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The effectiveness of hands-on modules in learning science: A case Study in Malaysia
Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman
The main aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of two novel learning modules, namely the Arts & Stability Card and Magnobolt modules, on the understanding of relevant concepts of stability and electromagnetism, respectively, among Malaysian secondary school students. The modules were developed based on the Malaysian Secondary School curriculum for science subjects that promote hands-on activities in the classrooms. A quasiexperimental method was used that involved two control and two experimental groups. Students in experimental groups used the novel learning modules, whereas those in the control group used the conventional learning materials. For the evaluation of the Arts & Stability Cards module, forty-eight and fifty students were assigned to the control and experimental groups, respectively. For the evaluation of the Magnobolt module, seventy-nine and seventy-eight students were assigned to the control and experimental groups, respectively. A series of t-tests were per.....

7124 hits

Kesan simulasi litar elektronik berkomputer terhadap Prestasi, Motivasi dan KBAT pelajar dalam mata pelajaran RBT di Sekolah Menengah
Abu Bakar Ibrahim
Simulasi litar elektronik berkomputer merupakan Bahan Bantu Mengajar (BBM) bagi memudahkan pelajar mempelajari mata pelajaran Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (RBT). Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menilai kesan penggunaannya terhadap prestasi, motivasi dan KBAT pelajar sekolah menengah yang memfokuskan kepada cara penyambungan litar pendawaian asas yang betul berdasarkan litar skematik yang diberi dengan pengawasan atau bantuan daripada guru. Simulasi yang digunakan iaitu Livewire dapat menilai kesan penggunaannya terhadap prestasi, motivasi dan KBAT pelajar sekolah menengah. Proses pengajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PdPc) menjadi lebih mudah kerana pelajar dapat mengesan di samping mengetahui kesalahan dalam penyambungan pendawaian yang diberi. Simulasi litar elektronik ini mampu memberi kebolehan kepada para pelajar untuk membaca, mentafsir serta memindahkan litar pendawaian kepada litar skematik. Sample kajian seramai 30 orang pelajar di sebuah sekolah di daerah Kota Setar, Kedah. Kaedah yang.....

6122 hits

The conceptual framework for learning Arabic vocabulary through educational digital game
Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani
An effective teacher knows the form of technology that can be used in the classroom to help improve their students’ learning. They know what the best tools are, and how and when to use them. Digital game-based learning is a recommended approach which transforms the process of teaching and learning to be more interesting, effective and fun. It has the ability to encourage learners to embrace the challenges and not afraid of failure, create cooperative learning, develop personal responsibility and motivation to succeed. Therefore, this paper attempts to propose an instructional model to develop an educational mobile game application. In order to differentiate between edutainment and entertainment, the educational element must be integrated during the development of the educational game, hence, this paper describes the important requirement for developing the educational mobile game application for a course. This paper briefly describes the proposed model which consists of three parts; .....

7175 hits

Sense of presence and learning satisfaction among students of different age groups in a 3-D virtual world
Mohd Hishamuddin Abdul Rahman
Virtual worlds are growing in popularity very quickly. This growing popularity of 3-dimensional (3-D) virtual worlds has drawn attention from educationists. Today, 3-dimensional (3-D) virtual worlds are exploited for online and virtual learning. Unlike the common online learning platforms, a virtual world environment closely resembles a 3-D video games environment. Thus the age of students might affect their sense of presence, interaction, and satisfaction in the said environment. Hence this study was conducted to investigate whether there are differences between students of different age groups on their sense of presence (place presence, social presence, and co-presence) and their learning satisfaction. The study was carried out for six weeks and involved 33 part-time diploma students with the use of interview and questionnaires as instruments. In this study, the researcher developed our own 3-D virtual world, known as ViEW, by using the Open Wonderland open source virtual world progr.....

10941 hits

Human capital creation in educational organizations: The role of knowledge management
Maryam Mahdinezhad
Implementation of knowledge management in human capital development is crucial to sustaining competitive advantage in educational organizations. Thus, this paper aims to highlight the importance of knowledge management by exploring various literature concerning the relationship between knowledge management and human capital creation. A literature review is formed to carry out several studies done by researchers that support the emphasis on knowledge management in human capital development. Research findings show that three important attributes specifically, encompassing knowledge management process, establishing organizational culture and encouraging communication among employees will augment human capital benefits in organizations. These three elements are capable of affecting employees' perceptions of human capital benefits, as well. Hence, this paper conduces to human capital studies by subsuming knowledge management practices as an antecedent to human capital creation. Furthermore,.....

1569 hits

Improving biocompatibility of cobalt based alloy using chemical etching and mechanical treatment
Arman Shah bin Abdullah
Biomedical grade of cobalt based alloy have found a plethora of applications as medical devices especially in dental and articulation joints like in total ankle, knee and hip arthroplasty. However, the long-term performance of this material is highly dependent on their ability to withstand in harsh aqueous environment effects such as corrosion and wear once they are used inside a human body. Loss of surface integrity and subsequent leaching of toxic metal ions as well as particles to the surrounding tissues may undermine biocompatibility of metallic implants, also potentially causing untimely loss of mechanical function and device failure. In this study, a biomedical grade of CoCrMo alloy surface was treated with various surface modification techniques such as chemical etching and mechanical roughening in order to improve its biocompatibility. Investigation was done to study which surface modification techniques possesses the positive effect in cell growth and exhibit excellent cell re.....

5755 hits

Motivation in information communication and technology-based science learning in Tamil Schools
Balamuralithara A/L Balakrishnan
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) utilisation in learning science to improve students’ motivation. This study examined 100 students from Malaysian Tamil vernacular schools to learn ICT-based science.Research design used a mixed method approach involving quantitative and qualitative data. Students answered the Science Motivation Questionaire II (SMQ II) instrument based on the dichotomous scale that uses “Yes or No” questions. Open-ended questions were also analysed qualitatively. The instrument was divided into five categories, namely Intrinsic Motivation, Grade Motivation, Self-efficacy Motivation, Self-determination and ICT Motivation. The findings showed that all 25 items of SMQ IIhad significantly high level of motivation. 90.2% of respondents agreed that ICT-based learning of Science stimulated their Intrinsic Motivation. Respondents admitted that factors such as Elements of ICT (46.6%), Assisted Learning (30.10%.....

2898 hits

Simulation of Electronic Circuit for Design and Technology Subject in Secondary Schools
Abu Bakar Ibrahim
In education, the use of simulation of electronic circuit is very helpful in the process of teaching and learning. Therefore, majority of engineering colleges, universities, and technical institutions are undertaking all initiatives to stay competitive. Effort are exerted to continuously improve the curriculum standard in order to provide quality and relevant education for the students in response the global call for Outcomes-Based Education (OBE). This paper presents the simulation of electronic circuit for Design and Technology Subject in Secondary Schools. Livewire Designer Software is a schematic capture, simulation, and PCB design software, dedicated to analyzing electronic circuit which is based on interconnected icons of electronic component. The approach makes it easier for the students to visualize the system they are attempting to design, model and study...

6335 hits

Measuring the Academic Success of Students with ASICS using Polytomous Item Response Theory
Hishamuddin Ahmad
Fully Residential School (FRS) under the Ministry of Education in Malaysia is a type of school, which produces high performance human capital. Important factors in the academic success of high performing students should be focused on to produce more high-performing students to fulfill the needs of the nation. This study aims to apply the Academic Success Inventory for College Students (ASICS) in the context of FRS in Malaysia and measure the instrument quality as well as identify the most important factor in the academic success. The sample comprised 305 students from three FRS. The data was collected using the ASICS instrument, which contained 49 items. Later, the data was analyzed based on the Polytomous Item Response Theory using the Xcalibre software. Based on the Chi-square, p-value, and the -2 LogLikelihood, Samejima's Graded Rating Model was found to be the fit model with the data. Unidimensionality assumption and local independence were tested using the exploratory factor analy.....

6104 hits

Malay Gamelan and String Ensemble Cultural Hybridity: Instructional Material Development for Teaching Intermediate University-level String Ensemble Class Using Gamelan Repertories
Shafizan Sabri
While humbly accepting scholarly opinions that hybridity is a global trend in cultural research, theory and criticism, and one of the most broadly utilized and reprimanded ideas in postcolonial theory, this research is a response to the already extant that western and non-western fusion is practicable. During cultural hybridization process, traditional components will not die out however will develop into a spectacular form. Tradition isn't something made stale or worn after some time, nonetheless develops throughout the years. From this perspective, the researcher decided to design a hybrid project that would cross cultural boundaries and bring the researcher into music and interpersonal dialogue between western and non-western elements. Two distinct elements which are the traditional Malay gamelan repertories and string ensemble as the Western instruments were brought together to create a work of intercultural beauty, respectful to both musical traditions and to the artists who pract.....

1761 hits

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