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Pembangunan mutan prt T dan analisis sekretom untuk meningkatkan Kestabilan Protein Heterolog dalam Aspergillus Niger
Nurhaida Kamaruddin
Production of heterologous proteins in Aspergillus niger is often limited by the high levels of proteases produced by the fungus. To improve heterologous production, protease genes or a transcription factor controlling expression of extracellular protease-encoding genes has to be deactivated. The objective of this work are to deactivate a gene encoding transcription factor prtT, determine the production of extracellular proteases by the prtT mutant and determine the activity and stability of heterologous protein produced by the prt T mutant. The prt T gene was inactivated in A. niger PYll via gene replacement and the mutant produced was verified via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blotting. Reverse transcriptasepolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis showed reduced expression levels of several protease genes, pepA, pepB and pepF in An/sprt'T as compared to A. niger PYll either in induced or non-induced conditions. A qualitative extracellular proteolytic activity assays.....

1005 hits

Pengaruh keluarga dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan emosi dan pencapalan akademik dalam kalangan pelajar Madrasah di Aceh
Sufriadi, Hendri
This study is aimed on identifying the influence of family in improving emotional intelligence and academic achievement. This study also looked at the effect of emotional intelligence on academic achievement among students at two Islamic High Schools of Subulussalam Municipality in Aceh, Indonesia. The method of survey used for this study was by sets as of sets of questionnaire. To analyze the data, the researcher used the SPSS 21 version to find out the descriptive and inferential analysis. A total of 236 students from two schools were selected to conduct this study. The study found that most of the students had a high level of emotional intelligence (m=3.77), though parenting styles of the families were at a moderate level (r=3.32). There was a significant relationship between parenting styles and emotional intelligence, which was at the value of r=0.324, p=0.000. The study found that there is no correlation between the education level of the parents and the socioeconomic level of th.....

1059 hits

The theory and practice of couples managing two full-time careers in Malaysia
Rafiduraida Abdul Rahman
This thesis investigates me experiences of Malaysian dual-career couples combining career and family. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were used to collect data from 23 dualcareer couples. The findings indicate that being in a dual-career relationship impacts upon how they perceive the family'S provider role; career priorities; how decisions are made; and how family work is divided. The experiences described by the participants reflect their gender role ideologies and the salience of family and work roles. The results also reveal how interaction between partners can shape their ideologies and role salience, in addition to how religious and cultural values influence their gender attitudes. A number of challenges faced by the couples are identified. 1 he supports and strategies that help them cope With housework, childcare and work demands are also critiqued. The thesis also highlights the implications of the government and organization's policies and support to the couples and the.....

792 hits

Synthesis of carbon nanostructured materials from waste engine oil using thermal chemical vapor deposition method
Suhufa Alfarisa
This study aimed to synthesize carbon nanostructured materials from waste engine oil (WEO) as a carbon source and ferrocene as a catalyst. The method used in this study was thermal chemical vapor deposition. Several parametric studies were conducted in order to optimize the production of carbon materials from WEO. The parameters were synthesis temperatures, catalyst concentrations, precursor temperatures and volumes, synthesis times and different types of WEO. The samples were characterized using electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray, X-ray diffraction, micro-Raman spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. Electrical and field emission properties of the selected samples were analyzed using four-point probe and field electron emission (FEE) measurements. The findings showed that two different structures of carbon materials namely carbon spheres (CS) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were succesfully synthesized from WEO. High density CS were produced from 3 ml of WEO mixed with 5.33.....

684 hits

P.Ramlee barbershop quartets: introducing an American style of singing through Malaysian culture
Wesley Allan Johnson,
This research in progress examines the process of arranging songs by P. Ramlee for a barbershop quartet. Barbershop quartet music is a distinctively American style of singing, but it is a very “low-tech” genre to perform, requiring no instruments, no electricity, and only four singers. Because of this, the potential to teach or demonstrate the style to those who cannot support elaborate sound setups. Barbershop quartet music provides one of the foundations for jazz and popular music and incorporates traditional Western harmony (both very present in popular music). However, because of its “American-ness” in the language (English) and dialect (American English), barbershop quartet music is nearly absent in Malaysia. Because P. Ramlee songs form a similar foundation of music in Malaysia as barbershop quartet music does in America, this research project involves the arranging of P. Ramlee songs for barbershop quartet. The presentation describes the presenter’s past experience in .....

697 hits

Eksplorasi pelaksanaan pengajaran Tilawah al-Quran program j-QAF dan hubungannya dengan pencapaian murid
Paharudin Arbain
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti tahap pelaksanaan pengajaran Tilawah al-Quran program j-QAF dan hubungannya dengan pencapaian murid sekolah rendah di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan teori al-Qabisi untuk mengkaji lapan komponen pelaksanaan pengajaran guru yang merangkumi objektif, tahap murid, set induksi, kaedah, alat bantu mengajar (ABM), pujian, penilaian, dan sahsiah guru. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan disokong oleh pendekatan kualitatif. Dua set instrumen soal selidik dibina oleh pengkaji dengan nilai kebolehpercayaan alfa Cronbach adalah tinggi, iaitu antara 0.757 hingga 0.913. Seramai 402 guru j-QAF dan 1,260 murid tahun lima dipilih secara rawak berstrata di lima negeri berdasarkan zon untuk menjawab instrumen soal selidik. Sementara itu, seramai 486 murid turut terlibat dalam ujian pencapaian Tilawah al-Quran dan 10 guru pula terlibat dalam pemerhatian kelas dan sesi temu bual. Data kajian dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensi menggunaka.....

756 hits

Faktor-faktor keusahawanan yang menyumbang kepada kejayaan koperasi kredit yang cemerlang di Malaysia
Mustapa Kamal Maulut
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti sifat-sifat keusahawanan cemerlang yang dimiliki oleh Anggota Lembaga Koperasi Kredit yang cemerlang untuk dijadikan contoh Anggota Lembaga Koperasi yang lain. Kajian ini adalah berbentuk kuantitatif. Kaedah tinjauan telah digunakan untuk mengumpul data utama dari tiga puluh lima buah koperasi kredit yang cemerlang. Seramai 190 orang Anggota Lembaga Koperasi Kredit telah terpilih sebagai responden. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensi iaitu Ujian-t, ANOVA sehala, Korelasi Pearson dan Regresi Berganda. Pemboleh ubah yang diuji ialah fenomena kejayaan koperasi kredit selaku pemboleh ubah bersandar dengan sembilan dimensi sebagai pemboleh ubah bebas iaitu penetapan matlamat sukar, penetapan matlamat jelas, personaliti berorientasikan tindakan, personaliti berorientasikan keadaan, pengetahuan perancangan, pengetahuan kepimpinan, pengetahuan pengurusan, motivasi dan pembiayaan secara Islam. Dapatan kaji.....

999 hits

Manuskrip kesusasteraan tradisional Melayu sekitar tahun 1600m- telaah sistem tulisan jawi dan analisis pemikiran Melayu Nusantara
Ismail Abd Rahman
This research studies “The traditional Malay Literature manuscript in 1600 A.D: Analyse the spelling system and the way of thoughts of the Malay Archipelago, analytically.” This research uses the ‘Takmilah’ Teory approach which was introduced by Dr. Shafie Abu Bakar, who emphasized the ‘perfection’ aspects in writing and also capable of bringing ‘perfection’ among literature enthusiasts. This research states that: the tradition of writing, spelling system and Arabic writing, as soon as it has been lifted as the Al-Qur’?n language, the Wahyu language which then forms the lingua franca, functions as the main medium in spreading Islam globally is thought as ‘complete’ until there is a ‘completion’ of the spelling system and Jawi writing; ‘completion’ of its function and the role of Malay Language as lingua franca, to develop the ways of writing and sparks the growth and development of traditional Malay Literature. This research also claims that from the begin.....

1428 hits

Kesan pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan terhadap kesediaan belajar dalam kalangan kanak-kanak prasekolah
Zuhaila Ismail
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tentang pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan dalam konteks prasekolah, aktiviti-aktiviti yang dilaksanakan dan kesannya kepada kesediaan belajar dalam kalangan kanak-kanak di sebuah prasekolah. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah merupakan kajian kes satu tempat dan pelbagai kes. Seorang guru, seorang pembantu pengurusan murid dan 25 orang murid dipilih sebagai responden dalam kajian ini. Data kajian ini diperoleh secara kualitatif iaitu menggunakan teknik temu bual, pemerhatian berstruktur dan analisis dokumen. Keseluruhan data ini dianalisis secara manual oleh penyelidik dan tema yang dikeluarkan disemak dan disahkan oleh penyelia utama. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa pendekatan melalui bermain merupakan pendekatan utama dalam mewujudkan pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan di prasekolah. Selain itu, proses set induksi yang menarik seperti permainan magic, penggunaan BBM yang menarik, rangsangan motivasi dan peranan guru itu sendiri serta rakan sebaya dalam.....

1276 hits

Ahmad Boestamam: tokoh radikal Melayu
Saat Ishak, Hadi Yaacob Norazlan, Ali Seman Ahmad,
Ahmad Boestamam merupakan antara tokoh nasionalisme Malaya terawal yang terkehadapan dalam menyuarakan hak nasionalisme dalam kalangan orang Melayu. Beliau berusaha mengajak orang Melayu bangkit memperjuangkan hak pusaka bumi. Orang Melayu merupakan pribumi asal Tanah Melayu seharusnya berani memperjuangkan tuntutan demokrasi dan kemerdekaan Malaya. Melihat kepada senario politik dan ekonomi waktu itu orang Melayu sudah mula ketinggalan dalam semua aspek kehidupan. Lantaran itu, Ahmad Boestamam berusaha menyedarkan bangsanya. Justeru itu, makalah ini memaparkan peranan dan sumbangan beliau dalam usaha membangkitkan kesedaran orang Melayu dalam memperjuangkan hak pusaka son of the soil. Dengan merujuk kepada sumber primer dan sekunder makalah ini memaparkan peranan Ahmad Boestamam sebagai nasionalis Malaya...

3855 hits

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