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9041 | 2009 thesis | Panduan pengajaran dan pembelajaran asas drumset melalui laman blog : Malaysia drummer zone Suhaimee Ahmad This research report entitled Panduan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Asas Drumset Melalui Laman Blog: Malaysia Drummer Zone is prepared in order to fulfill the requirement for the SPM 6006 course offered under the UPSI Master in Education Program. This project is a development of a blog: Malaysia Drummer Zone which covers the basic knowledge of drumset which can be access by anyone interested. This blog can be access by visiting This blog can also be use as a self-access learning point and also as a guide in teaching of drumset basic. It is built based on systematic instructional design model. For the purpose of evaluating, interviews had been conducted by choosing 3 respondents that had visited the blog recently and also based on their credibility as music teachers and musicians. Overall the respondent are satisfied with the effort to develop such a complete and interesting blog. Also, efforts to introduce some of Malaysia Legend Drummers and the ..... 596 hits |
9042 | 2014 thesis | Technology practice among Independent Malay and Indian oil palm smallholders in Ramp 1, mukim of Hutan Melintang, Perak Mutukumaran Subramanian The purpose of this study is to identify the status of technology practice between Independent Malay and Independent Indian oil palm smallholders in Ramp 1, Mukim of Hutan Melintang. The research design uses were quantitative study and data collection using survey method. A set of questionnaires was adapted from Malaysian Palm Oil Research and Development Board (MPOB), Universiti Putra Malaysia 1992. The sample consists of 40 independent oil palm smallholders respectively 20 Independent Malay and 20 Independent Indian smallholders. Descriptive statistic and inference was used to analyse the different practice of technology among smallholders. The result shows Independent Malay frequently guided by MPOB compare the Indian smallholders. However the technology practices by the Malay smallholders are less efficient compare the Indian smallholders. Therefore, the MPOB should monitor and make sure the Malay smallholders fully practice what was guided by them in order to increase their produc..... 901 hits |
9043 | 2016 article | Effects of augmented feedback on squat technique among eleven years old children Ahmad Tajudin Ahmad Syariff, Mohamad Rosni Mohamad Hamka Nizam, Low Jeffrey, Fook Lee, Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 1-8, 2016 - The purpose of this study was to compare the acquisition of performing the squat technique using visual and verbal feedback among eleven years old children. Thirty standard 5 students from a semi urban primary school were recruited for this study. Each participant performed the squat without any provision of feedback in the pre-test. Their performance was assessed using the Motion Competency Screen (MCS) scale. The pre-test scores were used to divide the participants randomly into three groups (i.e., visual-, verbal-feedback and control). During the acquisition phase (two weeks), the visual group (video recordings of their performance) received feedback about the correct squat technique by a qualified trainer while the verbal feedback group received verbal instructions and feedback from the same instructor on their performance. The control group did not participate in any trials during acquisition phase. All participant..... 1845 hits |
9044 | 2016 article | Coaching style and mental toughness among UiTMs football players Lamat Siti Aida, Muhamad Tajul Arifin, Surat Shahlan, Ahmad Mohamad Firdaus, Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 22-34, 2016 - This study aims to provide information to the team manager, especially at the university level to understand the relationship between coaching style and mental toughness among athletes. The sample had been selected from four Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) football team consisting of 88 players (n = 88: 22 players per team). The study used two instruments that had been modified namely "Leadership Scale for Sports Questionnaire" (LSS-40), (Chelladurai & Salleh, 1980) and "The Mental Toughness Questionnaire" (MTQ-48), (Clough, Earle & Sewell, 2002). Research findings had identified UiTM’s football team scores has a moderately high level of mental toughness for each dimension known as challenge, commitments, control assurance and confidence. The study also found that the leadership style of training and instruction was favored by UiTM’s footballer compared to the autocratic leadership style. Overall, the study found..... 4691 hits |
9045 | 2016 article | The use of jigsaw in primary science: what do year 5 children say on its influence on their attitudes towards science Chan Wai Yin, Ong Eng Tek, Mohd Salleh Sabri, This research was conducted to qualitatively gauge the influence of the use of Jigsaw in the teaching and learning of primary science on students’ attitudes towards science. A total of 12 Year-5 students (9 girls and 3 boys) in a low enrolment school or its Malay equivalent, Sekolah Kurang Murid (SKM) classified by the Ministry of Education as schools with less than 150 students were involved in this research. The two-week intervention consisted of three cycles of Jigsaw in the learning of primary science. Basically, one cycle of Jigsaw entails students working in their respective home groups, students moving to their respective expert groups to work on the teacher-prepared tasks, and students returning to their respective home groups to take turn to share what they have learned in their respective expert groups. Preand post-intervention interviews were conducted with six of the Year- 5 students. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed through a recursive process. While the anal..... 4005 hits |
9046 | 2016 article | Science teaching: perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices Phang Yeen Cheng, Talib Othman, Othman Azraai, This study investigates the perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices towards teaching science among secondary school Science teachers. Data was collected using questionnaires and underwent statistical analysis. 102 science teachers in Kuala Langat district were included in this study. Analysis revealed that the three constructs; perceptions, attitudes and instructional practice were at moderate level. In addition, Mann-Whitney analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the experienced group teachers with less experienced group teachers in terms of perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices. Finally, analysis Spearman’s rho revealed that there were low correlation between perceptions and attitudes, perceptions and instructional practices and moderate correlation between instructional practices and attitudes. This research helps in providing the information on teachers’ perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices among secondary school S..... 2496 hits |
9047 | 2016 article | Penerapan nilai rasionalisme dan objektisme dalam pengajaran guru Matematik sekolah rendah Dollah Mohd Uzi, Saad Noor Shah, Abdullah Mohd Faizal Nizam Lee, Yusof Qismullah, Kajian ini bertujuan meneroka secara mendalami komponen budaya, iaitu penerapan nilai matematik dalam pengajaran guru di bilik darjah. Fokus kajian adalah tentang dua nilai matematik iaitu nilai rasionalisme dan nilai objektisme. Secara khusus kajian ini adalah untuk menjawab soalan tentang bagaimana penerapan nilai rasionalisme dan nilai objektisme berlaku dalam pengajaran matematik di sekolah rendah. Kajian dijalankan secara kualitatif melibatkan dua orang peserta kajian. Pemilihan peserta adalah secara bertujuan daripada sebuah sekolah rendah dari sebuah pekan di Negeri Perak. Pengumpulan data melibatkan pemerhatian, temu bual pra dan pasca pengajaran dan analisis dokumen. Data kajian dianalisis menggunakan analisis isi kandungan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kecenderungan guru tidak merancang secara bertulis pengajaran yang akan dijalankan. Dua jenis nilai, iaitu nilai rasionalisme dan nilai objektisme dikesan terterap dalam pengajaran bilik darjah. Walau bagaimanapun penerapan nilai..... 7499 hits |
9048 | 2016 article | Pembinaan instrumen penilaian kendiri pembelajaran Algebra tingkatan empat Abdullah Mohd Faizal Nizam Lee, Low Chai Peng, Dollah Mohd Uzi, Kajian ini bertujuan membina instrumen penilaian murid tingkatan 4 bagi pembelajaran algebra dalam Matematik dan Matematik Tambahan. Topik-topik yang dikaji bagi subjek Matematik adalah Ungkapan dan Persamaan Kuadratik dan Garis Lurus. Manakala bagi subjek Matematik Tambahan, topik-topik yang dikaji adalah Fungsi, Persamaan Kuadratik, Fungsi Kuadratik, Persamaan Serentak dan Indeks dan Logaritma. Kaedah yang digunakan untuk membina instrumen dalam kajian ini melibatkan dua fasa, iaitu kajian literatur dan kajian rintis. Dapatan daripada kajian literatur telah mengenal pasti lima konstruk, iaitu minat, gaya pembelajaran, pengetahuan asas menengah rendah, penggunaan bahan bantu mengajar dalam pengajaran dan isi kandungan algebra. Dapatan daripada kajian rintis pula adalah kesahan kandungan instrumen oleh lima orang pakar iaitu guru yang berpengalaman dalam mengajar Matematik dan Matematik Tambahan serta pensyarah universiti. Nilai kebolehpercayaan keseluruhan item dalam instrumen ialah 0..... 7809 hits |
9049 | 2016 article | Pembinaan dan penilaian makmal maya (Nora VLab) untuk menerapkan kemahiran proses Sains dalam kalangan murid Abdullah Norazilawati, Mohamed Noh Noraini, Wong Kung Teck, Hamzah Mahizer, Kajian ini bertujuan membina dan menilai makmal maya (Nora VLab) yang berasaskan aplikasi multimedia bagi menerapkan kemahiran proses sains dalam kalangan murid. Terdapat tiga objektif kajian ini iaitu membangunkan perisian makmal maya (Nora VLab) dalam satu sub tajuk iaitu “Ketumpatan”, mengkaji kebolehgunaan perisian Nora VLab dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta mengkaji kebolehgunaan perisian Nora VLab untuk membantu murid dalam penerapan kemahiran proses sains. Model rekabentuk pengajaran ADDIE diguna sebagai panduan rekabentuk Nora VLab. Kajian ini terdiri daripada tiga fasa. Fasa pertama kajian bertujuan untuk mengumpul maklumat tentang kesukaran dan kekerapan tajuk Ketumpatan terdapat dalam sukatan mata pelajaran sains, model pembelajaran serta reka bentuk yang sesuai. Fasa kedua kajian adalah untuk membangunkan perisian Nora VLab. Susunan konsep dan kemahiran dalam perisian Nora VLab adalah berdasarkan Teori Kognitivisme, Teori Konstruktivisme dan Teori Kontekstu..... 5550 hits |
9050 | 2016 article | Pembangunan modul peta pemikiran i-Think bagi mata pelajaran Sains tahun 5 sekolah rendah Murad Azlili, Abdullah Norazilawati, Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mereka bentuk dan membangunkan Modul Peta Pemikiran i-Think bagi mata pelajaran Sains sekolah rendah. Modul ini adalah sebagai rujukan dan panduan bagi memudahkan guru menggunakan peta pemikiran i-Think di dalam bilik darjah. Di samping itu, pembangunan modul ini juga adalah untuk meningkatkan tahap penguasaan murid di dalam mata pelajaran Sains. Pengkaji menggunakan model ADDIE untuk membangunkan modul ini yang mempunyai lima peringkat iaitu analisis, rekabentuk, pembangunan, perlaksanaan dan penilaian. Modul Peta Pemikiran i-Think terdiri daripada 4 bahagian iaitu maklumat mengenai i-Think, maklumat mengenai 8 peta pemikiran, rancangan pengajian harian (RPH) dan lembaran kerja berasaskan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT). Dalam kajian ini, modul tersebut dinilai oleh guru-guru Sains, jurulatih utama i-Think dan juga pensyarah. Modul ini dinilai dengan menggunakan senarai semak. Segala penambahbaikan dilakukan setelah peringkat penilaian selesai. Dijangk..... 1789 hits |
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