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The effect of focused and comprehensive written corrective feedback on writing accuracy A comparative study
Iqbal, Arshad
Abstract: Although a vast body of research has investigated the effectiveness of written corrective feedback on students’ writing accuracy, there is relatively fewer studies that compared the effectiveness of focused and comprehensive written corrective feedback. Determining the relative efficacy of feedback focus is crucial for writing instruction as it can make error correction less tedious for the teacher and more manageable for the learner. Writing teachers need to know whether students can better internalize a selected number of error categories at a time or cope with feedback provided on all errors simultaneously. This research reports a quantitative study that compared the effectiveness of focused and comprehensive corrective feedback on Saudi Arabia English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ essay writing accuracy. Written essays were collected from 18 Foundation Year, Health Sciences students where they were divided into two experimental groups (N=6) and one control gro.....

147 hits

Teachers leadership style in relation with proficiency and teaching experience a report from an EFL context
Shahrabadi, Leili Hassanalipour
Abstract: A less explored area in teaching practice is how teachers lead their classes, and what affects their leadership styles. The present study was designed to examine how Iranian EFL teachers’ language proficiency and teaching experience were related to their leadership style. The study included 89 EFL teachers with 1-24 years of teaching experience. Demographic questions and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Bass and Avolio, 1997) were used for data collection. The results of Pearson correlation coefficient revealed a significant relationship between some of the transformational leadership factors and teaching experience. In addition, step by step regression analysis showed that the best predictor of teachers’ transformational leadership was their years of experience. A significant relationship was also found between the participants’ proficiency level and some of the transformational leadership factors as well, which bear messages to policy makers and educators. K.....

120 hits

Place identity through plant motif on streetscapes in the Royal Town of Kuala Kangsar, Perak ,Malaysia
Intan Khasumarlina Mohd Khalid
The Malay Royal Towns in Malaysia are the finest examples of the evolution of the early Malay  settlements of the 16th century. However, the identity and characteristics of Malay Royal towns are  still ambiguous and constantly threatened by inordinate changes due to rapid industrialisation,  economic development and urbanization. The extensive  urbanization  and  rapid  development  in   most  historic  towns  have significantly eroded the identity, sense of place and physical  attributes of the Malay Royal Towns. In addition to existing historical monuments. which are the  pride of the Malay royal town, the peculiarity of their natural heritage factors that indicate the  identity of the place are very much required in terms of preservation and enhancement. The scope of  this research covers all of the properties which identifies cultural significance mainly  representing ornaments through plants motif on the streetscape of royal towns. This study aims to  .....

169 hits

Teachers and students perceptions towards the station rotation model a case of Libyan EFL writing classroom
Najah Abduallah Belazi
Abstract: As information and communication technologies (ICT) have rapidly developed, computers and internet are widely used in many fields. The aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in online and blended education receiving a lot of attention due to the significant increase in online course enrollments. In this vein, this paper will give insights on the teachers and students’ perceptions towards using a model of Blended Learning named the Station Rotation Model (SRM) in a Libyan EFL writing classroom. Using a single case method, two teachers and students using the SRM in a school located in Libya were cross-examined using in-depth interview and focus group discussions. The findings revealed that after the implementation of the SRM model in the Libyan school, both students and teachers were satisfied with the learning outcomes. The findings further pointed out that the SRM resulted into positive educational effects. However, some serious concerns were shown by both teachers.....

132 hits

Systematic literature review integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning of language
Haddi @ Junaidi Kussin
Abstract: This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of language instruction and acquisition through a systematic evaluation of existing literature. The increasing prevalence of AI in diverse domains has generated significant interest in its possible utilization in the field of education. The evaluation commences by providing an overview of the methodology utilized, encompassing the search strategy, criteria for inclusion and exclusion, and the process of extracting data. An exhaustive examination of the chosen research uncovers fundamental patterns associated with the incorporation of artificial intelligence in language teaching. The aforementioned topics incorporate the advantages of artificial intelligence (AI) in language learning, including tailored learning experiences, improved language competency through AI-driven tools, heightened student motivation and involvement, immediate feedback and evaluation, and acc.....

129 hits

Hubungan dinamik antara wang, output dan kadar pertukaran antarabangsa dalam dua rejim kadar pertukaran yang berbeza
Norimah Rambeli
Tujuan utama kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan dinamik yang wujud di antara  pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan bekalan wang, output, perdagangan antarabangsa. kadar bunga. tingkat  harga umum dan kadar pertukaran antarabangsa dalam jangka panjang dan pendek. Kajian empirik yang  dijalankan ini telah mengaplikasikan kaedah Vektor Autoregresif (VAR) yang merangkumi kointegrasi  multivariat Johansen Juselius, Model Vektor Pembetulan Ralat (VECM), Fungsi Tindak Balas dan  Penguraian Varians. Melalui kaedah ekonometrik yang digunakan, kajian ini mampu mengesan kewujudan  hubungan jangka panjang dan jangka pendek malah kekuatan pengaruh setiap pembolehubah dapat  dikenalpasti. Hasil kajian empirikal telah membuktikan bahawa bekalan wang (M2) berperanan yang  penting dalam menjana pertumbuhan ekonomi negara baik sebelum dan selepas rejim kadar pertukaran  tetap dan kawalan modal dilaksanakan. Namun begitu, dapatan kajian juga berjaya membuktikan bahawa  das.....

147 hits

Perbandingan terjemahan metafora antara merpati putih lagi dan rang bai ge zai ci fei xiang
Nur Akmal Othman
Metafora merupakan bahasa figuratif yang sering kali digunakan dalam karya-karya sastera. Penggunaan metafora menjadikan sesuatu karya itu sukar untuk diterjemahkan, sesuai dengan kenyataan Newmark (1981) yang menyatakan bahawa teijemahan metafora merupakan satu permasalahan utama dalam bidang penteijemahan. Sehubungan itu, analisis teijemahan metafora daripada bahasa Melayu (BM) ke bahasa Cina (BC) dalam karya Merpati Putih Terbang Lagi oleh Khadijah Hashim dan terjemahannya, iaitu Rang Bai Ge Zai Ci Fei Xianang akan dijalankan. Dalam kajian ini, pendekatan penterjemahan Newmark (1981) digunakan bagi meneliti strategi teijemahan metafora, manakala kerangka kajian Sakina Sahuri Suffian Sahuri (2000) pula digunakan bagi menentukan medan sumber metafora BM dan BC. Akhir sekali, perubahan medan sumber antara BM ke BC dikenal pasti. Berdasarkan analisis, strategi yang paling kerap digunakan ialah strategi teijemahan kepada pengertian semata-mata. Sebanyak 74% terjemahan metafor.....

172 hits

Relationship between sprint time, cardiovascular fitness and SRPE during in-season\s training among professional soccer players
Nor Ikhmar Madarsa
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sprint time, cardiovascular  fitness and session's rate of perceived exertion (sRPE) among the professional soccer players  during the seventy sessions of in-season's training. Thirty participants who officially registered  as Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Perak Football Club professional soccer players participated in this  study. The quasi-experimental research design was used and the data were collected during actual  in-season training sessions from December 2016 to April 2017. Sprint time performance was  determined by using the 20m sprint test and the 20m Yoyo Intermittent Recovery Test Level I was  used to determine the cardiovascular fitness level of the players. Ten scales rating for the sRPE  was asked at the end of each training to determine the self-perception intensity of the players.  Pearson Correlation was used to analyze the empirical data. The result showed a moderate but  negative sign.....

147 hits

Pembangunan aplikasi ipad \"Digital Gamelan\" untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran gamelan melayu tingkatan satu
Zulazri Yusof
Bahan sokongan pembelajaran atau alat bantu mengajar merupakan antara elemen tambahan yang penting  dalam membantu guru merealisasikan hasrat sesuatu kurikulum. Kajian ini bertujuan membangunkan satu  aplikasi peranti mudah alih iPad yang diberi nama "Digital Gamelan" sebagai bahan bantu mengajar  (BBM) dan pengayaan bagi pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bidang Ensembel Muzik (Gamelan Melayu) untuk  pelajar Tingkatan 1. Objektif kajian ini pula adalah untuk (a) mengenal pasti kandungan aplikasi  "Digital Gamelan" yang bersesuaian dengan pelajar Tingkatan 1 (Permulaan), (b) mereka bentuk  aplikasi "Digital Gamelann untuk pelajar Tingkatan 1 (Permulaan) dan (c) menilai kebolehgunaan  aplikasi "Digital Gamelann untuk pelajar Tingkatan 1 (Permulaan). Model reka bentuk instruktional  multimedia­ ADDIE (m-ADDIE) telah digunakan sebagai model pembangunan aplikasi ini. Penyelidik  memulakan kajian Peringkat Satu (Analisis) dengan menggunakan reka bentuk kajian kualitatif melaluiÂ.....

182 hits

Socio-historical reading of Harold Pinter\s the room from Georg Lukács perspective
Masoudi, Ali
Abstract: Considered by critics the earliest example of Harold Pinter's "comedy of menace", The Room is Harold Pinter's first play, written and first produced in 1957. Although stylistic features of the play have been studied by many scholars, socio-historical readings of the play have been neglected. In this article, a new approach of reading will be suggested that considers social and historical elements of the play, in addition to the form and stylistic features. Using Georg Lukács’ theories regarding historical drama, this research aims to show how Harold Pinter’s The Room depicts capitalistic reproduction and social threats the working class faces in a world that forces classes to engage in the internal social competition, where one always is doomed in falling out of socio-economical order. Although Lukács bases the definition of the historical novels on Shakespearean’s historical dramas, it will be showcased how Lukacsian concepts like totality, anachronism, and distance .....

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