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8341 | 2016 article | Trilingual learning model through traditional games : an overview from an Indonesian kindergarten - Winti Ananthia, A. Harun Charlotte, - Endah Silawati, This study proposes the application of trilingual learning model that employs Sundanese traditional playing as the learning strategy. This article is a part of a bigger ongoing research project investigating the establishment of trilingual learning model in kindergarten. It focuses on the development of lesson plans for the application of the teaching and learning using three languages, namely; Sundanese, Indonesian and English. Qualitative method is employed as the research method. The subjects of the study are three teachers who are fresh graduates from Study Program of Early Childhood Education Teacher (henceforth, PGPAUD) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Kampus Cibiru. Those teachers are asked to apply this learning model to Kindergarten children in one of Indonesian kindergarten in Bandung. The result of the study suggests that there are three stages in trilingual lesson plan development. The stages are: 1) determining indicators of developmental aspects based on 2013 Indone..... 451 hits |
8342 | 2009 article | Pembolehubah pendam teguh dalam model persamaan berstruktur kuasa dua terkecil separa Mohamed Zulkifley, Ibrahim Kamarulzaman, Model Persamaan Berstruktur (MPB) secara khususnya sesuai digunakan bagi memodelkan hubungkait antara konstruk bersandar dan tak bersandar berbilang secara serentak. MPB mampu menjawab set persoalan kajian yang berhubungkait secara komprehensif dan sistematik kebiasaannya dengan menggunakan dua pendekatan, iaitu, MPB berdasarkan anggaran kebolehjadian maksimum (MPB-AKM) dan kuasa dua terkecil separa (MPB-KTS). Bagi membangunkan MPB yang melibatkan konstruk pendam psikologi. Konstruk pendam psikologi perlu dianggarkan. Diketahui daripada beberapa kajian, data psikologi tidak bertaburan secara normal, dan wujud multikolinearan antara pembolehubah penunjuk yang membentuk pembolehubah konstruk tersebut. Dalam kajian ini, didapati bahawa wujud multikolinearan antara pembolehubah penunjuk dalam konstruk psikologi. Pendekatan MPB-AKM mengandaikan data bertaburan secara multivariat normal. Walau bagaimanapun pendekatan MPB-KTS adalah bebas-taburan, di samping tidak memerlukan andaian yang keta..... 1048 hits |
8343 | 2016 article | The level of involvement of 6-8 year old children in housework in urban areas and its effect on academic performance in early childhood at City Primary School, Nairobi, Kenya - Esther Kulundu Ambetsa, Research in early childhood emphasizes the interplay between the home and the school in enhancing quality holistic experiences of children in the early years. However the rise in industrialization and technological advancements in modern day society have had tremendous effects on childhood experiences that have all along been significant to the development of children including the participation of children in housework. Participation of children in housework is a traditional practice that has been imperative in the holistic development of school children including academic competences. However, current research does not show whether this practice is still being upheld, especially in the urban households where the effects of modernity are the greatest. This gap in knowledge was the basis for conducting this study. This was a descriptive study whose purpose was to find out whether or not school children in urban households are being involved in housework and how this relates to the acad..... 479 hits |
8344 | 2016 article | Read-aloud technique to enhance pre-school childrens vocabulary in a rural school in Malaysia Omar Ainon, Vocabulary knowledge and acquisition plays an important role in learning a second language as well as developing children’s literacy skills. The effectiveness of the read-aloud technique to increase children’s vocabulary knowledge and construction of meaning has been widely studied. Teachers need to employ effective instructional strategies to foster growth in vocabulary learning among pre-school children during the read-aloud sessions. Given this, this study has identified the vocabulary strategies that a teacher employed during her read-aloud sessions with her pre-school children in a rural school in Malaysia. A pre-school teacher from a pre-school situated in a rural area participated in this study. Qualitative research methods were used whereby primary data was obtained through observations and field notes while secondary data was obtained through interviews with teachers. Findings revealed that the pre-school teacher utilized four vocabulary strategies proposed by Beck, McKeow..... 499 hits |
8345 | 2014 article | Pembinaan instrumen amalan pentaksiran guru matematik sekolah menengah Abdullah Mohd Faizal Nizam Lee, Hamzah Mohd Sahandri Gani, Che Ahmad Che Nidzam, Adnan Mazlini, Mohamed Noh Noraini, Suhaimi Shafini, Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membina satu instrumen penilaian bagi menilai amalan pentaksiran guru Matematik sekolah menengah. Instrumen ini adalah berbentuk rubrik dua lapis. Berdasarkan tinjauan literatur, instrumen kajian dibina merangkumi dua komponen utama: (1) ciri-ciri sedia ada yang dimiliki guru; serta (2) amalan yang dilakukan. Komponen pertama terdiri daripada empat konstruk iaitu kepercayaan dan nilai guru, pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap. Komponen kedua, amalan yang dilakukan guru terdiri daripada lima konstruk iaitu blueprint mata pelajaran, hasil pembelajaran, hasil sasaran yang dijangka, folio A dan folio B. Adalah diharapkan artikel ini dapat memberi gambaran mengenai instrumen penilaian amalan pentaksiran guru Matematik sekolah menengah yang dibina... 4933 hits |
8346 | 2016 article | Mindful parenting program in improving parenting skills of orphanage caregivers at Rumbela Muthmainnah-Bandung Dahlan Tina Hayati, The article aims at explaining the authors’ proposal to develop parenting education for caregivers of an Islamic orphanage in Bandung namely Rumah Belajar (Rumbela) Muthmainnah in improving parenting skills of caregivers. The preliminary study conducted at Rumbela Muthmainnah indicated that the caregivers had limitations and practiced the parenting based on their nurtured experience or by “trial and error” ways. The observation and interview results showed that lack of nurturing experiences and participation in parenting training or education made the caregivers have limitations in overcoming the children’s problems effectively. Care by orphanage caregivers should be able to replace the parental care of biological parents/relatives for orphanage children with the purpose of making them grow into happy children and satisfied with their lives or have high subjective well-being. Non-biological parenting is not easy, even may cause stress either for caregivers and children. It requ..... 422 hits |
8347 | 2016 article | Estimating technical efficiency and bootstrapping Malmquist indices : analysis of Malaysian Preschool sector Salleh Mad Ithnin, Habidin Nurul Fadly, Masnan Abdul Halim, Mamat Nordin, This study is focused on conceptual paper and the purpose of this study is to conduct an empirical investigation into the Malaysian Preschool institutions, focusing on measuring their technical efficiency and productivity changes. This study is to examine the nature of productivity changes by means of bootstrapped Malmquist TFP indices. The study use a Three-year set of panel data (2009–2012) for analyzing the performance of 8307 KEMAS Preschools classes during the implementation of the (Government Transformation Program) GTP 1.0. The study considered all KEMAS Preschools classes operating in the sector. The input and output data were manually extracted from the Malaysia’s Ministry of Rural and Regional Development (MRRD) and all KEMAS Preschools. Non-parametric DEA models are employed to estimate efficiency and productivity changes of the institutions. Thus, this study is expected makes significant contributions to the literature of efficiency and productivity changes in Early Chi..... 6101 hits |
8348 | 2016 article | A study on Sri Lankan childrens conception of space Mukunthan Thevarasa, The present study was conducted mainly to investigate the applicability of children’s conception space presented in Piaget’s Cognitive Development theory to Sri Lankan children. The study attempted to identify whether there were variations in Sri Lankan children’s conception of space according to the sectors i.e. urban, rural and estate, they live in, factors affecting Sri Lankan children’s conception of space. The methodology of the study was quantitative and in nature. Piagetian tests modified to suit the Sri Lankan context and the case study method was used in achieving the objectives of the study. The sample of the study consisted of 75 children selected randomly from primary school children between the ages of 5-10 years from Urban, Rural and Estate sectors in the Kalutara district of the Western Province. Modified Piagetian instruments, Observation schedules and in-depth interview schedules were used as instruments for data collection. The findings of the study indicated ..... 430 hits |
8349 | 2016 article | Vocabulary levels test and word associates test : can they measure language proficiency? Enayat Mostafa Janebi, Reza Amirian Seyed Mohammad, The present study investigates whether it may be possible to use Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT) and Word Associates Test (WAT) for measuring language proficiency and placement purposes. In so doing, 85 upper-intermediate and 50 lower-intermediate EFL learners took Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT), Word Associates Test (WAT), and Oxford Placement Test (OPT). Results of correlation and regression analyses indicated that (a) Word Associates Test could not predict performance on Oxford Placement Test neither for the lower-intermediate nor the upper-intermediate group, (b) Vocabulary Levels Test could significantly predict performance on Oxford Placement Test for both proficiency groups, and (c) while the 2,000 word level correlated with and predicted performance on Oxford Placement Test for the lower-intermediate group, the 5,000 word level predicted performance on proficiency test for the upper-intermediate group. The findings point to the possibility of using VLT for measuring language profici..... 778 hits |
8350 | 2012 article | Unsur Tipainduk dan mitos dalam teks pilihan Zakaria Norazimah, Tipainduk dan mitos merupakan unsur sastera yang amat dominan dalam kesusasteraan Melayu tradisional. Kedua-unsur unsur ini penting bagi pengarang kesusasteraan Melayu tradisional dalam penghasilan karya. Kehebatan, keanehan, kesaktian dan keajaiban menjadi inti utama bagi pengarang sebagai strategi memancing perhatian khalayak terhadap karyanya. Sebagai senjatanya, pengarang menggunakan unsur mitos untuk menggambarkan kehebatan watak-watak yang terlibat dalam karyanya. Masyarakat pada ketika ini menganggap sesuatu yang ajaib, ghaib,aneh sebagai sesuatu yang suci dan kudus. Oleh itu pengarang memaksimumkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap unsur ini untuk mendapatkan perhatian khayalak akan kewujudan karyanya. Bagi mendapatkan keberkesanan penyampaian mitos ini, pengarang menjadikan tipainduk yang hebat sebagai model untuk mengarang. Tipainduk yang diambil adalah tipainduk yang hebat dalam sesebuah tradisi. Tujuan pengarang menggunakan tipainduk adalah untuk mengangkat martabat dan menga..... 692 hits |
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