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Keberkesanan persekitaran, imej dan huruf dalam pendidikan kanak-kanak prasekolah
Hussin Ridzuan, Ahmad Kamel Suraya, Mokhtar Asmahan,
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti keberkesanan persekitaran, imej dan huruf dalam pendidikan kanak-kanak prasekolah. Kajian ini melibatkan responden seramai 20 orang kanak-kanak daripada Prasekolah Sekolah Kebangsaan Pusing, Batu Gajah, Perak. Metodologi kajian yang digunakan meliputi kajian kepustakaan dan melibatkan kaedah soal selidik tugasan sebagai alat pengukur. Hasil dapatan kajian mendapati imej dan huruf yang digunakan di prasekolah adalah signifikan dengan pengetahuan dan tahap kecerdasan kanak-kanak. Manakala, pengaruh persekitaran memainkan peranan penting dalam proses memahami imej dan huruf bagi kanak-kanak. Penggunaan imej dan huruf juga mampu meningkatkan minat dan menarik perhatian kanak-kanak di dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan skor min pada tahap yang tinggi, di mana min Pengaruh Persekitaran dalam proses memahami imej dan huruf (M = 3.996 ± 0.286), min Penggunaan Imej & Huruf yang digunakan (M = 3.600 ± 0.265), dan mi.....

1968 hits

Geometric in Islamic art and design: infinite point or creativity through compass and digital
Hussin Ridzuan, Mokhtar Asmahan, Jantan Ramlan,
The creativity of earlier artists and sculptors in designing geometric are extraordinary provided with only a compass. Indeed, geometric in Islamic art and design are unique and have their own aesthetic values. In order to further understand geometric, self-learning with the approach of hands-on would be appropriate. For this study, Islamic themed geometrics designed and created, concerning only; i). The Square Repetition Unit and √2, ii). The Hexagonal Repetition Unit and √3 and iii) Double Hexagon. The aim of this research is to evaluate the creativity of Islamic geometric patterns artworks, through Fundamental Arts and Gestalt theory. Data was collected using specific tasks, and this research intends to identify the difference of Islamic geometric between 21 conventional (compass) untitled selected geometric artworks and 25 digital untitled geometric pattern artworks method. The evaluation of creativity, colors, layout, pattern and unity is known to be of utmost importance, alth.....

1786 hits

Fostering augmented information: analyzing assisted living experience in Malaysia
Jantan Ramlan,
Like other developing countries, Malaysia also will facing with aging phenomenon. Malaysian Government already started to rise up the issues of elderly people problem since 1995. The formulation of the National Policy for the Elderly in 1995 and the setting up of the National Elderly Health Council in 1997 confirm that the government is serious in its commitment to provide care and services for the nation’s elderly. A comprehensive health care system has been applied through extensive care for elderly with chronic diseases. The health care system has been developed to focus on short term care and short term hospitalization with the consequence that the services available may not be effective in dealing with elderly having chronic diseases and disabilities. A research has recognized a moment of truth from the older system. Resulted of analyzing have shown that elderly people in Malaysia dependent too much on their family support and government support which is a contrary with western .....

718 hits

Assessing elementary school students creative-thinking abilities in music
Wong, Colleen
Assessing Elementary School Students' Creative-Thinking Abilities in Music. Colleen Wong, 2013: Applied Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University, Abraham S. Fischler School of Education. ERlC Descriptors: Music Education, Elementary School Students, Performance, Assessment Music education has been part of Malaysian elementary school students and the implementation of it has been going on for many years in the school. Throughout the years, children have been fostered with creative-thinking skills that are considered one of the main components in the learning process. Music has linked students to be part of activities such as improvisation, composition, and instrument playing and collaborating with divergent and convergent thinking. This study was conducted in 1 government elementary school in Perak, Malaysia. Fifty students from 2 classes participated in this study; 21 nonintervention students and 29 intervention students. The Measure of Creative Thinking in Music (MCTM) was used to t.....

2442 hits

Biografi naratif: penghasilan makna melalui catan
Abdul Malek Syamrul Nizam,
Naratif telah menjadi satu ciri yang sangat menonjol dalam sejarah seni visual. Pelukis pada masa kini terus melibatkan diri dengan naratif untuk bercerita dan mengungkap suatu ungkapan agar menjadi lebih hebat dan menarik. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengetahui dan memahami apakah ciri-ciri atau konsep yang digunakan dalam struktur karya naratif. Selain itu, kajian ini juga dilakukan untuk memahami bagaimana perbezaan sifat pelukis yang menggunakan konsep naratif bagi menggambarkan karya mereka sebagai salah satu bentuk penceritaan mengenai subjek sama ada dalam konteks pengalaman peribadi, budaya popular, peristiwa sejarah, fantasi, fiksyen dan dunia. Akhir sekali, kajian ini dijalankan untuk memahami bagaimana semua maklumat tersebut boleh digunakan dalam memahami karya-karya yang dihasilkan oleh penyelidik meliputi pemahaman bergambar, struktur imej dan berkaitan dengan pembuatan maknanya. Para pelukis seperti David Salle, Christian Boltanski, Tim Barney, Jailani Abu Hass.....

1244 hits

Apresiasi karya ‘folk art Zahir Yusof dalam persekitaran sosial masyarakat masa kini
Shamsuddin Baharudin, Zalay @ Zali Aziz,
Kertas kerja ini dibuat bertujuan untuk menjelaskan apresiasi sebenar dalam melihat seni folk karya En. Zahir Yusof dari sudut interdisiplin. Penjelasan ini bermula dengan pengenal pastian intraestetik karya iaitu bentuk, imej dan simbol dalam karya tersebut. Ini seterusnya membawa kepada melihat pengaruh karya tersebut terhadap institusi sosial. Pengaruh yang dimaksudkan adalah persekitaran, perilaku, keperluan serta nilai dalam seni ‘folk art’ Zahir Yusof sebagai satu unsur apresiasi ekstraestetik. Satu bentuk ‘folk art’ telah dianalisa berdasarkan konsep tema tertentu iaitu ‘decoupage'. Nilai kepercayaan mewujudkan identiti Zahir Yusof yang tersendiri terhadap gaya dan olahan idea yang dihasilkan. Penjelasan apresiasi ‘folk art’ Zahir Yusof ini memberi makna dalam aspek rupa bentuk, imej dan simbol serta meninggalkan pengaruh positif terhadap institusi sosial masyarakat pada masa kini...

1613 hits

Development of Carbon Nanotube (CNT)-philic surfactant design for latex technology
Argo Khoirul Anas
The aim of this study is to investigate the roles played by the chemical nature of the CNT-philic surfactant for dispersing MWCNTs in polymer matrix. In this respect, the performance of single-, double-, and triple- chain anionic sulphosuccinate surfactants for the dispersion of MWNCTs in natural rubber latex (NR-latex) via latex technology was studied using a range of techniques, including field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and Raman spectroscopy. The conductivities of the nanocomposites were also measured using four point probe instruments. The results show MWCNTs were efficiently dispersed in NR-latex with an aid of hyper- and benzene ring- branched triple-chain sulphosuccinate anionic surfactants, namely, sodium 1,4-bis (neopentyloxy)-3- (neopentyloxycarbonyl)-l ,4-dioxobutane-2-sulphonate (TC14) and sodium 1,5- dioxo-l,5-bis (3-phenylpropoxy)-3-((3-phenylpropoxy)carbonyl)pentane-2-sulphonate (TCPh), respectively. Importantl.....

1487 hits

Effectiveness of face-to-face and Facebook collaborative writing in Malaysian ESL undergraduates writing performance
Siti Shuhaida Shukor
This study investigated the effects of Facebook collaborative writing on a group of English as Second Language (ESL) undergraduates'a writing participants of the study were 33 second year ESL undergraduates at the Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia. They were categorized into two groups i.e. experimental and comparison groups using the matching-only design. The experimental group was assigned to Facebook collaborative writing tasks while the comparison group was assigned with face-to-face tasks. Face-to-face is considered as the conventional method in this study. This study employed a quasi experimental design with quantitative data. Instruments of the study were pre- and post- writing tests, as well as a set of questionnaire. The fieldwork was conducted in one semester. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean scores, standard deviations, frequency and percentages while inferential statistics such as independent sample t-test and pai.....

713 hits

How the use of music and movement impacts the learning of reading skills by preschoolers
Augustine, Christine
How the Use of Music and Movement Impacts the Learning of Reading Skills by Preschoolers. Christine Augustine, 2013: Applied Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University, Abraham S. Fischler School of Education. ERIC Descriptors: Music, Preschool Education, Literacy, Reading Skills, Gender Preschool years are considered the "prime time" for children to develop physical, social, cognitive, and language development. The most critical issue in current education is the poor development of reading skills among children. It is proved that integrating music into children's daily activities promotes literacy development, particularly with English language learners. Unfortunately, music is not emphasized in Malaysian government preschools as music teachers lack knowledge and teaching skills. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of music and movement on the reading skills of 40 fiveyear- old preschoolers at a university preschool. This study sought to evaluate three reading skills or.....

2104 hits

The implementation of 1 Student 1 Sport Policy among secondary school teachers in Kluang, Johor
Ahmad Mohamad Firdaus, Muhamad Tajul Arifin, Surat Shahlan, Hassim Jady Z., Lamat Siti Aida,
Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 24-43, 2016 - The implementation of the 1 Student 1 Sport Policy (D1M1S) focuses on the involvement of students who are less active in sports activities in order to polish and further developed their talent potential. It is believed that the responsibility and the role of teachers are vital in ensuring the implementation of D1M1S conducted at the school level. However, the use of teachers as executors in ensuring that this policy is carried out must be studied and identified to achieve the goal of D1M1S besides improving the quality of work to a higher level. This study was conducted to identify the implementation level of D1M1S among teachers in secondary schools in Kluang, Johor, implementation of D1M1S based on gender differences and category of school and existing relationships such as elements of skill, understanding, commitment and sports facilities. The key success of D1M1S implementation is closely related to the teachers a.....

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