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8461 | 2014 article | Makna dan nilai seni kraf buluh dalam kehidupan sosiobudaya multi etnik di Sarawak Arshad Mohd. Zaihidee, Kajian kraf buluh ini dijalankan dalam masyarakat etnik Iban, Melanau dan Bidayuh yang tinggal di rumah panjang dalam Bahagian Kuching di Sarawak, bertujuan untuk melihat dan mentafsir bagaimana kraf buluh itu memberi makna dalam kehidupan seharian. Pendekatan multi disiplin digunakan dalam kerangka Teori Seni Susanne Langer.. 812 hits |
8462 | 2003 monograph | Geometer Sketchpad: penggunaannya di dalam pembelajaran Matematik tambahan Puteh Marzita, Masri Rohaidah, Kursus Lepasan ljazah (Matematik) yang dikendalikan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan telah memuatkan Geometer Sketchpad (GSP) di dalam kurikulumnya sebagai salah satu komponen teknologinya dan pelajar-pelajar dimestikan mempunyai kemahirannya setelah tamat pengajian. Maka sasaran penggunaan GSP di sekolah-sekolah menengah adalah salah satu objektif Kementerian Pendidikan dan diharapkan projek ini dapat merealisasikan kehendak itu. Memandangkan era teknologi dan penggunaan leT yang begitu pesat, maka penggunaan teknologi di dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik adalah sesuatu yang perlu diberi perhatian. Dalam projek ini satu prototaip perisian menggunakan GSP untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran mengikut kemahiran dan tajuk-tajuk kurikulum matematik di sekolah menengah telah dibangunkan, diuji dan dikaji agar satu pengkalan data perisian pengajaran pembelajaran berkaitan geometri diwujudkan dan digunakan oleh pelajar-pelajar yang bakal menjadi guru. Prototaip ini mengandungi lima bahagia..... 1497 hits |
8463 | 2015 article | Making a living: pro poor tourism in hot spring recreational park of Sungai Klah, Sungkai, Perak, Malaysia Che Leh Fauziah, Omar Baharudin, Ahmad Baharom Azmi, Poverty is perceived as something unending in most poor and developing countries and it still occurs in areas including which have become tourist attraction centres. Tourism is an economic sector that is increasingly growing in importance to most poor and developing countries especially in rural areas and in the interior. Tourism activities have the ability to stimulate regional development rapidly which in turn benefits the locals. However, there is also a situation whereby its development is not equally beneficial to the government, investors and locals despite the rapidly developing tourism activities in that area. Pro Poor Tourism (PPT) is a mechanism that is able to benefit the poor at tourism centres; several strategies and approaches were identified as capable of increasing the cooperative bonding between the government, private sectors and local population as well as providing benefits to all three parties without ignoring the locals in the area. This study aims to present the ..... 1653 hits |
8464 | 2003 monograph | Keberkesanan program pendidikan bahasa Melayu UPSI Mahmood Abdul Hamid, Kajian dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengukur tahap keberkesanan program Ijazah Sarjana muda Pendidikan Bahasa Melayu di UPSl. Responden kajian terdiri daripada bekas pelajar program ini yang telah bergraduat pada tahun 1999, 2000 dan 2001. Instrumen yang digunakan ialah soal selidik. Soal selidik ini dihantar kepada semua bekas pelajar yang telibat. Seramai 87 orang (30%) responden telah memberi maklum balas. Terdapat 4 soalan kajian yang dikemukakan, iaitu (1) soalan tentang keberkesanan objektif program; (2) soalan tentang keberkesanan kurikulum yang diguna pakai; (3) soalan tentang keberkesanan kaedahlbentuk instruksi pensyarah di UPSI; dan (4) soalan tentang peranan perkhidmatan sokongan. Untuk melihat keberkesanan program ini pengkaji telah memilih 6 pemboleh ubah tidak bersandar, iaitu jantina, saluran kemasukan ke UPSI, lokasi tempat mereka mengajar sekarang, tahun dikumiakan ijazah, dan tingkatan yang diajar. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan secara keseluruhannya objektif untuk melahir..... 1093 hits |
8465 | 2003 monograph | Assessment of secondary school students\ writing by UPSI TESL undergraduates Othman Normah, Fourteen TESL undergraduates in UPSI were chosen as subjects in this research. Each of them was given a task to assess seventy samples of essays written by Form Four ESL secondary school students. Three scoring methods were devised for the subjects to refer to when assessing the essay samples and each of them was given one type of scoring method. Three of the subjects were given the holistic scoring method; six of them were given the analytic scoring method; and five of them were given the primary trait scoring method. They were told to assess the essay samples individually and each of them was required to record down their salient features of assessment (verbal protocol). The scores that the subjects gave to the essay samples were correlated to find the relationship; and the salient features of assessment were analysed descriptively. The findings of the research showed that the scoring methods could not be used to generalize the overall result of the students' performance in writing. ..... 729 hits |
8466 | 2014 article | Leadership, career growth and socialization paths of Malaysian public school managers Wai Bing Khuan, Abdull Kareem Omar, The main purpose of this study was to understand the nature of learning for school managers in government schools as they learn and make decisions at different stages of the socialization stages from accession to retirement. A phenomenological approach was utilized and participants were selected from excellent and successful school managers through elite sampling. The data collection methods employed to achieve the purpose of the study were mainly in-depth interviews with the participants. The thematic findings which emerged from this data included four socialization stages namely: (1) Entry into Headship; (2) Identity Formation; (3) Making a Difference; and (4) Reformulation of Personal Values. The study concluded that the findings of this study provided a helpful guide for understanding school managers’ learning in the socialization process towards achieving better leadership and decision making. Implications for relevant training and appropriate support for leadership preparation ..... 1222 hits |
8467 | 2015 article | Language identity: variability in phonology in different races in Malaysia Utumber Singh Jasmeet Kaur, Yusoff Nurulakyun, Abdul Malik Che Masnifa Atikah, The purpose of this study was to determine the variants of phonology sounds /θ/, /ð/, /ʃ/ and /tʃ/ among different races which are Malays, Chinese, Indians and other races such as Kayan, Melanau and Dusun. In Malaysia, the English language is the second official language and there are varieties on how people of different ethnicity pronounce certain words in their speech.This study was mainly based on the investigation on the pronunciation of words which had those sounds of 32 participants from Sultan Idris Education University. The first language of these participants varied as we have selected eight participants from each category of races. This study was conducted by adapting the variability model developed by William Labov (1970). The findings indicate that the majority of the participants had varieties in the pronunciation of /θ/ and /ð/ sounds. However, for /ʃ/ and /tʃ/ sounds, almost all of the participants managed to pronounce it correctly. The researchers found that eac..... 1210 hits |
8468 | 2014 article | Kualiti air tirisan kajian kes di Ulu Yam dan Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor Abdul Rahim Luqmanulhakim, Hashim Mohmadisa, Che Ngah Mohamad Suhaily Yusri, Nayan Nasir, Saleh Yazid, Air tirisan atau lebih dikenali sebagai air bukit terhasil apabila sesuatu bentuk muka bumi diteroka atau dipotong untuk tujuan pembangunan khususnya untuk pembinaan jalan raya atau lebuh raya baharu. Air tirisan ini mengalir dari celah rekahan batuan dan dianggap sebagai air semula jadi yang mengalir dari dalam tanah. Menjadi satu trend pada masa kini, orang awam mengambil air ini untuk tujuan minuman di samping keperluan lain. Air tersebut diminum terus tanpa dirawat terlebih dahulu. Artikel ini menganalisis tahap kualiti air tirisan di dua buah lokasi iaitu Ulu Yam dan Kuala Kubu Bharu yang terletak dalam daerah Hulu Selangor. Sampel kualiti air di lokasi ini telah diambil sebanyak tiga kali dan dianalisis secara insitu serta dalam makmal. Data kualiti tirisan ini dibandingkan dengan Piawai Interim Kualiti Air Kebangsaan (INQWS), Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan Standard Kebangsaan Kualiti Air Minuman (NSDWQ), Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia memandangkan majoriti orang awam mengambil air ini..... 2580 hits |
8469 | 2014 article | Knowledge entrepreneur exploring the model in Malaysian organizational context Ahmad Abdul Rahman, Yeop Yunus Nek Kamal, This paper proposed the model of the development of knowledge entrepreneur that can be used for the entrepreneurship development program in Malaysian organizational context. The entrepreneurship concept is based on a multi dimensional approach, which integrates personality trait, business skill, business processes and business environmental. The knowledge entrepreneur is an extension of the entrepreneurship concept. Knowledge entrepreneur begins in the recognition of the potential value of knowledge, a likely result organisational, and ends in the implementation of an innovation aimed at the realization of that added value. Knowledge entrepreneur describes the entrepreneur ability to respond to learning, to capitalize on an opportunity, and protect against a threat by adopting an innovation. In summary, a knowledge entrepreneur is a combination of people, know-how and technology which can be brought together and beneficially manages and understand how to establish, launch and manage a ..... 1377 hits |
8470 | 2015 article | Ketirisan bayaran Zakat Fitrah terhadap institusi formal di Malaysia Muhammad Fidlizan, Mohd Hussin Mohd Yahya, Abdul Razak Azila, Awang Salwa Amirah, Zakat is the fourth pillar of Islam and mandatory to be conducted by every Muslim with the compliance of syara’ prescription. Among the types of zakat that closely related to every Muslim is Zakat Fitrah. The law of zakat fitrah is mandatory and has its own specific duration of payment. Thus, this article intends to analyze the extend of payment made by the Muslim society using the formal channel through Zakat Centre. Based on the amount of zakat fitrah collection, the rate of zakat fitrah and the number of Muslim in Malaysia, the finding of the study indicates that the amount of zakat fitrah is increasing each year. However, the result also finds that the payment of zakat through informal channel or direct distribution to receivers is also increasing. Therefore, direct distribution must be controlled to ensure the government objective in establishing the zakat centre is efficiently achieved due to the fact that centralized distribution will ensure fairness and justice... 2836 hits |
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