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9241 | 2009 thesis | Motif penglibatan, orientasi matlamat dan gaya kepimpinan jurulatih dari perspektif atlet sekolah sukan Malaysia Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid The purpose of this study was to identify the participation motives, goal orientation, preferred coaching styles of the Malaysian Sports Schools’ athletes and their respective coaches’ coaching styles. This study also examined the relationship between all the variables and their influence on the athletes’ performance. Instruments used in this study were Motives for Sports Participation (MPS), Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), athlete’s preferred and perceived version of the Leadership Scale for Sport (LSS). The whole population of the two Malaysian Sports Schools for the year 2007 (N = 854; SSBJ = 409, SSBP = 445) were recruited for this study. Results of the study showed the motives for participation ranked accordingly, were Pride for the Family, Improving Skill, Health and Physical Fitness, Doing the Country Proud, Yearn for Challenges, Better Future, Eager to Succeed, Emotional Stability and Self Pride. The findings also revealed that the athletes were..... 1586 hits |
9242 | 2016 article | Preparation of Zinc Layered Hydroxide 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetate (2,4-D) nanocomposite Mohamad Jaafar Adila, Zainal Zulkarnain, Masaruddin Mas Jaffri, 1319 hits |
9243 | 2008 thesis | Analisis perubahan kurikulum pendidikan Islam di sekolah agama rakyat di selatan Thailand Land (1961-2003) Manyunu, Muhamatsakree Islamic Private school of Southern Part of Thailand is resembling the continuous progress of education of Islam from the educational institute of Pondak tradition. The educational system of this Islamic private school is unique and different from others. Therefore, it is required the specific educational curriculum of Islam. The Educational Development Center of Region II-Yala has been a government organization which is responsible for creating and reforming the educational curriculum of Islam from time to time. It started from the fist step of registering of Islamic private school with the government until this present time, it consists of six curriculum which have been formed, implemented and reformed. They were Islamic Educational Curriculum 2504B [1961], Islamic Educational Curriculum 2513B [1970], Islamic Educational Curriculum 2523B [1980], Islamic Educational Curriculum 2535B [1992], Islamic Educational Curriculum 2540B [1997] and Islamic Educational Curriculum 2546B [2003]. Thi..... 1062 hits |
9244 | 2016 thesis | Pembangunan ujian diagnostik kemahiran menulis mekanis bahasa Melayu Yuznaili Saleh Kajian ini bertujuan membangun ujian diagnostik kemahiran menulis mekanis Bahasa Melayu. Reka bentuk kajian ini menggabungkan pendekatan kualitatif dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan bagi membangun ujian dan pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan bagi mengenal pasti kebolehpercayaan dan kesahan ujian. Kajian ini dilaksanakan sebanyak empat fasa berdasarkan lima langkah yang terdapat dalam model penilaian diagnostik kognitif Nichols. Lima langkah tersebut ialah substantif konstruk teori, pemilihan reka bentuk, pentadbiran ujian, skor respons dan semakan reka bentuk ujian. Konstruk ujian dibina berasaskan empat motor pembelajaran yang terdapat dalam teori motor pembelajaran Levine iaitu motor perancangan, motor logik, motor memori dan motor tindakan. Sampel terdiri daripada 162 orang murid LINUS yang dipilih berdasarkan keputusan ujian saringan kemahiran menulis mekanis. Kajian ini mendapati ujian diagnostik telah dibina menerusi lima langkah Model Penilaian Diagnostik..... 1834 hits |
9245 | 2008 thesis | Kesan pendekatan pembelajaran kawalan-kendiri dari segi metakognitif ke atas pencapaian pelajar berdasarkan topik respirasi tingkatan empat Rasfa Roziana Abdul Rashed Self-regulated learning is one of learning method that is more students centered and more effective in learning Biology for all students. The objective of this study is to develop a module with self-regulated learning strategy and then to prove that this strategy can improve the achievement of the student in Biology. Beside that this study is also to prove that student centered learning strategy is more effective compare to conventional method. This study has been carried out to a group the student (n = 64) in two school in Manjung district. This is a quasi experimental study with factorial 2 X 2 designs. In this study, selected sample from the first school was treated with self-regulated learning strategy module was an experimental group while the sample from other school was taught using conventional method was a control group. The topic that had been selected for this study was respiration based on form four Biology syllabuses. The students from both treatment and control were divid..... 1045 hits |
9246 | 2016 thesis | Pembinaan model berstruktur pencapaian Matematik berasaskan transisi dengan penerapan orientasi pembelajaran Matematik Nor Hashimah Abu Bakar Kajian ini bertujuan membina model berstruktur pencapaian matematik berasaskan transisi dengan penerapan orientasi pembelajaran matematik. Kaedah kuantitatif digunakan dalam kajian ini. Data diperolehi daripada subjek kajian melalui instrumen penilaian transisi dan orientasi pembelajaran matematik. Subjek kajian terdiri daripada 95 orang pelajar Persediaan Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan (PPISMP) major Pendidikan Matematik dari enam buah Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia yang dipilih melalui teknik pensampelan rawak ringkas. Analisis statistik melibatkan statistik deskriptif dan model persamaan berstruktur melalui kaedah kuasa dua terkecil separa digunakan dalam kajian ini. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan berstruktur yang signifikan antara pencapaian SPM dengan pencapaian matematik dan juga orientasi pembelajaran matematik dengan pencapaian matematik. Orientasi pembelajaran matematik juga bertindak sebagai pemboleh ubah perantara antara penyesuaian dengan penc..... 1695 hits |
9247 | 2016 thesis | Kesan modul bimbingan kaunseling kelompok penyesuaian remaja terhadap motivasi, asertif, empati, harga diri dan kecerdasan emosi dalam kalangan pelajar salah laku disiplin Zainol Abidin Ishak Kajian ini melibatkan dua peringkat, iaitu kajian tinjauan dan kajian kuasi eksperimen. Tujuan kajian tinjauan adalah untuk mengukur perbezaan aspek psikologi iaitu motivasi, asertif, empati, harga diri dan kecerdasan emosi mengikut gender dan lokasi serta hubungan aspek psikologi berkenaan dengan salah laku disiplin dalam kalangan pelajar salah laku disiplin. Manakala kajian kuasi eksperimen pula bertujuan mengukur kesan Kaunseling Kelompok Penyesuaian Remaja (KKPR) terhadap motivasi, asertif, empati, harga diri dan kecerdasan emosi berdasarkan ukuran pra ujian dan pos ujian antara kelompok rawatan dengan kelompok kawalan. Sampel kajian tinjauan seramai 542 orang yang dipilih secara persampelan rawak berstrata. Sampel kajian kuasi eksperimen pula terdiri daripada 120 pelajar bandar dan luar bandar yang dipilih secara rawak bertujuan. Sampel diagihkan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu 60 kelompok rawatan (15 lelaki, 15 perempuan bandar dan 15 lelaki, 15 perempuan luar bandar) serta 60 kelompok..... 3131 hits |
9248 | 2016 thesis | Kesantunan Melayu dalam majlis akad nikah Adat Perpatih dan Adat Temenggung di beberapa daerah terpilih Asfalaila Ajis Kajian ini menfokuskan kesantunan orang Melayu dalam majlis akad nikah menurut adat Perpatih (AP) dan adat Temenggung (AT) di beberapa daerah terpilih di negeri Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka dan Johor. Tiga objektif utama ialah menghuraikan struktur luaran dan dalaman majlis akad nikah AP dan AT, menganalisis secara perbandingan kesantunan lisan dan bukan lisan dan juga membincangkan strategi kesantunan dalam sesi khutbah nikah. Pendekatan kualitatif telah digunakan dalam kajian ini, manakala kaedah kajian diimplimentasi menerusi kajian lapangan, pemerhatian, temu bual dan kepustakaan. Sejumlah 12 majlis akad nikah dari lima daerah yang mengamalkan AP dan AT telah dipilih bagi pengumpulan data primer. Data yang dikumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif serta diperkukuh dengan maklumat statistik subjektif. Model Kesantunan Bersepadu yang dibina secara eklektik, hasil gabungan Model al-Ghazali, Za'ba, Tenas Effendy, Grice, Lakoff dan Leech dijadikan landasan dalam penganalisisan data. Anali..... 902 hits |
9249 | 2007 thesis | An analysis of prepositional errors of time, place and direction among Chinese secondary school students Chong Kim Foo English prepositions have always been a perceived problem for Chinese ESL learners. However, scant studies have been conducted with a specific focus on the use of prepositions of time, place and direction among Chinese ESL learners. This study examined the extent of errors and the error tendencies of these students in their written assignments with regard to these prepositions. This study also attempted to explain the causes of errors made. A total of 38 students in a Chinese national-type secondary school were involved in translating Chinese texts laced with prepositions of time, place and direction into English. Subjects made most errors in using the preposition of time (39.5%) compared to preposition of direction (34.6%) and preposition of place (25.9%). Among the three error tendencies, wrong selection of prepositions was the most prominent (64.7%). This indicated the uncertainty and ambiguity of Chinese students in selecting the correct prepositions in their translation. The major..... 2155 hits |
9250 | 2013 thesis | An evaluation of aesthetic development in upper primary music students through the creative management of the curriculum Cecilia Anna Malani Thiagarajah The National Philosophy of Education of Malaysia emphasizes the holistic, integrated and balanced development of students in terms of their cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Teaching and learning in the three domains can be translated into knowledge, values and skills. The affective domain, in particular, relates to values which constitute ethics and aesthetics. In the Integrated Primary School Curriculum, Islamic Religious Education and Moral Education carry the main responsibility for the moral development of the students. On the other hand, the subjects of art and music are supposed to develop the aesthetic values of students. This study is an evaluation of the development of aesthetical values in upper primary music students through the creative management of the curriculum. It is a case study grounded in 12 primary schools in the district of Kinta, Perak, Malaysia. Data was collected through document analysis, observation of 36 lessons conducted by 12 teachers and a to..... 1670 hits |
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