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Standardization of question items to test Tamil case markers – a study
Thamburaj Kingston Pal, Isaac Samuel Samikkanu Jabamoney, R Shakunthala,
This research focuses on standardization of items for the purpose of testing knowledge with reference to language component ‘case marker’. An analysis is made with reference to the questions covering language component 'case marker' in Tamil language. Study was undertaken at the secondary school and university in the district of Tanjung Malim, Perak, Malaysia. There are 24 question items (covering the said contents) included in the questionnaire. Analysis was made based on the information or data collected from 56 selected students of school and university. The aim of this research is to see the problems in studying case markers via language dimensions. In this study question items are analyzed on the basis of the difficulty index and discriminations index. The data is collected through the questionnaire prepared for this purpose. Through this method the raw data gathered will be analyzed using the descriptive statistic calculation and with the use of important formula from the cer.....

617 hits

Hikayat Melayu @ Sejarah Melayu “long version” versi Tengku Said: satu kajian teks sastera sejarah
Zakaria Norazimah,
Teks Hikayat Melayu adalah teks sastera sejarah yang lahir pada abad ke-19. Teks Hikayat Melayu versi Tengku Said dalam kajian ini juga dikenali sebagai Sejarah Melayu versi Panjang atau Long Version. Objektif utama kajian adalah untuk melihat hukum kepengarangan Melayu abad ke-19. Sastera sebagai produk sosial bermakna karya boleh difahami dari sudut perspektif sosiologikal. Kajian ini bertitik tolak daripada persoalan yang dikemukakan oleh Ken Plummer (1997) dalam bukunya Studying Culture: An Introductory Reader. Di antara persoalan yang disesuaikan dalam kajian ini adalah “the nature of stories” iaitu melihat tema Hikayat Melayu dan signifikannya, ia menjurus kepada jenis tema dan tujuan tema tersebut ditulis oleh penulis. Persoalan kedua ialah “the making of stories” yang disesuaikan sebagai kajian teks dan lapangan sosio budaya, yang melihat mengapa Hikayat Melayu itu dikarang, bagaimana cerita tersebut boleh membentuk masyarakat dan adakah Hikayat Melayu cuba mengesahkan .....

1154 hits

Empirical analysis of item difficulty and discrimination indices of senior school certificate multiple choice biology tests
- Olutola, Thomas Adekunle,
This study empirically analyzed the item difficulty and discrimination indices of senior school certificate examination SSCE multiple choice biology tests used by West African Examinations Council and National Examinations Council in Nigeria. Sample for the study consisted of 1450 Senior Secondary Three students drawn from 20 randomly selected secondary schools. Item by item analysis was used for obtaining difficulty and discrimination indices. Findings from the study showed that 2008 SSCE Biology multiple choice test had mean difficulty index of 0.42 and slightly higher than NECO Biology multiple choice test with mean difficulty index of 0.40 and 2008 SSCE in Biology had a discriminating power of 0.43 and higher than NECO with mean discriminating power of 0.39. It was recommended that 4 option items in multiple choice Biology tests should be encouraged but if 5 options items should be used more attention should be given to psychometric properties of tests...

861 hits

Adakah jenis fon memberi kesan terhadap kebolehbacaan teks bahasa Melayu di laman web?
Wahid Rahani, Mohamad Ali Ahmad Zamzuri,
Membaca teks dari World Wide Web telah menjadi suatu kebiasaan kini. Ini dapat dilihat dari sudut perubahan kecenderungan pembaca yang lebih berminat terhadap bahan dari internet berbanding media bercetak. Mengambil kira perkembangan ini, adalah penting bagi pereka bentuk instruksi berasaskan web memilih fon yang sesuai bagi meningkatkan tahap kebolehbacaan pelajar, terutamanya bagi blok teks yang panjang. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk melihat kesan penggunaan fon serif dan san serif kategori percetakan dan kategori paparan komputer dari sudut kebolehbacaan teks Bahasa Melayu di laman web. Bagi tujuan tersebut, empat fon telah dipilih iaitu Georgia (serif) dan Verdana (san serif) bagi kumpulan responden pertama dan Times New Roman ( serif) dan Arial (san serif) bagi kumpulan responden kedua. Georgia dan Verdana adalah fon yang direka khusus untuk pembacaan teks pada paparan komputer manakala Times New Roman dan Arial adalah fon yang direka khusus untuk media berceta.....

839 hits

Development of validity and reliability of net game performance-based assessment on elementary students achievement in physical education
- Tomoliyus, - Sumaryanti, - Herka Maya Jatmika,
The purpose of this study was to seek the validity and reliability of net game’s performance-based assessment on the context of elementary school physical education students’ achievement. Research and development used as a primary research method. The subject were forty students in Yogyakarta’s table tennis school club which chose through random sampling technique. Content Validity Ratio (CVR) is used to test the validity, on the other hand, Anava-general Multifacet model for the inter-rater reliability. the results were as follows: CVR of the decision making is 0.714; CVR of the skill acquisition process is 1; CVR of the skill acquisition product is 1; and CVR of the returning on beginning position is 0.714. as for the decision making inter-rater reliability r = 0.785; skill acquisition process reliability r = 0.872; skill acquisition product r = 0.785; and returning on beginning position r = 0.885. As the conclusion, performance-based assessment instrument of net game, particul.....

274 hits

Effects of segmentation of instructional animation in facilitating learning
Mohamad Ali Ahmad Zamzuri,
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of segmented-animation, playpause- animation and continuous-animation in facilitating learning of low prior knowledge learners. A courseware prototype entitled Transmission Media was developed for the research purpose. The courseware contains nine animations on various topics in Transmission Media. Pre-test and post-test experimental design was employed on three different groups respectively. The data collected were analyzed statistically by using one-way between-groups ANOVA with post-hoc comparisons. Apparently, the result suggests that segmented-animation was significantly more effective than play-pause-animation and continuous-animation in enhancing students’ learning performance. The result indicates that segmented-animation was beneficial for students in conducting adequate cognitive processes of the information depicted in the animation. Furthermore, the result shows that allowing students to decide the segmentation in play-.....

656 hits

The contribution of mLearning to study of local culture in the Malaysian university context
Shamsul Arrieya Ariffin
This thesis is concerned with the impact of mobile learning (mLearning) on the study of local culture at Malaysian universities. For convenience, the term Local Cultural Studies (LCS) is given to Humanities subjects related to the teaching and learning of Malay culture, for example: Local History, Local Culture and National Heritage, Malay Wood Craft, Malay Drum, Cooking, Batik Textile, Ceramic, and Local Drama. These subjects are not as popular as Science and Engineering and are often referred to as 'dying traditional knowledge' with an uncertain future. They have a lesser degree of significance in modem Malaysian society in achieving a 'developed country' status. One motivation for introducing mLearning into LCS subjects is to make them more interesting: the learning activities and the subjects should appear more modem by linking them to the latest technology. The fact that all students own mobile phones in Malaysian universities creates an opportunity to use mLearning for the benefi.....

1028 hits

Development and validation of a self-efficacy scale with writing and social factors
Anaraki Sadegh Soheili, Reza Amirian Seyed Mohammad, Zolfagharkhani Moslem,
As a useful base for scale development, self-efficacy construct can be used in measuring competency and self-perception of individuals in their social behavior and academic achievements. The aim of this study was to develop a self-efficacy scale with two subscales of writing and social self-efficacy. To this effect, 261 high school students’ responses were used and resulted in development and validation of a 25-item self-efficacy scale. The presented two-factor model was supported with a principal factor analysis with high alpha reliabilities. It was also checked for model fit through conducting confirmatory factor analysis and was approved. Moreover, the developed scale was tested for presence of differential item functioning (DIF). The results presented confirmation for reliability and construct validity for the proposed scale and no DIF was detected. Further implications of the developed self-efficacy scale along with the limitations for this research are discussed in the concludi.....

1128 hits

Pembinaan alat ukur amalan keibubapaan Muslim
Jalal Fauziah Hanim, Noor Zanariah, Twahir @ H.Tahir Wahibah,
Kajian ini menghuraikan pembinaan alat ukur amalan keibubapaan Muslim dan melaporkan kesahan dan kebolehpercayaannya. Metode kajian menggunakan penulisan tokoh dalam bidang pendidikan anak-anak dan kekeluargaan Islam untuk menghasilkan konsep dan item amalan keibubapaan. Tiga proses pengukuran iaitu memberi definisi kepada konsep, memilih pengukuran untuk konsep dan memperoleh maklumat empirikal digunakan. Dua konstruk amalan keibubapaan iaitu amalan awal dan amalan khusus keibubapaan dibina. Amalan awal mempunyai 11 item meliputi tiga subkonstruk iaitu sebelum kelahiran, semasa dan selepas kelahiran anak. Amalan khusus keibubapaan mempunyai 59 item dengan lapan subkonstruk bagi pendidikan aqidah, ibadah, sosial, akhlak, emosi, intelektual, pendidikan jasmani/kesihatan dan seksualiti. Lima kaedah mendidik anak dimasukkan dalam setiap skala iaitu kaedah bimbingan dan nasihat, qudwah, pengawasan/pemerhatian, kebiasaan dan hukuman. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 372 orang ibu bapa daripad.....

1698 hits

Pembentukan indikator kesihatan penduduk bandar dalam wilayah metropolitan Lembah Klang-Langat
Zainal Abidin Mohd Azran, Saleh Yazid, Nayan Nasir,
Artikel ini bertujuan membentuk satu kerangka penyelidikan bagi memilih dan membentuk kumpulan indikator yang berperanan dalam memberi penjelasan status kesihatan komuniti penduduk dalam kawasan persekitaran bandar wilayah metropolitan Lembah Klang-Langat di Malaysia. Indikator-indikator kesihatan digunakan dalam usaha menilai dan mengukur status kesihatan penduduk kawasan pembandaran wilayah metropolitan Klang-Langat ini penting agar dijadikan panduan dalam penyelidikan masa hadapan terutamanya dalam konteks kesihatan bandar yang semakin menjadi isu utama dalam proses pembandaran di Malaysia pada masa kini...

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