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Total records found : 192
Pembelajaran untuk kefahaman - kajian keberkesanan pengajaran dan pembelajaran sejarah menggunakan teori pembelajaran konstruktivisme
Abd Malek Selamat
This case study research aims at giving a description of the teaching and learning of history in a secondary school. It then proceeds to elaborate the teaching and learning process that occurs, based on the use of a Constructivist Teaching Module for History (MPKdS being its acronym in the Malay Language), designed based on Needham’s “Phases in Teaching Schemes”. The study involves four phases: Orientation Phase, Observation Phase, Participation Phase and Consolidation Phase. Sampling in the Observation phase consisted of six teachers and seven students. For the Participation Phase, a sample of 28 form four students were selected. They were divided into two groups of fourteen students each. Both the groups underwent two lessons using the MPKdS module. The findings of the study showed that the teaching and learning of history was geared more towards the need of preparing the students for examinations, to the extent that it detracted from the actual purpose of learning history for .....

2406 hits

Pemupukan semangat patriotisme di kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah menerusi pengajaran dan pembelajaran sejarah- satu kajian kes tingkatan dua
Abd Sukor Yusof
This is a collaborative study using a partially participatory approach to explore the effectiveness of the inculcating patriotism amongst students through the teaching and learning of history. Five aspects of patriotism present in the history curriculum, namely, proud to be a Malaysian citizen; loyalty to nation, spirit of togetherness, discipline and endeavour were given attention in this study. This study was carried out in three secondary schools in the district of Hulu Selangor. Data was obtained through various means, such as observations of six history lessons conducted by six history teachers with a minimum of three years experience in teaching history, a total of 18 people consisting of six teachers and 12 students were interviewed. The data was subsequently coded and analysed qualitatively. In addition an analysis of the Form 2 KBSM history syllabus and the changes introduced in the year 2000 was done. Data was analysed in the following manner. Observation was done using two f.....

2791 hits

Dikir laba- konsep, asal, usul, sejarah perkembangan dan falsafah
Helmi Hussin
This is a research in the field of Malay traditional poem called Puisi Dikir Laba . The poem is categorized into the dikir or zikir genre which is one of the major general in the Malay traditional poem ( Harun Mat Piah : 1989). This research is done based on the Literature Sociological Theory. To attain sources of information , the researcher made his way to the popular “dikir” location since 1920s until today. The researcher attained his first hand resources from observations and interviews with old and young Dikir Laba experts who are at present active in the field as it was popularized since 1930s. The researcher also take into consideration available resources. The aim of this research is to see the crucial aspect that acknowledge this traditional poem as a unique genre in the Malay community in Kelantan. The aim of the research and discussion are mainly about the concept, the foundation of the poem, the history of its expansion and how it spread about in certain status. The re.....

1707 hits

Kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi dalam sukatan pelajaran Sejarah tingkatan empat: satu kajian kes
Pushpalatha Sivamugam
This study seeks to investigate the extent to which the recently revised Form Four History Syllabus has incorporated the Higher Order Thinking Skills. The study also investigates the views of Curriculum and Education department officials as regards to the incorporation of the skills. The teachers’ interpretation of these Higher Order Thinking Skills and the difficulty faced in infusing these skills in the classroom are also presented. Document analysis of the History Syllabus and Specifications for the purpose of identifying the Higher Order Skills was undertaken. These data were also supported with data collected through interviews with six teachers and three Education officials from the History department of the Curriculum Development Centre and State Education Department. The data were again reinforced through the administering of a questionnaire to 163 teachers throughout a particular district in Perak. The findings of the research suggest that the Higher Order Thinking skills ar.....

865 hits

Pelaksanaan kemahiran pemikiran sejarah dalam pengajaran guru-guru sejarah: satu kajian kes di Daerah Hilir Perak
Jabar Baharuddin,
851 hits

Orientasi nilai guru terhadap pendidikan Sejarah
Yusoff Nuraini, Tor Geok Hwa,
Sejarah merupakan antara teras pemerkasaan sesuatu tamadun. Sejarah membekalkan memori kolektif yang menjadi asas jati diri dan ketahanan bangsa. Pendidikan Sejarah yang berkesan dapat menjamin penerusan nilai-nilai murni untuk mencapai kecemerlangan...

1486 hits

Nilai-nilai dari perspektif masyarakat Melayu dalam karya agung sejarah Melayu
Mat Zin Manun
This project paper is educational study of the values in Malay community a masterpiece in Malay History literary text. The study is confined to the Sejarah Melayu text which was refined by Muhammad Haji Salleh. For the purpose of this study, the discussion will begin with the understanding of the term values in literature, the concept and importance of values in determining the status of a certain race especially the Malays in their daily life. Overview this study is then followed by a brief of Tun Sri Lanang as the author of the text Sejarah Melayu.Then this study analyses the social values that encompasses the elite anadcommoners in the Malay society, which include the religious group or 'ulama' and the women during the rule of the Malacca Sultanate.. This study will be wrapped up with the conclusion showing that the values present in the malays culture as shown in Sejarah Melayu, truly had its own vision and mission. This is what the writer is trying to reveal and highlight. Sejarah.....

854 hits

Kesan penggunaan komik bergerak terhadap prestasi pelajar dalam matapelajaran Sejarah
Mohd Ekram AI Hafis Hashim
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti potensi penggunaan motion comic dalam meningkatkan prestasi pelajar bagi matapelajaran Sejarah tingkatan empat, Reka bentuk eksperimen kumpulan kawalan dengan ujian pasca sahaja digunakan dalam kajian ini. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 120 orang pelajar tingkatanempat yang dipilih secara rawak di sebuah sekolah di Hilir Perak. Sampel tersebut diagihkan secara rawak kepada dua kumpulan pelajar seramai 60 orang bagi setiap kumpulan, iaitu kumpulan rawatan ( motion comic ) dan kumpulan kawalan ( konvensional ). Analisis data telah dijalankan menggunakan ujian-T sampel bebas dengan skor ujian pasca sebagai pembolehubah bersandar. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan dan lebih baik bagi prestasi pelajar dalam kumpulan rawatan ( motion comic ) berbanding kumpulan kawalan ( konvensional ). Kajian ini membuktikan bahawa penggunaan motion comic berkesan dalam pembelajaran matapelajaran Sejarah tingkatan empat...

1048 hits

Pemelayuan: pengalaman etnik Bugis di Johor berdasarkan nashkah-nashkah sejarah tradisional Melayu Johor
Abdullah Mohd Akbal, Sulaiman Abdullah,
Kajian ini mencuba melihat pengalaman sebuah etnik yang banyakjasanya kepada politik Melayu tradisional di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu satu waktu dulu. Etnik Bugis ini dianggap sebuah etnik yang amat dominan dan sinonim dengan laut dan aktiviti pelayaran. Justeru itu tidak hairanlah jika etnik ini dalam banyak keadaan sama ada terpaksa ataupun rela memasuki masyarakat tempatan yang jelas mempunyai budaya yang asing. Pengalaman etnik ini yang besar ialah bersemenda dengan keturunan Sultan Johor berdarah Bendahara Tun Abdul Jalil. Dalam proses awal persemendaan itu, unsur jati diri Bugisnya bercanggah dengan unsur tempatan, iaitu Melayu. Banyak keadaan menunjukkan berlaku konflik yang mendalam bahkan ada yang membawa pertumpahan darah dalam keluarga. Namun, tanpa disedari, persemendaan dan konflik itu telah berjaya mengukuhkan lagi sebuah bangsa yang ketika itu jati diri merudum akibat sengketa istana. Malahan dari ini Melayu di Johor dianggap berjaya meraih martabat dari proses tersebut. K.....

1609 hits

Pelaksanaan kemahiran pemikiran sejarah dalam pengajaran guru-guru Sejarah : satu kajian kes di daerah Hilir Perak
Jabar Baharuddin,
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pelaksanaan kemahiran pemikiran sejarah dalam pengajaran guru-guru Sejarah. Kemahiran pemikiran sejarah yang dikaji ini dibahagikan kepada lima kategori utama, iaitu memahami kronologi, membuat imaginasi, meneroka bukti, membuat interpretasi dan membuat rasionalisasi. Kajian ini juga bertujuan melihat sama ada terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pelaksanaan kemahiran pemikiran sejarah dalam pengajaran guru-guru Sejarah dengan lokasi sekolah yang dilihat dari sudut sekolah yang terletak di bandar dan luar bandar. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah survey dan data untuk kajian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan soal selidik. Sampel kajian ini terdiri daripada 300 orang pelajar tingkatan empat daripada enam buah sekolah menengah di daerah Hilir Perak, Perak. Data dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 10.0. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan, guru melaksanakan kemahiran pemikiran sejarah bagi setiap item dalam setiap .....

661 hits

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