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School Learning Environment Indicies
Nordin Abu Bakar, Kamaruddin Kamarulzaman, Kamis Hariri, Jusoh Osman, Ismail Ramlee,
9914 hits

Perbandingan pencapaian Ekonomi Asas bandar dan luar bandar di negeri Perak
Ismail Ramlee, Kamis Hariri, Abu Bakar Sheffie, Abd. Jalil Norasibah,
Pencapaian mata pelajaran Ekonomi Asas di Negeri Perak menunjukkan pola yang turun naik sejak sedekad yang lepas. Tidak banyak perbezaan dari segi kuantiti antara bandar dan luar bandar tetapi kualiti menunjukkan bahawa pelajar di bandar mencatat keputusan yang lebih baik daripada kawasan bandar. Hasil daripada kajian ini mendapati bahawa selain daripada perbezaan faktor sosioekonomi antara kumpulan bandar dan luar bandar, latar belakang akademik pelajar yang lebih rendah adalah salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi perbezaan kualiti pencapaian. Kaedah pengajaran juga mempengaruhi pola ini di mana penggunaan bahan dalam pengajaran, bentuk ujian dan latihan yang diamalkan membezakan kualiti pencapaian antara bandar dan luar bandar...

2194 hits

Pembuatan keputusan multi kriteri kenaikan pangkat kakitangan akademik di institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA):teknik proses hierarki analisis (PHA)
Wan Mustaffa Wan Salmuni, Kamis Hariri, Mohd Shokory Suzyanty, Jusoh Osman,
Pendidikan tinggi Malaysia mengalami perubahan dalam sistem pendidikannya selaras dengan keperluan globalisasi. Malaysia ingin menjadi pelopor pendidikan tinggi di Asia di raana pelajar memilih Malaysia sebagai pilihan pertama untuk melanjutkan pengajian mereka. Bagi mencapai matlamat ini, aspek utama yang diberi penekanan adalah sumber manusia. Ini adalah kerana sumber manusia yang berkualiti dapat menyumbang kepada pencapaian matlamat dan peningkatan prestasi pendidikan tinggi ke tahap antarabangsa. Kakitangan akademik merapakan input utama dalam proses transformasi pendidikan serta merupakan faktor penyumbang kepada kecemerlangan dan kegagalan sesebuah institusi. Oleh hal demikian. salah satu cara bagi mendapatkan pensyarah yang berkualiti tempatan dan luar negara pihak kerajaan perlu menyediakan ganjaran dan pengiktirafan yang menarik. Antara ganjaran yang didapati paling berkesan adalah kenaikan pangkat. Kenaikan pangkat yang selaras dengan perubahan dan keperluan globalisasi meme.....

1937 hits

The effectiveness of LIKES method in improving reading skills of Orang Asli students
Abdul Wahab Norwaliza, Jaafar Ridzuan, Mustapha Ramlee, Kamis Arasinah,
1840 hits

Impact of work environment on learning transfer of skills
Faizal A. N. Y., Saiful H. M., Bekri R., Jamil A. B., Amiruddin M. H., Kamis Arasinah,
1471 hits

Integration of green skills in sustainable development in technical and vocational education
Kamis Arasinah, Alwi Amarumi, Ismail Bushra Limuna, Zakaria Normah, Nur Yunus Faizal Amin,
1307 hits

Development of automotive technology competency constructs by modified Delphi method
Kamis Arasinah, Talib Sariati,
956 hits

Exploring green skills: a study on the implementation of green skills among secondary school students
Arasinah Kamis
Green skills are the technical skills, knowledge, values and attitudes needed in the workforce to develop and support sustainable social, economic and environmental outcomes in business,industry and the community (as defined by the Green Skills Agreement, Australia). School teachers play a role in producing skilled labor that has green skills. The aim of this research is to explore the views of teachers regarding the instilling of green skills in students and the types of green skills applicable in schools. This research is a qualitative investigation using the method of in-depth interview to collect information from the teachers who handle the subject of Living Skill Integration in secondary schools. The respondents opine that the school can disseminate preliminary information about green skills, but the application of these skills in real life requires experienced teachers. Furthermore, these skills can be infused into various subjects so that students can have a holistic perspective.....

1017 hits

Using The ADDIE Model to develop green skills teaching module
Arasinah Kamis
This article discusses the development process of a module based on ADDIE Development Model. Teaching module is one of the elements that can help in the teaching and facilitating process for a subject. Therefore, in designing a module, a development model that contains thorough and systematic phases and processes is crucial. The aim of this article is to discuss the use of ADDIE development model in the development phase of Green Skills (Gs) teaching module for the Design and Technology (D&T) subject at primary schools. This is because ADDIE model is among the design models that are systematic and effective, comprising five phases which are analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The use of ADDIE model is suitable in developing the Green Skills teaching module because it is systematic and complete as it has five sufficient steps so that the results meet the desired objectives and makes the teaching and facilitating process more effective. ..

1996 hits

The effect of implementing the green skills module on design technology subject: assessing the pupils
Arasinah binti Kamis
This study examines the effect of implementing the Green Skill (GS) in Design and Technology (DT) subjects to assessing students’ green practices. This quantitative study uses a quasi-experimental technique to evaluate 62 year-five primary school students: group of treatment utilising the GS Module, and the control groups without GS Module. A GS practice rubric test was conducted to measure the performance of the students after they had practised the GS. The GS practice - questionnaires were only answered by the treatment group after using the module for nine weeks. The analysis results of the t-test show that the level of GS practice between the male and female students is almost the same and at a good level. The MANOVA's findings show that there are no significant differences of the Waste practice, 3R and water usage of green skills between male and female students. These clearly shows that the practice of the two groups are at the same level and good. Conclusion, that GS can be in.....

1531 hits

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