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8241 | 2014 article | Primary school pupils acquisition of science process skills via hands-on activities and authentic assessment Nik Yusuff Nik Azmah, Rahaman Nor Mahaiza, Abdullah Norazilawati, This study is about the acquisition of science process skills by primary school pupils by means of hands-on teaching and learning, and authentic assessment method. Their interest and motivation in science were also inquired. The participants for the 5 months study consisted of 24 year-five pupils in one primary school in Selangor, Malaysia. The instruments used were an observation checklist, sets of science process skills achievement test, and interviews. Data collected from observation and achievement tests were analysed using rubrics, while information from interviews are analysed using NVivo 2.0. Findings from this study showed that the acquisition of science process skills among the pupils has increased tremendously and their interest and motivation in science were high. They were also able to apply the knowledge gained from hands-on learning to solve authentic problems. Therefore it is suggested that hands-on science teaching and learning as well as authentic assessment are used i..... 955 hits |
8242 | 2014 article | Preventing flute playing-related musculoskeletal disorders: applying ergonomic principles in individual and ensemble settings Lonsdale Karen Anne, Concerning levels of playing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMD) among flute players have been reported over a number of decades. However, recent research indicates that many flute players do not receive sufficient training in injury prevention during their studies. Identifying risks and preventing injuries is central to occupational, health and safety, yet there is little emphasis on this topic in instructional flute books and methods. Improving the ergonomic set-up of musicians is one way of minimising the risk of playing-related injuries occurring. This article recommends six injury prevention strategies based on ergonomic principles that flute teachers and band directors can apply in individual and ensemble teaching settings... 553 hits |
8243 | 2014 article | Pertelingkahan antara kawan-kawan dalam novel terpilih Fatimah Busu Mohd. Zubir Siti Khariah, Ismail Nor Hasimah, Pertelingkahan adalah perkara yang dilarang oleh agama kerana menyebabkan berlakunya permusuhan antara satu pihak dengan pihak yang lain. Pihak-pihak ini akan berbalah sesama mereka. Kajian ini dilaksanakan bagi melihat sejauh mana pertelingkahan antara kawan terdapat dalam novel karya Fatimah Busu. Kajian ini akan menggunakan Pendekatan Psikologi Islam Al-Ghazali untuk menganalisis. Objektif kajian ini ialah menghuraikan isu-isu dan menganalisis pertelingkahan dengan kawankawan dalam novel Fatimah Busu. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menjadi contoh dan teladan kepada pembaca dalam memilih kawan. Kebiasaannya, kawan adalah tempat untuk berkongsi pengalaman, pandangan, minat, masalah dan harapan. Pemilihan kawan yang tepat adalah perlu kerana kawan dapat mempengaruhi nilai, emosi dan cara pergaulan... 1420 hits |
8244 | 2014 article | Pertentangan keluarga dalam novel terpilih Fatimah Busu M. Zubir Siti Khariah, Ismail Nor Hasimah, Pertentangan merupakan suatu situasi tidak sehaluan antara dua pihak yang kadangkala menimbulkan kontroversi yang berlarutan. Pertentangan juga mampu mewujudkan kerengganan yang tidak berkesudahan kerana masing-masing ingin memenangi sesuatu keadaan. Pertentangan wujud apabila satu pihak dengan keinginan berlainan percaya bahawa lawan akan bertindak menentang mereka, dan satu pihak akan membuat tingkahlaku yang memudharatkan pihak lawannya. Pertentangan biasanya bermaksud perselisihan, namun boleh juga diertikan sebagai perbalahan. Sungguhpun pertentangan sering dilihat sebagai negatif, dalam keadaan tertentu, is mampu membawa hasil yang baik. Dalam kajian ini, analysis dilakukan terhadap pertentangan keluarga yang terdapat dalam empat buah novel Fatimah Busu. Objektif kajian ini terbahagi kepada dua, iaitu mengenalpasti isuisu pertentangan dan menganalisis isu pertentangan keluarga dengan menggunakan pendekatan psikologi Islam Al-Ghazali. Hasil kajian menunjukkan isu pertentangan kelu..... 1181 hits |
8245 | 2009 article | Phase-controlled converter for Nd:YAG laser flashlamp driver Hadi Yaacob Mohd Ikhwan, Bidin Noriah, Mat Daud Yaacob, Phase-controlled technique through thyristors (SCR) is used instead of diodes in order to form a power converter. Output voltage of this power converter can be varied by controlling the firing angle of SCR and is used to charge the capacitor banks. Each firing angles are referred to zero-crossing point of each half of the 50 Hz AC voltage. Adjustable voltage is then used to charge the capacitor bank inside Capacitor Charging Power Supply (CCPS) for Xenon flashlamp driver. Flashlamp produced source of pulsed light that pumped the Nd:YAG laser crystal. The Nd:YAG laser usually operates at various input energies, thus requiring variable values of voltage to charge the capacitor bank. Developed phase-controlled converter can steadily controll the output voltage of CCPS from 500 V to 1000 V... 1104 hits |
8246 | 2014 article | Phytochemical study of stem bark from Alstonia spathulata Bl. (Apocynaceae) Tee Chuan Thing, Lee Yean Shan, Tan Siow Ping, Awang Khalijah, Nafiah Mohd Azlan, Ahmad Kartini, In Malaysia, Alstonia spathulata Bl. is locally known as ‘Pulai Basong’ which distribute in peat forest. The separation of the chemical components from hexane and DCM crude extract of Alstonia spathulata was carried out using column chromatography (CC) and thin layer chromatography (TCL) techniques. A total of five known compound were isolated from the stem bark extracts and identified as: β-amyrin, β-amyrin acetate, lupeol acetate, stigmasterol and β-sitosterol. The elucidation structures of these compounds were established using 1D-NMR (1H, 13C and DEPT) and 2D-NMR (COSY, HSQC, HMBC) spectroscopic analysis, involving also comparison with data from the literature... 2346 hits |
8247 | 2014 article | Potensi Amanah Pelaburan Hartanah Islam (I-Reit) dalam membangunkan industri sawit di Malaysia Mohd Hussin Mohd Yahya, Yusuf Yusni Anis, Muhammad Fidlizan, Abdul Razak Azila, Abdul Hadi Fatimah Salwa, Amanah Pelaburan Hartanah Islam (I-REIT) merupakan satu instrumen pasaran modal yang berlandaskan syariah. Kewujudan I-REIT memberi peluang kepada pelabur untuk melabur dalam bidang hartanah. Al-Hadharah Boustead REIT yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2007 merupakan satu-satunya instrumen Amanah Pelaburan Hartanah Islam (IREIT) yang berasaskan perladangan kelapa sawit di Malaysia. Artikel ini bertujuan membincangkan prinsip syariah yang diguna pakai oleh Al-Hadharah Boustead REIT serta sumbangannya dalam industri sawit negara. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan Al-Hadharah Boustead REIT menggunakan prinsip al-musyārakah, Al-wakālah, Al-Ujr dan harta musyā dalam aktiviti pelaburannya. Di samping itu, penguasaan pemilikan Al-Hadharah Boustead REIT dalam industri sawit negara menunjukkan peningkatan yang memberangsangkan sepanjang tempoh kajian... 2254 hits |
8248 | 2015 article | Preliminary toxicity test and phytochemical screening of Sargassum polycystum crude extracts from marine macroalgae Daud Norhayati, Mohd Noor Nor Nafizah, Alimon Hasimah, Abdul Rashid Nursuhaidah, Sargassum polycystum is a species of brown algae (Phaeophyta). Some recent studies have found many uses of this algae, one of them is for medicine. In this study, crude hexane, dichloromethane and methanol extracts of Sargassum polycystum were tested for toxicity activity and screened for its principal chemical substances. The toxicity test was done using Brine Shrimp Lethality (BSL) test against Artemia salina Leach. The results of this study showed the LC50 value of methanol extract was 295.12 mgml-1, while both hexane and dichloromethane extracts were 275.42 mgml-1. The BSL test exhibited no significant toxicity against A.salina. Phytochemical screening shows S. polycystum contained non polar and polar components. As the conclusion, S. polycystum contained secondary metabolites that are not toxic to A. salina and they are not a potential source for toxicity... 2303 hits |
8249 | 2014 article | Persepsi masyarakat terhadap keupayaan pengembangan dana masjid Mohd Hussin Mohd Yahya, Muhammad Fidlizan, Abdul Razak Azila, Roshidi Ahmad Mohamad Ali, Mosque is a religious institution that has an important role in Islamic society. Though the establishment was initially as a place of worship, but the function and its importance is growing from time to time. One of the roles is to develop the Muslims economy through the management of charity, endowment and so on. With the donations and endowment obtained from various parties, mosque institutions are believed to be able to execute this responsibility and trust. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the level of acceptance of the society towards the mosque the potential of mosque fund expansion in Perak state. This study was conducted on 4,000 respondents across the state of Perak with a total of 2,337 persons (58.42 percent) responded to the questionnaires. The results showed that nearly 75 percent of the respondents agreed that the mosque funds should be expanded to activities that can increase the mosques’ income and led to a positive impact on society. However, in th..... 3397 hits |
8250 | 2014 article | Persepsi majikan kejuruteraan terhadap kemahiran employabiliti pelajar kejuruteraan: satu kajian kes Mustapha Ramlee, Husain Mohd Yusof, Syed Mohamad Syed A. Malik, Mokhtar Seri Bunian, Kajian ini bertujuan meninjau kemahiran employabiliti pelajar kejuruteraan di politeknik daripada perspektif majikan. Kajian kes ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk mengumpul data, satu set protokol temu bual telah dibina berdasarkan objektif kajian dan tinjauan literatur. Sebanyak sepuluh elemen kemahiran employabiliti yang telah dikenal pasti antaranya kemahiran komunikasi, kerja berpasukan, kepimpinan, etika dan moral, kerohanian, pembelajaran sepanjang hayat dan pengurusan maklumat, pemikiran kritikal dan penyelesaian masalah, menggunakan teknologi, keusahawanan dan kemahiran sosial. Seramai sembilan orang majikan di sekitar Lembah Klang, Kota Bharu dan Ipoh telah dipilih berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Majikan percaya bahawa kemahiran employabiliti pelajar kejuruteraan politeknik harus dipertingkatkan. Data temu bual menunjukkan majikan tidak begitu berpuas hati terhadap penguasaan kemahiran employabiliti pelajar kejuruteraan politeknik terutamanya daripada as..... 2451 hits |
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