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Total records found : 68
Keberkesanan perisian permainan komputer fracblock dalam pembelajaran pecahan di sekolah rendah
Yusri Abdullah
This research has developed an educational computer based software named FracBlock to enhance learning the topic ?fraction? for year 4. This software is used as an enhancement activity and to help students to master the topic. FracBlock software is developed based on the Multimedia Development Alessi & Trollip Model. The design of this research is Quasi Pre & Post Trial method with a controlled group. The sampel for this research is sixty students from year 4, comprising thirty for the treatment group and another thirty for the controlled group. This research also determines the change in student‘s attitude towards computer and learning mathematics after using the FracBlock software and evaluating the software. The change in attitude is measured using questionnaire which was translated from the Yong Children’s Computer Inventory and childrens attitude towards learning mathematics is measured with also a questionnaire translated from the Fennema-Sherman Attitude Scales. The quality .....

4811 hits

High energy density fuels derived from Mallee Biomass: fuel properties and implications
Hanisom Abdullah
Mallee Biomass is considered to be a second-generation renewable feedstock in Australia and will play an important role in bioenergy development in Australia. Its production is of large-scale, low cost, small carbon footprint and high energy efficiency. However, biomass as a direct fuel is widely dispersed, bulky, fibrous and of high moisture content and low energy density. High logistic cost, poor grindability and mismatch of fuel property with coal are some of the key issues that impede biomass utilisation for power generation. Therefore, innovations are in urgent need to improve biomass volumetric energy densification, grindability and good fuel matching if co-fired with coal. Biomass pyrolysis is a flexible and low-cost approach that can be deployed for this purpose. Via pyrolysis, the bulky biomass can be converted to biomass-derived high-energy-density fuels such as biochar and/or biooil. So far there has been a lack of fundamental understanding of mallee biomass pyrolysis and pr.....

891 hits

Pengaruh gaya kepimpinan guru terhadap tahap kepuasan murid dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani sekolah menengah
Ruzeanna Abdullah@Jahari
Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihatan (PJK) sering dianggap sebagai mata pelajaran sampingan, tidak penting mahupun mata pelajaran main-main. Rasionalnya adalah kerana mata pelajaran ini tidak dinilai dalam peperiksaan-peperiksaan utama, mata pelajaran ini di pandang sambil lewa sehingga ada sekolah yang mengambil waktu mata pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani untuk di gantikan dengan aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran mata pelajaran lain yang lebih penting dan di ambil dalam peperiksaan utama...

616 hits

Epidemiologi pensensitifan alergi makanan, inhalan dan produk apikultur terhadap darjah kesensitifan dari perspektif atopik dan persekitaran bagi penduduk di Tanjong Malim, Perak
Mai Shihah Abdullah
Epidemiological studies pensensitifan allergens allergic three groups consisting of food , inhalan and apiculture products was conducted among residents Tanjong Malim , Perak . A total of 2523 respondents , including 141 indigenous population ( 41.4 % male , 58.5 % female : 30.8 % of children , 69.2 % adults : 94.4 % of the population urban , rural 5.6% ) were interviewed and underwent skin prick test . A total of 633 complete data index of mother, father and siblings were used to Familial aggregation test model . Design ex post facto correlation using a questionnaire to obtain information from the self- reporting respondents . Questionnaires were divided into five groups with two ( familial and symptoms) represents a factor of atopic booster while three others ( settlements , style life and behavior ) represents an environment encouraging factors . Panel battery test containing 43 allergens ( 19 meals , 9 and 15 inhalan apiculture products ) used to test for allergic sensitivity respo.....

2031 hits

Rhythmic transitions during game playing session: a case study of Malaysian gamers
Muhammad Fadhil Wong Abdullah
This research investigates the actions of gamers during the in-game cut-scenes transitions and how they adapt in multiple higher level actions during their game playing sessions. Drawing on Mediated Discourse Analysis and Multimodal Interaction Analysis, the exact lower-level action - pressing a button and higher-level action - playing a game provides important insights throughout the entire video game playing session obtained through video ethnography method. Video data of 5760 minutes were collected over a period of twelve weeks from four participants. Videos transcription and multimodal transcript were utilized to further explain the complex interaction between the video gamer and the video game playing. The term ‘Rhythmic Transitions’ was derived from this research which explains the switching over from the primarily focused attention away during cut-scenes provided us with a perfectly linked and synchronized rhythm of actions. Findings provide important insights to games’ de.....

3825 hits

Prior knowledge in reading and comprehension
Maria Shu Hong Bee Abdullah
This research investigates a group of primary five students utilizing their prior knowledge as they construct meaning while reading the expository texts in the English as the Second Language (ESL) classroom. In this case, the students are viewed as bringing personal meaning actively to the reading process. The reading comprehension lessons were carried out with a group of elementary students’ reading behaviours being observed and audio-recorded and the data were collected and analyzed qualitatively. The KWLS grid was used to assist students to activate their prior knowledge by generating questions and discussion to construct meaning while reading. Activating and developing prior knowledge presents background material supporting the importance of schemata and prior knowledge for literacy development. In short, the outcome of this research showed that comprehension can and should be taught. At this time, the challenge for the field is to mesh research with reality. Students of all ages.....

1957 hits

Analisis semiotik dalam karya-karya ilustrasi Abdullah Ariff
Zabariah Saad
Kajian ini adalah bertujuan mengenalpasti dan menganalisis karya ilustrasi yang dihasilkan oleh Abdullah Ariff. Kaedah kualitatif dengan pendekatan historikal dan eksplorasi telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Data dianalisis secara induktif menggunakan teori semiotik. Hasil daripada kajian ini mendapati karya ilustrasi berkenaan telah diterbitkan dalam pelbagai bentuk media cetak dari tahun 1932 sehingga tahun 1959. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa karya ilustrasi berkenaan berupaya menghuraikan makna, tema dan persoalan yang cuba digarap oleh ilustratur, bersesuaian dengan pelbagai situasi dan khalayak pada zaman berkenaan. Karya ilustrasi wajar diberi lebih perhatian di dalam penyelidikan sejarah seni di Malaysia...

1950 hits

Penglibatan mahasiswa dalam reformasi politik Thailand, 1970-1990-an
Rabaah Abdullah
Kajian ini membincangkan penglibatan mahasiswa dalam reformasi politik Thailand dari 1970 hingga 1990-an yang telah memberi impak yang besar terhadap politik dan rakyat Thailand. Fokus utama kajian menjurus kepada peranan yang dimainkan oleh aktivis mahasiswa 1970-an khususnya dari Universiti Thammasat, Universiti Chulalongkorn serta Persatuan National Student Center of Thailand (NSCT) dalam usaha membentuk politik yang lebih demokratik di Thailand. Perbincangan berkisar kepada faktor-faktor yang mendorong keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam aktivitiaktiviti yang berunsurkan politik dan sosial serta kesannya kepada kesedaran politik dalam kalangan masyarakat umum. Sclain itu, pengaruh dan kerjasama aktivis mahasiswa dalarn Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan termasuk kesatuan-kesatuan buruh dan petani turut dibcri tumpuan. Kajian ini juga memberi penekanan kepada insiden 14 Oktober 1973, 6 Oktober 1976 dan Mei 1992 yang memperlihatkan keterlibatan mahasiswa secara langsung dalam reformasi politik di Th.....

907 hits

Pengajaran guru dalam menggalakkan kreativiti pelajar tingkatan empat Sekolah Menengah Bebangsaan Taman Maluri, Kuala Lumpur
Zarina Abdullah
A research was conducted for Form 4 students in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Maluri, Kuala Lumpur. This research stresses about the skills of teaching to encourage student's creativity. This research mainly describes about the background of the student's preativity. More ever this literature review was done by the researcher to lenow how far the teachers teaching skills helps encouraging students creativity to get ideas and to see the difference from the previous research. The literature research explains totally of everything with regards to creativity and teacher's teaching skills. This research also describes about the methodology used. Qualitative strategy which contains three basic techniques such as interview, observation and literature review was used in this research. The results was analyzed and studied to get the accurate or true result about student's creativity. Finally the researcher had suggestions and opinion on overall of the research...

1124 hits

Buku panduan guru untuk mengajar elemen irama melalui permainan Kertok
Saufi Abdullah
Development project report 'Buku Panduan Guru Untuk Mengqjar Elemen Irama Melalui Permainan Kertok' was prepared in order to meet SPM 6006 course need in Program Sarjana Pendidikan Muzik UPSI. The aim of product development is to help and provide instructional material choice to schools in implementing 'Kurikulum Pendidikan Muzik KBSM'. This products is specially prepared for must teachers who wish to enhance elements instructional material rhythm and does not solely depend to modern gadgets supplied only. Its also to ensure, this product development will be able to contribute to the heritage retention culture. This products is developed by guided book structure Gaya Dewan style. For evaluation of the products that has been produced interview has being conducted with 3 music teachers who had experience in teaching for 10 years. From the retrieval of the interview shown that all respondent agreed and have a same opinion with the product produced There still a few weakness in developing .....

770 hits

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