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The effect of leadership styles on employees commitment and the mediating effect of communication
Al Raeesi, Ali Murad Ali Al Taher
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of leadership styles on the employees’ commitment. This study also aimed to examine the mediating role of communication in the relationship between leadership styles and employees’ commitment, in the context of the Dubai Immigration Department (DID). This quantitative study utilized the survey research design. Using proportionate sampling and random sampling techniques, 444 employees of the DID participated in this study. A set of questionnaires was used to collect the required data. The data analysis was conducted using Structure Equation Model (SEM) to test all the hypotheses pertaining to the causal relationship among the variables. The findings of the data analysis revealed that the leadership styles including transformational (β=0.007, p..

79 hits

Hubungan antara penggunaan pusat akses sekolah dengan kekerapan menggunakannya di kalangan murid Sekolah Rendah
Mahmud Pa\'aid Yusoff
Penyelidikan ini bertujuan mengkaji penggunaan pusat akses di sekolah rendah dan hubungan dengan kekerapan menggunakannya untuk tujuan aktiviti pembelajaran. Reka bentuk kajian berbentuk penyelidikan tinjauan, manakala dapatan data di kumpul menggunakan instrumen soal selidik dan dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensi. Seramai 248 responden dipilih sebagai sampel kajian daripada 693 populasi murid tahun 5 di empat buah sekolah rendah kebangsaan di daerah Rawang, Selangor. Analisis nilai frekuensi dan peratusan digunakan bagi mendapatkan maklumat demografi responden manakala persoalan kajian dianalisis menggunakan min, sisihan piawai, peratusan, kekerapan dan korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan, peratusan tertinggi penggunaan untuk pembelajaran akses kendiri hanyalah pada penggunaan “sekali dalam seminggu”, iaitu 31.9% atau 79 responden. Diikuti “tiada penggunaan langsung dalam seminggu” iaitu 31.5% atau 78 responden dan perat.....

53 hits

Faktor penyumbang terhadap penerimaan teknologi computer dalam kalangan Guru Sekolah Rendah, di Daerah Besut, Terengganu
Ab. Razak Salleh
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan korelasi secara langsung dan tidak langsung di antara pembolehubah penyumbang (pengalaman komputer, keberkesanan kendiri komputer, tanggapan kesenangan penggunaan dan tanggapan kebergunaan) dengan pembolehubah bersandar (kecenderungan mengguna teknologi komputer) dalam kalangan guru sekolah rendah berasaskan Model Penerimaan Teknologi (TAM) yang dibangunkan oleh Davis (1986). Kajian soal selidik ini melibatkan sampel seramai 341 orang guru yang dipilih secara rawak berkelompok dan menggunakan analisis bivariat Pearson dan regresi. Keputusan analisis bivariat Pearson mendapati terdapat perhubungan langsung yang signifikan (p < .01) di antara pengalaman komputer (r =.42), keberkesanan kendiri komputer (r = .35), tanggapan kesenangan penggunaan teknologi komputer (r = .59) dan tanggapan kebergunaan teknologi komputer (r = .56) dengan kecenderungan mengguna teknologi komputer. Dapatan analisis regresi berbilang tatatingkat menunjukkan pengalaman ko.....

60 hits

Mediating effect of teachers support and student engagement in Mathematics at Chinese junior middle school
Yang, Yanfei
This study aimed to examine the influence of teacher support on student engagement in mathematics. A cross-sectional survey was employed to recruit 632 students from grades 7 to 9 in junior middle schools across China. Participants completed various scales, including a teacher support scale, an academic self-efficacy scale, a student engagement scale, an achievement goal questionnaire, and a passing and failing math scale. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 20.0, Amos 24.0, and the SPSS macro PROCESS. The results indicated teachers’ autonomy support, emotional support, and competence support were positively associated with student engagement. Specifically, teachers’ emotional support (β = 0.32, p < 0.001) and competence support (β = 0.36, p < 0.001) had a significant positive impact on student engagement, with competence support making the most significant contribution and autonomy support having the weakest contribution. Additionally, academic self-efficacy mediat.....

53 hits

Effects of using self-regulated learning strategies on academic procrastination and academic success among undergraduates English learners in China
Xue, Tao
Self-regulated learning is an active learning process including strategy use, meta meta- cognition, and motivation. Self Self-regulation failure is the core problem of academic procrastination, which seriously threatens academic success. This research aims to study t he direct effects of self self-regulated strategies on academic procrastination and academic success among undergraduate students. It also investigated the mediation effect of academic procrastination on meta meta-cognitive strategies, time management, effort regula tion, and student’s academic success. A fully quantitative study was conducted, and a questionnaire survey which includes Tuckman Procrastination Scale, the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, and the School Connectedness Scale was conducted a mong 239 university students who learn English as a foreign language. To explore the direct effects and indirect effects of time management, effort regulation, meta meta-cognitive self self-regula.....

56 hits

Pelaksanaan program dakwah di Sekolah Agama Bantuan Kerajaan (SABK) di negeri Johor Darul Tazim
Arbaenah Masud
Transisi Sekolah Agama Rakyat (SAR) kepada Sekolah Agama Bantuan Kerajaan (SABK) telah memberikan kesan terhadap pelaksanaan dakwah di Sekolah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti konsep dakwah di institusi pendidikan, mengenal pasti pelaksanaan program dakwak, bahan-bahan dakwah dan menganalisis penerimaan program dakwah dalam kalangan pelajar Sekolah Agama Bantuan Kerajaan (SABK) Negeri Johor. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk gabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Bagi pengumpulan data kualitatif, enam orang responden telah dipilih dalam kalangan pentadbir SABK di daerah secara kaedah persampelan bertujuan (purposive sampling). Data yang telah dikumpul dianalisis secara tematik dan deskriptif. Manakala pengumpulan data kuantitatif, seramai 400 orang responden dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan empat di SABK negeri Johor telah dipilih dengan kaedah persampelan rawak mudah.Data yang dikumpul, telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Sc.....

79 hits

The effects of teaching motivation, teaching perceptions and professional identity on career choice satisfaction among pre-service preschool teachers in Fujian province of China
Shen, Lijuan
In light of the severe attrition of rural preschool teachers in China, there is a growing concern regarding the career choice satisfaction of pre-service preschool teachers in local universities of China under the Government-funded Teacher Education Policy (hereinafter referred to as PPTGFTEPLUC). This study aims to investigate the effects of teaching motivation, perceptions about teaching, and professional identity on the career choice satisfaction of PPTGFTEPLUC. This study extends the model of Factors Influencing Teaching Choice (FIT-Choice Scale). It empirically examines the effects of each dimension of teaching motivation and perceptions about teaching on career choice satisfaction and the mediating effect of professional identity. Mixed methods were employed in this study to validate the proposed framework, and qualitative data supported quantitative data interpretation. Employing a stratified sampling technique, data gathered from a sample of 508 pre-service preschool.....

65 hits

Harvesting energy through piezoelectric tiles a comparative study of Wood, Porcelain, and Ceramic Tiles
Go,Johann Christian T.
This study investigated the feasibility of using piezoelectric tiles in harvesting energy from the footsteps of people. The piezoelectric tiles were made of three materials, namely wood, porcelain, and ceramic tiles, where five piezoelectric plates were attached to each corner and center of individual tiles. A voltmeter was then attached to the piezoelectric tile system to determine the voltage output when people step on the tiles. Study findings revealed that the wood tile produced a mean voltage of 0.711V, the porcelain tile, 0.698V, and the ceramic tile, 1.018V. Analysis of variance results showed that there were significant voltage output differences among the three tiles, and the post-hoc analysis revealed that the voltage outputs of wood and porcelain tiles were comparable with one another, while the voltage output of ceramic tiles was the greatest among the three. The study concluded that the mechanical energy coming from the footsteps could be harvested using the piezoelectric .....

40 hits

Tahap Pengetahuan Guru Bahasa Melayu terhadap pendekatan didik hibur di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan
Muhammad Airil Mohamad Arifin
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap pengetahuan pendekatan didik hibur dalam kalangan guru bahasa Melayu di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (SJK). Pendekatan kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk tinjauan telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Pemilihan responden kajian dilaksanakan menggunakan kaedah pensampelan bertujuan melibatkan 35 orang guru bahasa Melayu yang mengajar di SJK daerah Cameron Highlands. Instrumen utama kajian ialah soal selidik. Data telah dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis mendapati tahap pengetahuan guru mengenai pendekatan didik hibur semasa sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran adalah pada tahap sederhana (min = 3.19). Kesimpulannya, tahap pengetahuan pendekatan didik hibur dalam kalangan guru masih berada pada tahap sederhana. Bahkan, tahap pengetahuan guru mengenai pendekatan ini dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai faktor termasuklah opsyen guru, kemudahan infrastrukur demografi dan suasana sekolah. Implikasi kajian ialah dapat membantu pelbagai pihak dalam.....

73 hits

Tahap Kewarganegaraan Digital dalam kalangan Remaja 14 tahun di Malaysia
Nia Kurnia Maliki
Menelusuri arus pemodenan yang semakin berkembang pesat menjadikan interaksi manusia menjadi lebih dinamik. Perubahan drastik tersebut dirasakan dalam keseluruhan aktiviti manusia seperti pendidikan, ekonomi dan sosial melibatkan media dan teknologi. Generasi Z yang dianggap sebagai warga digital sememangnya tidak asing dalam penggunaan platform digital dalam pelbagai kaedah. Kesan daripada hal tersebut telah menjadi pendorong terhadap keperluan untuk melihat tahap literasi media remaja daripada aspek kewarganegaraan digital. Penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan nilai kewarganegaraan digital remaja 14 tahun di Malaysia. Kajian ini memfokuskan lapan elemen kewarganegaraan digital berdasarkan konsep Kerangka Kerja Kecerdasan Digital (DQ), iaitu identiti digital, penggunaan digital, keselamatan digital, pengawasan digital, emosi kecerdasan digital, komunikasi digital, literasi digital dan hak digital. Kaedah kuantitatif secara tinjauan menggunakan ins.....

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