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Total records found : 568 |
1 | 2018 thesis | Israiliyyat dalam periwayatan kisah Nabi Sulaiman AS mealui kitab Jami Al-Bayan An Tawil Ayi Al-Quran Asmadi Abdul Rahman Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti riwayat hidup dan keperibadian Nabi Sulaiman
berdasarkan al-Quran dan Sunnah, selain menganalisis aspek-aspek Israilliyyat kisah Nabi Sulaiman
dan metodologi pentafsiran yang terdapat dalam kitab Tafsir Ibn Jarir al-Tabari Jami’ Al-Bayan ‘An
Ta’wil Ayi Al-Quran. Reka bentuk kajian ini menggunakan analisis dokumen dengan pendekatan
kepustakaan terhadap 365 riwayat. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Nabi Sulaiman memiliki nilai
murni yang membentuk keperibadian yang cemerlang, kebijaksanaan, kepimpinan, keprihatinan Nabi
Sulaiman kepada rakyat, keadilan terhadap musuh, serta sentiasa bersedia menghadapi ujian dan
menjadikan doa sebagai tanda kebergantungan baginda kepada Allah SWT. Manakala Israilliyyat dalam
tafsiran kisah Nabi Sulaiman dikenalpasti melalui aspek Israilliyyat dalam penamaan sesuatu,
penamaan tempat, memperincikan sesuatu bilangan, memperincikan sesebuah kisah, penambahan kisah,
yang melampaui keperiba..... 12914 hits |
2 | 2018 thesis | Analisis pragmatik teromba adat perpatih berhubung isu pemecatan undang luak Johol ke-14 Abdul Karim Mansor Kajian ini meneliti kepentingan analisis pragmatik teromba Adat Perpatih berdasarkan
isu pemecatan Undang Luak Johol Ke-14. Kajian ini juga meneliti kepentinga n
penggunaan teromba, mengenal pasti unsur pragmatik dan kepentingan penggunaa n teromba serta
perkaitan kepentingan teromba berlandaskan nilai-nilai Islam dalam isu pemecatan. Analisis
pragmatik teromba ini berlandaskan teori Relevans yang diasaskan oleh Sperber & Wilson.
Prinsipnya merujuk kepada penggunaan struktur dalaman teromba yang berbentuk implisit, inferens dan
ujaran tak terucap. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan rekabentuk kajian kepustakaan, protokol temu bual,
pemerhatia n digunakan dalam kajian ini dan diperkukuhkan dengan teknik triangulasi data.
Berpandukan teori Relevans jumlah responden tidak dipentingkan tetapi mementingkan potensi
setiap responden. Pengkaji menemu bual masyarakat setempat, orang luar dan orang-orang yang
berpengetahuan asas adat yang m..... 9676 hits |
3 | 2019 article | Alkaloids from popowia perakensis king and their potential as dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) Saripah Salbiah binti Syed Abdul Aziz A study on the alkaloid composition on the Malaysian Annonaceae species, i.e Popowia perakensis King has been carried out. Barks of Popowia perakensis were extracted with hexane, dichloromethane and methanol, respectively. Dichloromethane extract further underwent the acid base treatment to give the alkaloidal crude extract. Isolation of compounds was carried out using various chromatography techniques including column chromatography and thin layer chromatography. Spectroscopic methods notably 1 H, 13 C NMR, IR, UV and GC-MS spectroscopy were utilized to identify pure compounds in addition to comparison of reported data. Two azaanthraquinones alkaloids namely cleistopholine 1 and 6-methoxycleistopholine 2 together with simple isoquinolone alkaloid, N-methylcorydaldine 3 had been isolated. All three alkaloids are known but they were isolated for the first time from this species. Cleistopholine 1 was tested for Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) inhibition to investigate its potential anti..... 10020 hits |
4 | 2001 conference_item | Keris Mas: persoalan sosio budaya dalam novel Rimba Harapan Abu Abdul Ghani, Rimba Harapan atau Jungle of Hope karya Keris Mas adlah salah satu dari tiga novel yang dipelajari oleh pelajar tingkatan lima pada tahun 2002 untuk komponen sastera Bahasa lnggeris. Ada terdapat beberapa persoalan berkaitan sosiobudaya yang merangkumi aspek-aspek politik, agama, sosial dan ekonomi di dalam novel ini. Oleh kerana ruang dan masa yang terhad, hanya beberapa persoalan utama yang akan disentuh secara menyeluruh... 1862 hits |
5 | 2014 article | A generalization of a Bezier-like curve Ahmad Azhar, Amat Abdul Halim, M. Ali Jamaluddin, A new generalization basis called A-Bezier was constructed for the space span 2 {1, , ,..., } n t t t by using systolic array. This basis was based on a Bezier-like cubic curve consisting of two shape parameters which gave more degrees of freedom used in constructing the desired free form spline and surfaces. By fixing the shape parameters to specific values, this basis could be reduced to Wang-Ball basis and could be generalized to the other Bezier-like curve such as Timmer PC curve. The results showed that such basis and curves shared some properties with the Bernstein basis and the Bezier curves in polynomial spaces respectively... 1544 hits |
6 | 2019 article | The effectiveness of E-AlMunawwar as an interactive tool for learning Arabic Language in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani The advancement of technology has undoubtedly brought rapid changes and catalysed developments in different aspects of human life, including education.Technological advances have led to the diversification of teaching and learning tools as well as educational materials which allows learning to take place in a borderless world of shared resources. This resulted in significant changes in the roles of educators and practitioners in the classroom. Thus, exciting transformations in education should be embraced and further explored, especially in language teaching and learning because language is an essential part of communication. Language has also become an important requirement for employment and is deemed as a key success factor in life. In this light, this paper aims to explore the effectiveness of e-Al-Munawwar website as a cybergogical tool to support the teaching & learning of Arabic language and improving students’ proficiency. To measure the effective use of these tools, this stu..... 8815 hits |
7 | 2019 article | A questionnaire-based approach on technology acceptance model for mobile digital game-based learning Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani There is an ongoing debate among researchers and education on whether traditional teaching methods is still relevant in this era. It is argued that such methods do not gauge students’ interest towards learning and consequently create low quality of learning and negative trends. In this regard, researchers have advocated the use of digital games as an effective medium for learning. It is also argued that the use of digital games can positively influence the learner’s motivation and help facilitate early intervention. In this study, we used elements in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to investigate the users’ acceptance towards the use of mobile digital games for learning Arabic language in the context of higher education. The quantitative approach based on the Technology Acceptance Model questionnaire was used as this study’s primary research methodology. The exanimation focused on four related constructs, Perceived of Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PE), Behaviour..... 9794 hits |
8 | 2019 article | Sense of presence and learning satisfaction among students of different age groups in a 3-D virtual world Mohd Hishamuddin Abdul Rahman Virtual worlds are growing in popularity very quickly. This growing popularity of 3-dimensional (3-D) virtual worlds has drawn attention from educationists. Today, 3-dimensional (3-D) virtual worlds are exploited for online and virtual learning. Unlike the common online learning platforms, a virtual world environment closely resembles a 3-D video games environment. Thus the age of students might affect their sense of presence, interaction, and satisfaction in the said environment. Hence this study was conducted to investigate whether there are differences between students of different age groups on their sense of presence (place presence, social presence, and co-presence) and their learning satisfaction. The study was carried out for six weeks and involved 33 part-time diploma students with the use of interview and questionnaires as instruments. In this study, the researcher developed our own 3-D virtual world, known as ViEW, by using the Open Wonderland open source virtual world progr..... 11347 hits |
9 | 2017 article | The central subgroup of the nonabelian tensor square of Bieberbach group of dimension three with point group C2 × C2 Nor Fadzilah Abdul Ladi Bieberbach groups are crystallographic groups. By computing the central subgroup of the nonabelian tensor square of a group, the properties of the group can be determined. In this paper, the central subgroup of the nonabelian tensor square of one Bieberbach group of dimension three with point group C2 × C2 is computed. In order to compute the (S3 (3)), the derived subgroup and the abelianization of the group are first constructed... 368 hits |
10 | 2017 article | The central subgroups of the nonabelian tensor squares of some bieberbach groups with elementary abelian 2-group point group Abdul Ladia Nor Fadzilah, Masria Rohaidah, Mohd Idrus Nor’ashiqin, Sarmin Nor Haniza, Tan Yee Ting, 1530 hits |
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