad Rasli Roznim, Zulkefly Nur Farah, 3828 hits |
7929 | 2017 article | Parental involvement in the Philippines : a review of literature T. Bartolome Melissa, Mamat Nordin, Masnan Abdul Halim, 1401 hits |
7930 | 2017 article | Flipping theory : ways in which childrens experiences in the 21st century classroom can provide insight into the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky Sharkins Kimberly, Newton Allison, Causey Cora, M.Ernest James, 556 hits |
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