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Modified singular spectrum analysis in identifying rainfall trend over Peninsular Malaysia
Shazlyn Milleana Shaharudin
Identifying the local time scale of the torrential rainfall pattern through Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) is useful to separate the trend and noise components. However, SSA poses two main issues which are torrential rainfall time series data have coinciding singular values and the leading components from eigenvector obtained from the decomposing time series matrix are usually assesed by graphical inference lacking in a specific statistical measure. In consequences to both issues, the extracted trend from SSA tended to flatten out and did not show any distinct pattern. This problem was approached in two ways. First, an Iterative Oblique SSA (Iterative OSSA) was presented to make adjustment to the singular values data. Second, a measure was introduced to group the decomposed eigenvector based on Robust Sparse K-means (RSK-Means). As the results, the extracted trend using modification of SSA appeared to fit the original time series and looked more flexible compared to SSA...

1609 hits

Pembinaan modul latihan mindfulness acceptance commitment-physical (MAC-P) untuk daya tahan aerobik
Nur Haziyanti Mohamad Khalid
8210 hits

Pembentukan Instrumen Motif Penglibatan remaja dalam sukan
Nelfianty binti Mohd Rasyid
Kajian ini bertujuan membentuk instrumen untuk mengenal pasti motif penglibatan remaja dalam bidang sukan. Instrumen Motif Penglibatan Sukan (MPS) dibina melalui dua fasa penyelidikan iaitu fasa penggubalan item dan ujian psikometrik instrumen. Pengubalan item soal selidik dilakukan mengikut proses Nominal Group Technique terhadap remaja yang aktif dalam sukan. Sebanyak 75 item telah terhasil daripada fasa penggubalan item soal selidik. Analisis faktor dan nilai pekali Alpha Cronbach digunakan untuk menguji bilangan faktor dan kebolehpercayaan dalaman data. Soal selidik MPS telah ditadbir ke atas 582 orang remaja yang aktif bersukan bagi mendapatkan analisis faktor dan kebolehpercayaan instrumen. Hasil proses analisis komponen prinsipal soal selidik MPS mempunyai 58 item merangkumi sembilan faktor iaitu Menaikkan Nama Negara, Kesihatan dan Kecergasan, Peningkatan Kemahiran, Inginkan Cabaran, Inginkan Kejayaan, Kebanggaan Keluarga, Kebanggaan Diri, Kestabilan Emosi dan Jaminan Masa Depa.....

13872 hits

Optimization of carbohydrate, lipid and biomass productivity in tetradesmus obliquus using response surface
Norjan binti Yusof
Microalgae are known as an alternative source of biomass energy to replace fossil fuels. The aim of the present study is to optimise the growth conditions and increase the lipid, carbohydrate and biomass productivity of Tetradesmus obliquus UPSI-JRM02 using response surface methodology with Design Expert software. Four variables (nitrogen concentration, temperature, pH, and light intensity) were optimised to enhance T. obliquus productivity. The highest lipid (33 ± 1.2mg/L/day), carbohydrate (51 ± 1.5 mg/L/day) and biomass (115 ± 1.4 mg/L/day) productivity were produced at a nitrogen concentration of 400 mg/L NO3 at 36 C with pH of 9.8, and light intensity of 23500 lux. The fatty acid methyl ester contains polyunsaturated fatty acid (C18:2, C18:3) and saturated fatty acid (C16:0). These results demonstrate the potential of T. obliquus to produce promising feedstock for biofuel production.  ..

4659 hits

Potential growth inhibition of freshwater algae by herbaceous plant extracts
Nurhaida binti Kamaruddin
Algae often reduce aesthetic values and usability of freshwater as they can grow excessively and present in high biomass concentration. A biological approach to control algae growth by using plant-derived substances has received significant attention due to its minimal undesirable effects. To date, numerous herbaceous plants species are known to have antimicrobial properties. Nevertheless, their inhibitory potential against freshwater algae remains widely unexplored. This study attempted to explore algae inhibition potential using extracts from five herbaceous plants including Melastoma malabathricum, Cosmos caudatus, Pistia stratiotes, Etlingera elatior, and Cinnamomum cassia. Potential inhibitory effect of each plant extract on algae growth was determined through the percentage of algae growth reduction as compared to the control. Our results revealed that all, except Cinnamomum cassia, gave positive inhibitory effects on algae growth. The highest algae growth inhibition wasobserved .....

5694 hits

Characterization of major allergens of macrobrachium rosenbergii and their thermostability in different cooking methods
Rosmilah Misnan
Prawn allergy is a common cause of allergic reactions in countries where crustacean is a famous seafood. Macrobrachium rosenbergii (giant river prawn) is declared as a local major food allergens, causes severe symptoms like asthma and anaphylactic shock.Therefore, the goal concerning this research is to identify the allergenicity of heat treated of M. rosenbergii. Prawn extracts have been prepared using fresh raw prawn and three heat-treated prawn flesh (boiled, steamed, fried), then afterward analyzed by the usage of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Allergenic proteins were identified by means of immunoblotting by the use of sera from 30 prawnallergic patients. The identities of selective major allergens were then determined by massspectrometry analysis. The raw prawn has 27 protein fractions between 6 to 207 kDa, while the heat-treated prawns have reduced number of protein bands. Six prominent bands at 72, 65, 48, 38, 36, and 30 kDa were considere.....

2342 hits

Implementation of the 21st century learning in learning and facilitation of Thirukkural in Tamil Primary Schools
Kartheges Ponniah
The purpose of this study was to find out the implementation level of the 21st Century Learning Model among teachers and to analyze the impact of it in activities and facilitation of 21st Century Modeling in Thirukkural teaching in Perak state’s Tamil Primary Schools. Qualitative research methods were used in this study to obtain the data. This study involved two Tamil Primary Schools as respondents. Observation in the process of learning and facilitating Thirukkural for Year 5 students was implemented using Malaysian Standards Quality Education Waves 2 (known as SKPMg2) instruments that had been set by the Ministry of Education. The results show that the classroom atmosphere involved in the observation meets the positive elements of a classroom, as recommended by the Ministry of Education Malaysia. However, there are some weaknesses in the availability and application of certain aspects such as 'learning resource center', 'self-access learning' and digital technologies. A fairly nar.....

1439 hits

The Teaching of Thirukkural Based on HOTS Among The Students of Tamil Primary Schools in The State of Perak
Kartheges Ponniah
This research is a study which is conducted under the Sultan Idris Education University’s University Research Grant. The purpose of this study is to measure the mastery of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) among the teacher of Tamil Primary Schools in the state of Perak and the mastery of questioning technique based on Bloom’s Taxonomy using HOTS in the teaching of Thirukkural. The approach of quantitative was employed to obtain the data of the research. 80 teachers were chosen as samples from four different schools in Perak to elicit information pertaining to the mastery of HOTS among educators. Through the grading which was conducted by referring to SPSS, the results of the research revealed that the mastery of HOTS among teachers in this category is average and weak from the eight criteria which were studied. This show the efforts that are taken by the Malaysian Ministry of Education provide less impact on the teachers in understanding and mastering HOTS. Meanwhile, a quantita.....

995 hits

A comparison of value of progress conveyed in mathematics textbook in Malaysia and Australia
Mohd Uzi Dollah
This research aims to compare the value of progress conveyed in the form four mathematics textbooks from Australia and Malaysia. One mathematics textbook was analysed from each of the countries. Two chapters were chosen for analysis from both of the textbooks, namely Linear Equations and Trigonometry. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. Four characteristics of the value of progress were identified, namely questioning, growth, alternative and generalisation. For the characteristics of questioning, both of the textbooks gave more emphasize to the use of ?directive words or phrases compared to use of questions. The value of progress with characteristics of growth and alternative was more clearly conveyed in the TVA Math textbooks, compared to the TMA Math textbook. The value of progress with the characteristics of growth, for both textbooks, was conveyed through use of histories. The value of progress with characteristics of alternative was identified through the use of multipl.....

10010 hits

Validation of the Malaysian-based assessment practice inventory for teacher educators (MAPITE)
Siti Eshah binti Mokshein
A psychometrically sound instrument to measure teacher educator’s assessment practice suitable for the Malaysian context needs to be developed. This study aimed to validate an Assessment Practice Inventory for Teacher Educators in Malaysia (MAPITE) to be used in the project ‘NRGS-developing and validating an assessment and accountability framework for preparing quality teachers for the future’ using Rasch Model. An Assessment Practice Inventory for Teacher Educators (MAPITE) consisting 70 items has been developed in the NRGS-assessment sub-project ‘developing and validating an assessment and accountability framework for preparing quality teachers’ 2014-2019. Analysis of construct validity by Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and internal consistency on the data of pilot study showed that the instrument seem to be sound and can be used to measure assessment practice related to assessment literacy standards assessment principles and frequency of carrying out described items. Ho.....

11727 hits

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