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Enhancing management security by using license plate recognition system
Ashardi Abas
Due to the increasing number of vehicles accessing higher education campus nowadays, it is difficult to check the rule regulations, enforcement and security. Currently, the security checkpoint is still using the manual procedures to track vehicle driver’s entrance. At the same time, it is timeconsuming for an officer to check the car sticker/plate every day physically. Also, it is not workable for a hire full-time security officer just to check on the sticker/car plate. As a solution, an artificial intelligence system to identify the car plate has been building up. By implementing this intelligence system, it’s capable of enhancing the management, security and controlling of vehicles accessing by using license plate recognition. If a vehicle approaches the entry gate, the recognition system will initialize and execute license plate numbers to the database system. During the exits through the departure gate, the same method repeated. The archives of vehicle entries and departures im.....

1790 hits

Malaysian Political Engagement 1945-2013
Ishak Saat
In the history of Malaysia's politics, consensus is an approach adopted by all political parties. In order to obtain people's support, political co-operation is a norm between various political parties despite having different ideologies and goals. For the sake of the country's well-being, differences are set aside with the ultimate goal of getting a political mandate and power of government. In fact, political co-operation is adopted and prioritized even before independence, in the post-independence and in the new millennium. By analysing historical documents and political party files, this article wishes to unleash the history of political collaboration and co-operation undertaken by all political parties in Malaysia. Finally, political understanding and co-operation between political parties has been successful in ensuring that social harmony and national integration be achieved and also to ensure that a new Malaysia can be realized.  ..

4209 hits

A Review of the Preparedness in the Management of Disaster in Malaysia
Nurhanie Mahjom
Preparedness during a disaster needs serious attention as it is a critical aspect that will support a country when it is struck by natural or man-made disasters and epidemics. By learning from other countries’ experience in handling disasters, the health system's ability to respond effectively on these various threats becomes a top priority. However, the level of preparedness to confront and manage disasters among health workers in many developing countries such as Malaysia, comprising various levels of situations, is still questionable. There is a need for these countries that seldom or have never experienced a major disaster incident to improve on their system’s efficiency. The information gathered in this study will be used for future improvement and planning of the health systems specifically in Malaysia and in general for other developing countries as well. As the existing system is not fully developed, a lot of improvements are required. Additionally, health workers also need.....

1782 hits

Employee ownership and financial performance of state-owned entities: A mediating role of employee loyalty
Mohd Faizal Basri
The paper examines the mediation impact of employee loyalty in the relationship of employee ownership and financial performance of state-owned entities of Pakistan. Employee ownership is measured as percentage holding in state-owned entities, and financial performance is assessed trough profitability ratios; net profit margin and return on assets. Employee loyalty is determined through questionnaire circulated among the employees covered under the scheme. Meanwhile, secondary data is collected from already published sources. The study reveals that employee loyalty partially mediates the impact of employee ownership on the financial performance, which will support the policy makers to design corporate policies..

8525 hits

Redesigning Assessment for Holistic Learning
Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh
This paper discusses the importance of holistic assessment in the teaching and learning process at all levels ofeducation, both in schools and in higher education institutions. Redesigning classroom assessment for holistic learning to improve student learning is not a new idea. Educators conduct assessment for a variety of purposes such as determining the level of student academic achievement or identifying weaknesses and strengths of students. Educators need to be equipped with ways to maintain these processes to determine the quality of student achievement. Assessment should reflect the understanding that learning is a complex process by engaging a varied selection of techniques, comprising those that require real and authentic performance, utilising them over a period so as to disclose evolution, progress, and emergent steps of integration. The assessment should be continuous and balanced. Implementing holistic assessment benefits the students, teachers and stakeholders. Educators s.....

2702 hits

A descriptive study on bank performance in Malaysia: domestic vs. foreign Islamic Banks
Mohd Faizal Basri
Malaysia’s determination to become a hub for Islamic banking in Southeast Asia has led the Central Bank of Malaysia to grant licenses to foreign Islamic banks to operate in the country. Due to the intense competition among Islamic banks, the introduction of more innovative products is projected to tap investment opportunities not only for Malaysia but also for the rapidly growing Southeast Asian region. This paper assesses the performance of Malaysian Islamic banking industry since the introduction of the first Islamic bank two decades ago by using financial ratios. The ratios are divided into four categories; profitability, liquidity, risk and solvency, and commitment to economy and Muslim community. All 16 Islamic banks as listed by Bank Negara Malaysia were selected in the sample and to get the maximum number of observations, the period of 2005 to 2012 is selected. The chosen financial ratios indicated that domestic Islamic banks performed better during the 2005 to 2012 period in .....

6177 hits

Evaluating service quality at Malaysian Public Universities: perspective of International Students by world geographical regions
Wan Salmuni Wan Mustaffa
Recently, the issue of international students’ perceptions on service quality offered by Malaysian public universities has been debated among practitioners and academicians. The international students may experience different educational services in the host country compared to their home country due to cultural and values differences. In addition, the existing research has reported that the perceptions of international students towards services at Malaysian public universities are only at moderate level. Thus, the aim of this research is to determine the perceptions of international students towards service quality at Malaysian public universities according to world geographical regions, namely Asia, Middle East, and Africa. This research was conducted at Malaysian public universities. An online questionnaire was utilized as a research instrument. The stratified sampling technique was applied to gather the data among international students. The descriptive and one-way ANOVA techniqu.....

1352 hits

Media interaktif formula pola ayat kata kerjaan Bahasa Arab untuk bukan penutur
Saipolbarin Ramli
Kemahiran menulis merupakan antara kemahiran yang diajar dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Arab. Sekiranya dilihat dari aspek kaedah penulisan bahasa Arab, ayat kata kerjaan merupakan bentuk ayat yang mudah untuk dikuasai berbanding ayat kata namaan. Namun begitu, data menunjukkan para pelajar masih lagi berhadapan dengan masalah untuk menguasai penulisan ayat kata kerjaan bahasa Arab dengan baik. Keadaan ini berlaku disebabkan amalan penterjemahan langsung yang dilakukan oleh pelajar dari bahasa penutur kepada bahasa Arab. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan satu formula dan aplikasi bina ayat kata kerjaan dalam bahasa Arab. Formula yang digunakan merupakan hasil formula sedia ada yang distrukturkan semula dalam bentuk yang lebih mudah dan menarik. Formula ini dikenali sebagai formula buah epal untuk ayat kata kerjaan transitif dan formula pergi ke sekolah untuk ayat kata kerjaan tidak transitif. Kajian ini menggunakan rekabentuk kuasieksperimen yang disesuaikan dengan Model instruktiona.....

3555 hits

A questionnaire-based approach on technology acceptance model for mobile digital game-based learning
Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani
There is an ongoing debate among researchers and education on whether traditional teaching methods is still relevant in this era. It is argued that such methods do not gauge students’ interest towards learning and consequently create low quality of learning and negative trends. In this regard, researchers have advocated the use of digital games as an effective medium for learning. It is also argued that the use of digital games can positively influence the learner’s motivation and help facilitate early intervention. In this study, we used elements in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to investigate the users’ acceptance towards the use of mobile digital games for learning Arabic language in the context of higher education. The quantitative approach based on the Technology Acceptance Model questionnaire was used as this study’s primary research methodology. The exanimation focused on four related constructs, Perceived of Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PE), Behaviour.....

9271 hits

The effectiveness of E-AlMunawwar as an interactive tool for learning Arabic Language in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani
The advancement of technology has undoubtedly brought rapid changes and catalysed developments in different aspects of human life, including education.Technological advances have led to the diversification of teaching and learning tools as well as educational materials which allows learning to take place in a borderless world of shared resources. This resulted in significant changes in the roles of educators and practitioners in the classroom. Thus, exciting transformations in education should be embraced and further explored, especially in language teaching and learning because language is an essential part of communication. Language has also become an important requirement for employment and is deemed as a key success factor in life. In this light, this paper aims to explore the effectiveness of e-Al-Munawwar website as a cybergogical tool to support the teaching & learning of Arabic language and improving students’ proficiency. To measure the effective use of these tools, this stu.....

8502 hits

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