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Simplified search suggestions : Chen Min
Extraction and isolation of alkaloids from the leaves of alseodaphne corneri (Lauraceae)
Jennie, Khoo Hui Chen
This phytochemical study is aimed to extract, isolate and identify alkaloids from Alseodaphne corneri leaves. The crude alkaloid was extracted by cold percolation followed by acid-base extraction until Mayer test showed negative result. Then, it was separated by conventional chromatographic methods using column chromatography and preparative thin layer chromatography. The structural elucidation of isolated alkaloids was then carried out by spectroscopic techniques; UV, IR, NMR and HRESIMS. The structures of the compounds were also determined by comparison with previous study. Isolation of alkaloids yielded one new benzylisoquinoline; (6,7- dimethoxyisoquinolinyl)-(2',5'-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyphenyl)-methanone 68, one bisbenylisoquinoline; obamegine 49, one oxoaporphines; atheroline 71, and five aporphine; isocorydine 48, N-methyllaurotetanine 51, laurotetanine 53, lirioferine 69 and norlirioferine 70. The benzylisoquinoline type alkaloid, lirioferine 69 and atheroline 71 were first repor.....

2054 hits

Peranan dan sumbangan komuniti Cina dalam pembangunan sosioekonomi di Bentong, 1897-1948
Yang, Yee Chen
Kajian  ini  bertujuan  mengenal  pasti  peranan  dan  sumbangan  komuniti  Cina  dalam pembangunan sosioekonomi di Bentong dari tahun 1897 hingga 1948. Komuniti Cina di  Bentong  telah   menjalankan  kegiatan   ekonomi   yang  merupakan   asas  kepada penerokaan dan pembangunan Bentong  pada zaman kolonial British. Komuniti Cina juga  berperanan  penting  dalam  menyumbang  kepada   pembangunan  sosial  Bentong sehingga  menjadikan  Bentong  sebagai  tarikan  kepada  kemasukan   dan  pertambahan komuniti  Cina.  Pendekatan  kualitatif  dengan  reka  bentuk  analisis  dokumen   dan manuskrip  telah  digunakan  dalam  kajian  ini  yang  memperoleh  sumber  utama  dari Arkib   Negara  Malaysia  dengan  merujuk  fail-fail  kolonial  British  seperti  Pahang Annual Report,  District Office Files, Secretariat Files of Pahang dan fail-fail kerajaan Pahang manakala sumber  sekunder pula adalah dikumpul daripada.....

1373 hits

An optimized convolutional neural network for arrhythmia classification
Shan, Wei Chen
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a practical medical test to diagnose arrhythmia. As a crucial computational application in clinical practice, ECG automatic classification can effectively detect the possible occurrence of cardiovascular disease. At present, the main problems in the automated classification of ECG are due to (1) the complexity of algorithms to capture heartbeats, (2) the complex changes of irregular heartbeats in rhythm or morphology leading to difficulties in the ECG feature recognition, and (3) the needs of large training samples and training time for a machine learning to achieve the ideal recognition accuracy. Given the problems in ECG automatic classification, this study proposes an effective automated classification approach for arrhythmia based on a representative convolution neural network that can decode ECG source files and identify heartbeats accurately based on the detection of QRS waveform from the ECG records. A one-dimensional convolutional neural ne.....

704 hits

Development of an instructional guide for Chinese EFL preservice teachers to teach phonics
Minjie, Chen
The purpose of this study is to develop a phonics instructional guide for pre-service EFL teachers in China. The study employs a multi-phase mixed-method experimental design that incorporates a survey, an experimental design, a delayed retention test, a focus group discussion, and the trainer‘s teaching reflection. The study is organized into three phases in accordance with the ADDIE instructional design guideline: needs assessment phase, design and development phase, and implement and evaluation phase. This survey was distributrf to 254 pre-service EFL teachers For quantitative studies, stratified random sampling is used to select representative samples from the population, but the purposive selection is used for qualitative studies. The data from multiple sources indicated that instructional design effectively equips pre-service EFL instructors with subject matter content knowledge to teach phonics. Additionally, the results indicated that pre-service EFL teachers requir.....

704 hits

An exploratory study on peer socialization to change selective mutism among children
Wong, Chen Keh
The study aimed to explore the personalities in terms of anxiety and shyness, behaviors in terms of avoidance behavior and oppositional behavior, and social skills of children with selective mutism. The study also uses peer socialization to explore the changes in children with selective mutism. As a qualitative method of this study, the triangulation approach was used to conduct the four case studies. Four children with selective mutism were chosen as cases. Each teacher of the four children with selective mutism had been interviewed by the researcher. The data of interview transcripts was supported by observation with the children and document analysis. All the data form the initial codes, combine into one narrative, and report according to four themes. The findings show 1) children with selective mutism are high levels of neuroticism regarding shyness, quietness, and anxiety; 2) oppositional behavior only appears when the children first joined to school, however, they pres.....

284 hits

Analisis prinsip-prinsip pembinaan bahan pengajaran dalam buku teks Bahasa Cina Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina tahun satu
Fam, Choo Chen
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis buku teks Bahasa Cina Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Tahun Satu dari perspektif prinsip pembinaan bahan pengajaran Bahasa Cina, merumuskan ciri-ciri, kekuatan dan kelemahan buku teks Bahasa Cina serta mengemukakan cadangan penambahbaikan bagi buku teks tersebut. Reka bentuk kajian gabungan digunakan dalam kajian ini di mana data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif dikumpul untuk menjawab tiga persoalan kajian. Kaedah analisis kandungan dokumen merupakan kaedah utama dalam kajian ini, soal selidik dan temu bual semi struktur turut dijalankan untuk mengukuhkan dan memantapkan dapatan kajian. Data kualitatif telah dianalisis dengan proses pengekodan, manakala data kuantitatif dianalisis secara deskriptif. Secara keseluruhannya, hasil kajian menunjukkan buku teks Bahasa Cina SJKC Tahun Satu menonjolkan prinsip tujuan dan prinsip sasaran yang ketara, prinsip kepraktisan dan prinsip saintifik pada tahap sederhana, manakala prinsip keserasian dan .....

172 hits

An investigation on supervisor-subordinate relationships: interpersonal mistreatment and conflict management styles
Nurul Ain Hidayah Abas
This dissertation seeks to investigate the importance of supervisor-subordinate relationships on subordinates' organizational attitudes and well-being. Prior research on this relationship has been conducted, and consistently and extensively examines the effects of supervisors' perceived attitudes and behaviors on organizational work-related outcomes. The majority of this work emphasizes communication (e.g., Bisel, Messersmith, & Kelley, 2012; Czech & Forward, 2013; Forward, Czech, & Lee, 2011), performance (Campbell & Swift, 2006; Dunegan, Uhl-Bien, & Duchon, 2002; Wakabayashi, Chen, & Graen, 2005; Wang,Law, Hackett, Wang, & Chen, 2005) and trust (Gomez, & Rosen, 2001; Knoll & Gill, 2011; Paille, Grima, & Bernardeau, 2013). Despite this abundance of research, more is required to investigate the supervisor-subordinate relationship and specifically the assessment (positive vs. negative) of this interaction on well-being, since the examination of 'soft outcomes' is critically needed (e.g......

3081 hits

Ecology of Meiofauna from the New Zealand continental margin
Norliana Mohd Rosli
Deep-sea meiofaunal communities vary at a range of spatial scales. However, identifying which scale(s) account for most of the variability in deep-sea communities remains difficult, as few studies have been designed in such a way as to allow meaningful comparisons across more than two spatial scales. Moreover, deep-sea studies have largely focused on particular (macro) habitats in isolation, with few studies considering multiple habitats simultaneously in a comparable manner. In the present study, meiofaunal and nematode community attributes (abundance, diversity, community structure and trophic structure) were investigated at different spatial scales (sediment depth (em), habitat (slope, canyon, seamount, and seep: 1-- 100 km), and region (100-10000 km)) in two regions on the continental slope of New Zealand (Hikurangi Margin and Bay of Plenty), while accounting for the effects of water depth (700, 1000, 1200 and 1500 m). Nematode species new to science encountered during sampling on .....

1308 hits

Method of analogy (Uslub Al-Tashbih)in Arabic and Chinese rhetoric : the analysis and comparative study
Li Ying
Arab rhetoric is good statement and a powerful of influence. However, Chinese rhetoric  is  used   to  express  the  meaning  beautifully  and  clearly,  and  contains accuracy  and   comprehensiveness.  There  are  many  researchers  study  about  of Arabic and Chinese rhetoric,  but there are few comparative studies of “analogy style”  in  Arabic  and  Chinese  rhetoric.   Therefore,  this  research  aims  to  clarify the concept of rhetoric in Arabic literature and  Chinese literature. Also, it aims to know  the  opinion  of  scholars  in  the  “analogy  style”   in  Arabic  rhetoric  and Chinese rhetoric. This research analyzes the similarities and differences  in the analogy   between   Arabic   rhetoric   and   Chinese   rhetoric.   It   also   analyzes  similarities and differences in the analogy between selected short stories "Shams wa Layl" by  Mahmoud Taymour and "zhong guo yu yan gu shi" b.....

1657 hits

Burnout dan hubungannya dengan kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan guru Tadika
Nurul Fatihah Setapa
Kajian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengkaji  hubungan  antara  burnout  dengan  kepuasan kerja dalam  kalangan guru Tadika Islam,Perak. Selain itu, kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk   melihat   tiga    aspek   dalam   burnout   iaitu   keletihan   emosi,   gangguan keperibadian kendiri dan pencapaian  peribadi. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang melibatkan reka bentuk tinjauan  deskriptif. Seramai 118 orang guru Tadika  Islam,  Perak  dipilih  secara  rawak  untuk  dijadikan   sampel  bagi  kajian  ini. Satu set soal selidik yang terdiri daripada Maslach burnout inventory  (MBI-ES) di sediakan  oleh  Fatima  Eid  Zaid  dan  Majed  Mohammad  (2017)  digunakan  untuk  mengukur tahap burnout guru Tadika Islam,Perak dan satu set soal selidik Teacher Job Satisfaction  Questionnaire (TJSQ) disediakan oleh Cheng dan Chen (2011) di gunakan  bagi  mengukur  kepuasan   kerja  dalam  kalangan  guru.  Data  kajian.....

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