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Simplified search suggestions : Gunathevan Elumalai
Cognitive domain achievement level among reserve officers training team (PALAPES)
Rahmat Azali, Shahril Mohd Izwan, Salimin Norkhalid, Ahmad Mohamad Ali Roshidi, Elumalai Gunathevan, Johan Rasyidi, Md Nadzalan Ali,
3196 hits

Construct validity and reliability of automated body reaction test
Salimim Norkhalid, Shahril Mohd Izwan, Mdtaff M. A., Elumalai Gunathevan, Ahmad R., Hizan H. M., Hashim Ahmad, Abdullah M.F., Syed Ali S. K.,
2130 hits

Body fat and risk of cardiovascular diseases among the Tamil school teachers in Kuala Selangor, Selangor
Gunathevan Elumalai
This quantitative survey aims to measure the overall body fat, BMI, abdominal fat and the risk of cardiovascular diseases among 60 Tamil school teachers from Kuala Selangor District, Selangor. The subjects voluntarily participated in this study. The total body fat, Body Mass Index (BMI) and abdominal fat were measured using Omron Karada Scanner, meanwhile PACER test was used to measure cardiovascular endurance. The descriptive analysis showed, 71.67% Tamil school teachers from Kuala Selangor were found to be in the category of excessive body fat and obese. BMI levels, showed that 26.68% were overweight, 48.33% teachers were in level pre-obese till to obese stage III. Abdominal fat levels showed that 70% teachers were at risk. While only 20% of them having good cardiovascular fitness. The inferential analysis showed that there were significant differences in overall body fat and cardiovascular endurance between male and female subjects but BMI and abdominal fat levels showed no signific.....

776 hits

Tahap obesiti dan gaya hidup belia di Daerah Muallim, Perak
Gunathevan a/l Elumalai
Gaya hidup sedentari adalah punca kemerosotan kesihatan yang sempurna. Setiap individu perlu mengambil langkah untuk menjaga kesihatan sejak muda sebaikbaiknya sebelum jisim badan mencapai paras kritikal. Kajian berbentuk tinjauan ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap obesiti (BMI), tahap penglibatan aktiviti fizikal, penggunaan gajet untuk bersosial dan mengisi masa lapang di samping melihat perbezaannya berdasarkan jantina dalam kalangan belia di Daerah Muallim, Perak. Seramai 200 orang responden yang terdiri daripada 100 orang lelaki dan 100 orang perempuan yang berumur 20 hingga 40 tahun telah dipilih secara rawak mudah di persekitaran Daerah Muallim. Dapatan kajian bagi tahap obesiti dan risiko morbiditi berdasarkan norma BMI, WHO (2004) bagi masyarakat Asia menunjukkan bahawa 32 orang (16%) berada di tahap obes kelas II dengan risiko morbiditi yang sangat tinggi. 96 orang (48%) berada di tahap obes kelas I dengan risiko morbiditi yang tinggi. 14 orang (7%) berada di tahap Pre .....

2902 hits

Physical fitness key parameter for sport schools young athletes in Malaysia
Elumalai, Gunathevan
Physical fitness plays an important role in athlete for many purposes such as selection and talent identification. The purpose of this study is to identify the key parameter that contributed the most in young athlete in sport schools in Malaysia. A total of n=5400 athletes from 5 sport schools around Malaysia were participating in this study. 8 tests were used to measure physical fitness that is Standing Broad Jump, Standing Medicine Ball, Sprint 40-meter, 40m x 10 Shuttle run, Sit and Reach, Sit up, Push up, and Vertical jump. Descriptive statistic and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were used to conduct a statistical analysis for this study. Result of the analysis found that there are several parameters were identified as the key parameters of physical fitness for sport school athletes in Malaysia. Conclusion, this study expanding the influence and relation between physical fitness motor componence and the athlete and further study is needed and recommended. Keyword: Physical Fi.....

710 hits

Teaching methods used by Tamil school physical education teachers
Gunathevan Elumalai
This study was conducted to identify teaching methods used by Bagan Datuk District Tamil schools' physical education teachers. Quantitative approach with a one-shot case study design was used for this study. Total of 60 physical education teachers from the Bagan Datuk district were chosen using the purposive sampling method as respondents. A simple questionnaire developed by the researcher was used in this study to collect the data. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that 66.7% of PE teachers apply the instructional method, 25% use the regular game's strategy, and 5% use the modified game's method. Analysis based on gender showed there were no significant differences. Both men and women teachers prefer to teach using traditional methods. Most of them said it's easy to teach in the traditional way rather than new methods because of no exam for physical education. In conclusion, most of the Tamil schools' Physical Education teachers are familiar with the instruction.....

739 hits

Biomechanical analysis of long pass in U-19 women football players
Gunathevan Elumalai
Kicking movement is process of moving position on leg. Biomechanical analysis explains kick performance which influenced by kinematics and kinetics factors. The research purpose analyzed biomechanical long pass movement. This research is both qualitative and quantitative. The research sample are 11 Indonesian woman football players who were taken by saturated sampling. Data in the form of long pass kick video with airborne ball test. Data analyzing used Kinovea software to determine the flexion angle of backswing kick leg, hip angle, and distance to target, then looking for the force, power, and energy in kick motion. The motion analysis shown that sample 3 produces closest distance to target as far as 0.65 m which done with flexion angle of backswing knee is 740 and hip angle of 640. The force exerted by sample 3 is 10.09 N, resulting in a ball speed of 22.42 m/s and a kinetic energy of 113.12 Joule, potential energy of 14.64 Joule and mechanical energy of 127.76 Joule. It can be conc.....

809 hits

Gunathevan a/l Elumalai
Futsal players must mastered dribbling in the attack and defend pattern. The study purposes was analyzed the speed dribbling of futsal players and compare speed dribbling between round 1 and round 2 in the match of 2021 Indonesian Futsal League semi-finals and finals. The study method was used cross sectional survey design. Sample consist of 4 matches (2 semi-finals matches and 2 final matches) played by 4 teams (40 players). Movie maker software was used for cutting video every movement dribbling and Kinovea software used for analysis the distance and time of dribbling. To determined the speed dribbling counts with formula of distance shared time. Players speed declared as total, mean, SD. Difference speed dribbling player among round 1 and round 2 each team and every match calculated using Wilcoxon. Research results showed that there is not significant difference statistically on speed dribbling in round 1 and round 2 in semi-finals and finals match (p = 0.199 for semi-finals and p =.....

64 hits

Gunathevan a/l Elumalai
The research purpose was design, assess the validity and reliability of test-retest the Young Futsal Specific Test Battery (YFSTB) to measure the skill performance of young futsal players. YFSTB provided a competency assessment of futsal skills which includes running with the ball, wall pass, checking off (moving without the ball and returning to the ball), dribble with the ball, and shoot in the shooting area. YFSTBs assessment is based on response time and performance accuracy (errors in doing futsal tests are recorded in the form of time penalties). The 60 young futsal players participated in this study. All participants underwent YFSTB 2 times on 2 different days. Participants also completed a futsal match to assess the players technical-tactical behavior in the match. Intraclass correlation (ICC) and paired t-test were used to assess test retest reliability. To assess validity, researchers assessed content validity and construct validity. The results showed that all experts confir.....

53 hits

Gunathevan a/l Elumalai
Putting the ball into the goal more than the opponent with shooting skills is the main principle of the futsal game. The study purpose was determined the shooting distance of futsal players in the Indonesian Futsal League match. This study also analyzed the shooting distance that scored and did not score. The research method used a cross sectional survey design. The sample consists of a Black Steel vs BTS match played by 20 players. Movie maker software was used for cutting videos of every shooting motion and Kinovea software was used for shooting distance analysis. The shooting motion was expressed in total shots, while the shooting distance taken by the players was expressed as the total distance, mean, and SD. The results showed that during the Black Steel vs BTS match, the total shots were 65 times with a total shooting distance of 708.12 meters, the average shooting distance was 10.894.57. From these shots, 5 shots scored with a total shooting distance of 26.36 meters, the average.....

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