UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
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Total records found : 439 |
1 | 2018 thesis | Penerimaan program dakwah dalam kalangan golongan profesional Melayu di negeri Pahang Ahmad Effat Mokhtar Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti penerimaan para profesional Melayu di
negeri Pahang terhadap program dakwah yang dianjurkan oleh badan-badan dakwah. Reka bentuk kajian
tinjauan berpandukan Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan dan
sumbangan enam faktor tingkah laku iaitu amalan agama, kefahaman agama, sikap, pengaruh rakan,
kepuasan dan keberkesanan dakwah dengan penerimaan program dakwah. Data kajian dianalisis secara
deskriptif dan inferens menggunakan ujian-t, ANOVA sehala, korelasi dan regresi berganda. Kajian
ini juga menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan disokong oleh data kualitatif. Nilai
kebolehpercayaan Alpha Cronbach bagi soal selidik yang dibina adalah tinggi, iaitu antara 0.68
hingga 0.93. Responden kajian ini dipilih berdasarkan pensampelan mudah. Seramai 318 orang golongan
profesional Melayu terlibat untuk menjawab instrumen soal selidik. Sementara itu, seramai 37 orang
responden yang terdiri daripada g..... 11281 hits |
2 | 2019 article | Does religiosity matter in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0? Ahmad Amri Zainal Adnan Since the hype of Industrial Revolution 4.0 that was brought up by Klaus Schwab in 2016,
once again the question of values and beliefs becomes a debate. If religiosity is sidelined
in our efforts to automate services and let machines do the jobs of human, then human
will truly be substituted by artificial intelligence (AI). Does religiosity matter and can it
play a role in the new industry revolution? This study will explore the impact of religiosity
towards Muslim officers’ work behaviour in the higher learning institutions in Malaysia.
Through in-depth interviews and thematic analysis, this study found that religiosity has an
impact on the respondents’ work behaviour to a certain degree. Five themes emerged from
the thematic analysis: religiosity, personality, competency, environment, and leadership.
Besides religiosity, factors such as attitude, leadership, and environment also play a vital
role in the enhancement of a religious-based organisational culture... 8225 hits |
3 | 2019 article | Developing ethical accounting students through incorporating islamic ethics into accounting curriculum: the educators perspectives Noor Lela bt Ahmad The aim of this study is to examine the significant of Islamic ethics in the development of ethicalaccounting graduates through accounting educator’s perspectives. This paper used a survey questionnaire to collect data from accounting educators from eight public universities in Malaysia. Survey items were developed based on Islamic ethics instrument adapted from AAOIFI Code of Ethics for Accountants and Auditors (1998), and Accounting Ethical Development model (Fisher et al., 2005). The findings provide evidence that accounting educators have similar consensus that Islamic ethics principles were acceptable and important to be incorporate in accounting curriculum in order to generate ethical future accountants. Further, respondent encourage accounting educators to integrate Islamic ethics in their teaching and learning process. Overall, the findings of the study are expected to provide a guideline for the university administrator to enhance the improvement of accounting curriculum.. 11848 hits |
4 | 2012 conference_item | Isolation Of Stigmasterol from the leaves of Kopsia Singapurensis RIDL Lee Yean Shan, Ahmad Kartini, Awang Khalijah, Tan Siow Ping, Nafiah Mohd Azlan, The isolation and purification of the leaves of Kopsia singapurensisRidl. (Apocynaceae) revealed the presence of steroids, terpenes, and alkaloids. Stigmasterol 1 was isolated from the hexane crude extract of the leaves of this species. This phytochemical study involves extraction, separation by using various chromatographic methods and structural determination by spectroscopic technique such as IR, NMR including 1D-NMR (1H, 13C and DEPT), 2D-NMR (COSY, NOESY, HMQC/HSQC, and HMBC) and GCMS, involving also comparison with data from the literature.. 4723 hits |
5 | 2012 conference_item | Isolation Of Boldine from Alseodaphne Peduncularis (Wall. Ex. Ness) Meissn (Lauraceae) Mohammad Siti Nor Fadzilah, Nafiah Mohd Azlan, Ahmad Kartini, A phytochemical investigation of the bark of Alseodaphne peduncularis (Wall. Ex. Ness) Meissn (Lauraceae) has resulted in the isolation of a known aporphine alkaloid; boldine (1). The isolation and purification of the alkaloids were achieved using column chromatography (CC) and preparative thin layer chromatography (PTLC). The structural elucidation was performed by spectral methods mainly 1D and 2D NMR, IR, UV and MS, and in comparison with data from other literature... 5169 hits |
6 | 2010 monograph | Kajian penyesuaian program pengajian UPSI dengan bidang pekerjaan (graduan 1999-2009) Kasa Zakaria, Ibrahim Mohamad, Kahar Mohd Ramli Buyong, Dawi Amir Hasan, Hashim Ahmad, Che Omar Che Mohd Zulkifli, Che Ngah Mohamad Suhaily Yusri, Oth Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti kesesuaian program pengajian yang ditawarkan oleh UPSI dengan bidang pekerjaan. Lapan aspek yang dilihat ialah kesediaan graduan UPSI meneruskan pengajian diperingkat lebih tinggi, kesesuaian program UPSI dengan keperluan bidang keguruan, pandangan graduan terhadap pelaksanaan kokurikulum, kesesuaian kokurikulum dengan keperluan sekolah, kesediaan graduan bekerja sebagai guru atau bukan guru di luar Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM), kesesuaian program pengajian UPSI dengan keperluan semasa bidang keguruan mengikut pandangan majikan guru, kesesuaian prasarana dan kemudahan untuk program pengajian mengikut pandangan pensyarah dan kesesuaian graduan bekerja diluar bidang keguruan mengikut pandangan majikan bukan guru. Kajian ini dijalankan dalam bentuk tinjauan dengan menggunakan soal selidik untuk mendapatkan data daripada graduan yang bergraduat dari tahun 1999 hingga 2009 (populasi 14,942, sampel 1500 dan 80% memberi maklumbalas), majikan ..... 19132 hits |
7 | 2019 article | Measuring the Academic Success of Students with ASICS using Polytomous Item Response Theory Hishamuddin Ahmad Fully Residential School (FRS) under the Ministry of Education in Malaysia is a type of school, which produces high performance human capital. Important factors in the academic success of high performing students should be focused on to produce more high-performing students to fulfill the needs of the nation. This study aims to apply the Academic Success Inventory for College Students (ASICS) in the context of FRS in Malaysia and measure the instrument quality as well as identify the most important factor in the academic success. The sample comprised 305 students from three FRS. The data was collected using the ASICS instrument, which contained 49 items. Later, the data was analyzed based on the Polytomous Item Response Theory using the Xcalibre software. Based on the Chi-square, p-value, and the -2 LogLikelihood, Samejima's Graded Rating Model was found to be the fit model with the data. Unidimensionality assumption and local independence were tested using the exploratory factor analy..... 6409 hits |
8 | 2005 thesis | Penggunaan komputer laptop di kalangan guru sains sekolah menengah Ahmad Salim Hambiah The aim of this research is to survey the frequency of using laptop amongst form one teachers teaching Science in Mersing. This research has identified the basic skills needed by teachers to operate laptop, teacher’s attitude towards the laptop use in teaching and learning, problems faced by teachers while handling the laptop in the classroom and the frequency of using laptop amongst teachers in Grade A and Grade B Schools. Fifty respondents have been selected among form 1 Science teachers from 9 schools in Mersing. The research used descriptive method.. The reliability for this instrument is 0.8350 in section B, 0.6104 in section C, 0.7843 in section D and 0.7245 in section E based on a pilot study on 5 respondents. The data collected, processed with SPSS 11.0, using mean, mode, standard deviation and inference analysis. This has been done by using t test and Spearmen Correlations to identify the differences between score and mean to measure rate of usage, gender, teaching experienc..... 1151 hits |
9 | 2004 monograph | Bullying among national and national type (Tamil and Chinese) primary school children with reference to Perak Yaakub Noran Fauziah, Nagappan Rajendran, Jusoh Ahmad Jazimin, 3192 hits |
10 | 1949 book | Puteri Pertiwi Bakhtiar Ahmad, Puteri Pertiwi ialah cerita Roman Sejarah, Sarinva diambil dari kejadian-kejadian yang benar berlaku kira-kira Tahun Masihi 1526 iaitu tatkala Kuasa Kerajaan Melayu kita mendapat gangguan dan kecerobohan dari kuasa luar yang bercorak pemerasan dan penjajahan.Disini kita mengetahui, bahawa pada tarikh itu, iaitu lebih empat ratus tahun dahulu, wanita-wanita bangsa kita telah ada yang bersifat kesatria tanah air, sanggup berjuang dimedan hadapan disamping kaum lelaki kerana mempertahankan kemerdekaan bangsa dan tanah airnya... 653 hits |
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