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Perbezaan antara simpulan bahasa dan kata majmuk dari segi bentuk dan makna
Robiah Yaacob
Malay language has many ways in describing various things dan events. Idiom is one of the very fine ways to say something which make the Malay language unique and beautiful. Different from the common words used in daily communication, the word in idiomatic phares are very much related to the way of thinking among the Malay people. This dissertation distinguish between idioms in Malay and compound words by using criteria namely non-infusibility, non-reversibility as a test in determining idioms and compound words. This dissertation also explains the distinction between compound words with idioms...

1204 hits

Evaluation of chemical disinfectants efficacy against escherichia coli biofilm developed at 37°c on glass and stainless steel
Anas Muazu, A. Rahman Nor Iza, Umar Ahmed Faruk, Ogidi Jonathan Ajisafe,
2710 hits

Kebolehbacaan dan kesesuaian teks komponen sastera bahasa Melayu: kajian menurunkan indeks kebolehbacaan
Dahlia Janan
This study is intended to discover a methodology to lower the readability index of certain Malay literature texts, such as short stories and novels, used in Malaysian schools. A study was made on the methodology used to lower the readability index of Daniel Defoe’s . Oxford University Press lowered the readability index for , for three groups of readers, namely the university readers, and those of grades three and four. The methodology was adapted and used to lower the readability index of Usman Awang’s . This is a short story written by a well-known Malaysia’s literary figure, and his works are read by pupils in the secondary schools. The readability index of the short story was determined using Khadijah Rohani’s formula (1982). Subsequently, the readability index for the short story was lowered so that pupils from standard five in primary school can read it. It is hoped that, the methodology used in this study will be able to make a contribution in similar exercises to lower .....

2046 hits

Mengajar imbuhan bahasa Melayu
Maso, Aessoomanee
This is a research project aimed at building materials on the use of Malay affixes in teaching Malay. Affixes is an important part of Malay grammar. This project is divided into three parts: affixation to derive nouns, verbs and adjectives. Chapter 1 discusses how grammar is taught in shools to enable students to write and speak Malay grammatically. Chapter 2 provides a research framework. This chapter discusses the concept of grammar, i.e. which describes the constrction and structure of the words, and secondly which involves the formation sentences, and other related research works. Chapter 3 describe the research methodology used. The methodology used is that of a library reseacrh. Chapter 4, describes the product of the project. Series of graded excercises were developed involving the use of Malay affixes in developing written skills in using Malay. Chapter 5, contains a conclusion and suggestion on the research project...

1496 hits

16S rRNA barcoding technique for species identification of processed sea cucumbers from selected Malaysian markets
Kamarudin Kamarul Rahim, Mohamed Rehan Maryam, Mohd Noor Hanina, Ramly Nur Zazarina, Mohamed Rehan ‘Aisyah,
5904 hits

Sikap dan pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran kesusasteraan Melayu: satu kajian kes
Azaha Ibrahim
The research aimes to study the attitude of form five students towards Malay Literature and its relationship with achievement, it is also to investigate if there is any difference in attitude and level achievement according to sex, location and the socio-economic status of students. The sample comprises 160 students from three secondary schools at District of Raub Pahang. The two factors of attitude towards Malay Literature were used to measure the attitude towards Malay Literature subjects and Malay Literature teachers. Five general hyphotheses and fifteen small null hypotheses were made. This study used questionnaires which consist of 37 items on the attitude towards Malay Literature with the five point Likert Scale. The students achievements in Malay Literature subject were obtained from the marks scored in the 2003 final examination. The data were analyzed using the Pearson Coefficient Correlation method was u to measure the relationship between the attitude towards literature and .....

1110 hits

Student teachers level of reflection during teacher clinical experience: a case study in a Malaysian university
Wong Yeou Min, Mansor Rosnidar, Samsudin Syakirah,
3069 hits

Aesthetics of life in landscape poetry by Nam Chou Poets (1973-1990)
Foo, Ai Peng
The classical landscape poetry has its own function of aesthetics of life according to the traditional Chinese literary criticism. This thesis explores the structure of aesthetics of life of the contemporary classical landscape poetry created by the Nam Chou Poetry Anthology in Malaysia from 1973 to 1990. To expose the nature of the structure, this thesis also indicates it from the perspective of aesthetics of life of Tang's landscape poetry. Throughout the study, the implication of the Nam Chou Poetry's landscape poetry can be divided thematically into three phases: the Autumn Period (1973), the Mount and Water Period (1974-1980), and the Mount Period (1981-1990). However, the nature of the whole landscape poetries can be aesthetically summarized as quite similar to the leisure poetry of the great landscape poet in the Tang, Bai Juyi (772-846), which is smooth and graceful in feeling and its beauty, plain and fascinating. In a nutshell, for the Nam Chou Poetry's poets, landscape poetr.....

1745 hits

Pola pengundian orang Melayu dalam Pilihan Raya Umum 2008 di Selangor
Siti Noranizahhafizah Boyman
Tesis ini mengkaji pola pengundian orang Melayu dalam Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) 2008 di Selangor dengan memfokuskan pengundi di bandar dan luar bandar. Objektif kajian yang pertama adalah untuk menjelaskan pola pengundian pengundi Melayu di Selangor pada PRU 2008. Kedua, kajian ini akan menjelaskan sentimen pengundi Melayu yang tinggal di bandar dan luar bandar semasa PRU 2008 di Selangor. Ketiga, kajian ini juga akan mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pola pengundian pengundi Melayu di Selangor pada PRU 2008. Kaedah kajiselidik dan temubual digunakan untuk menjawab segala objektif dalam kajian ini. Data-data yang digunakan adalah lebih terperinci kerana merangkumi aspek empirikal dan kualitatif yang melibatkan kajian lapangan. Kajian ini menggabungkan ketiga-tiga teori iaitu identifikasi parti, pilihan rasional dan asas-asas sosiologikal untuk menjelaskan pola pengundian orang Melayu di Selangor. Dapatan kajian ini menemukan lima perkara. Pertama, hasil analisis menunjukkan .....

1569 hits

Kesan pelbagai strategi pembelajaran aktif berbantukan visualisasi program terhadap prestasi pengaturcaraan dan efikasi-kendiri pelajar
Siti Rosminah Md Derus
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kesan pelbagai strategi pembelajaran aktif berbantukan visualisasi program (InterViz) terhadap prestasi pengaturcaraan perkakasan dan efikasi-kendiri pelajar yang berbeza keupayaan pemikiran logik. Penilaian dilakukan melalui ujian pra, ujian pasca dan Computer Programming Self- Efficacy Scale. Manakala, empat strategi pembelajaran aktif telah dilaksanakan berpandukan empat aras tertinggi Engagement Taxonomy (ET) iaitu bertindak balas (SPAB), ubahsuai (SPAU), membina (SPAM) dan pembentangan (SPAP). Reka bentuk kajian berbentuk eksperimen kuasi dan ujian statistik ANCOVA, ANOVA dan analisis regresi digunakan untuk menjawab persoalan-persoalan kajian. Seramai 169 pelajar semester 5 kursus Diploma Kejuruteraan Elektronik (Teknologi Komputer) dari empat buah politeknik dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dari sudut prestasi pengaturcaraan perkakasan dan efikasikendiri antara kumpulan pelajar yang me.....

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