UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
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Total records found : 9 |
Simplified search suggestions : Loh Siew Lee |
1 | 2010 thesis | The development of a microcomputer-based laboratory (MBL) system for gas pressure law experiment and the perception study Tho, Siew Wei The purpose of this research was to develop a Microcomputer-Based Laboratory (MBL) system for gas pressure law experiment used in tertiary physics education. The research was divided into two parts; the first part was to develop the system and the second part was to study the perception towards the use of the built system. The main hardware of the system was the PHOENIX (Data Logger) which was obtained from Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi. Others hardware used were temperature sensor and pressure sensor. These hardware components were controlled by a computer. The sensors were calibrated according to the standard reference of pressure and temperature. The data and parameters obtained from the calibration were used in the courseware to determine the pressure and temperature based on the voltage of the sensors. The courseware design for this system was developed based on the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) instructional model, w..... 2025 hits |
2 | 2015 thesis | Demand for money in selected developed and developing countries does economic uncertainty matter Lim, Siew Yong The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the demand for money (namely, narrow money demand and broad money demand) and optimal economic uncertainty index; in addition to the optimal economic uncertainty index, two control variables are included in the money demand function, namely exchange rate and inflation; note that the optimal economic uncertainty index is a summary information of economic uncertainty for the future state of the economy. The optimal economic uncertainty index applies in this research is an optimal algorithm approach. The relationships between the demand for money and the optimal economic uncertainty index, the real exchange rate, the real income, the real interest rate and the inflation are examined by using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) dynamic heterogeneous panel cointegration test. Four selected developed countries and five selected developing countries are taken up as samples in this research. Using the panel cointegra..... 2486 hits |
3 | 2017 thesis | Hubungan kepimpinan instruksional, budaya organisasi dan organisasi pembelajaran di sekolah berprestasi tinggi di Malaysia Lim, Siew Hui Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti hubungan kepimpinan instruksional (KI), budaya organisasi (BO) dan organisasi pembelajaran (OP) di sekolah rendah berprestasi tinggi (SBT) di zon utara Semenanjung Malaysia untuk menangani isu kegagalan sekolah berfungsi sebagai sekolah cemerlang. Perbandingan antara Sekolah Kebangsaan Berprestasi Tinggi (SKBT) dengan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Berprestasi Tinggi (SJKCBT) terhadap KI guru besar, BO, dan ciri-ciri OP turut dikaji. Kajian yang berbentuk kuantitatif deskriptif ini dilakukan secara tinjauan dengan menggunakan soal selidik yang diubahsuai daripada instrumen-instrumen Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale, Organizational Culture Index, dan Middle School Teacher Survey. Seramai 286 orang guru telah dipilih secara rawak berstrata daripada 14 buah SBT dari empat buah negeri di zon utara Semenanjung Malaysia (Perak, Pulau Pinang, Kedah dan Perlis). Data dikumpul dan dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif (peratus, min, ..... 1380 hits |
4 | 2015 thesis | Gender performativity in Butoh: gender subversion by Nyoba Kan in Malaysia Lim, Siew Ling This thesis examines the presence of subversive gender performativity in Butoh, a contemporary Japanese dance genre, ofthe Nyoba Kan dance company in Malaysia. The theory of gender performativity refers to gender roles performed by performers irrespective of their biological sex. As a social construct, gender performativity focuses on the idea of performing gender roles by the Nyoba Kan dancers who contestthe hegemonic relationships assumed under normative gender roles. Subversive gender performativity, and acts of subverting normative gender roles, have become mainstream in performances of Butoh by Nyoba Kan. This study aims to show how subversive gender performativity has constructed Butoh performances as a distinctive representation of Butoh in Malaysia. As a pioneer of Butoh dance in Malaysia, Nyoba Kan uses contrastive gender identities to circumvent the predominant gender norms expected by a Malaysian audience. Hence, this study testifies to the presence of subversive gender perf..... 2925 hits |
5 | 2021 thesis | Pembelajaran berasaskan permainan digital meningkatkan pemahaman murid terhadap pembelajaran alam sekitar Lee, Siew Chin Kajian ini adalah untuk menilai kebolehgunaan permainan Edu-Environment dalam
membantu pelajar Tingkatan 1 memahami topik mengenai alam sekitar di Sekolah
Menengah Kebangsaan Seremban. Dalam kajian ini, pembangunan permainan Edu-
Environment adalah berdasarkan kepada model ADDIE. Pendekatan kuasi eksperimen
telah diaplikasikan dalam kajian ini. Seramai 80 orang murid dipilih sebagai responden.
Murid dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu kumpulan kawalan dan kumpulan
rawatan. Setiap kumpulan diberi kaedah rawatan yang berbeza di mana kumpulan
kawalan menggunakan kaedah konvensional dan kumpulan rawatan menggunakan
permainan digital. Data dikumpul melalui ujian pra-pasca dan soal selidik serta
dianalisis menggunakan ujian-T dua kumpulan sampel tak bersandar. Dapatan kajian
ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan signifikan antara markah pencapaian kumpulan
rawatan dan kumpulan kawalan dalam ujian pasca. Hasil dapatan yang diperoleh telah
menunjukkan kumpulan rawatan telah mencatat ..... 4314 hits |
6 | 2021 thesis | Keberkesanan program latihan keseimbangan terhadap risiko terjatuh dalam kalangan warga tua Loh, Siew Lee Keseimbangan postur merupakan satu proses yang kompleks. Berkeupayaan untuk
bergerak tanpa bantuan merupakan asas pengawalan keseimbangan. Kawalan
keseimbangan merosot apabila umur seseorang semakin meningkat dan boleh
menyebabkan risiko terjatuh. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keberkesanan
Program Latihan Keseimbangan (PLK) dalam peningkatan kawalan keseimbangan
statik, dinamik dan tahap kefungsian keseimbangan bagi mencegah risiko terjatuh
dalam kalangan warga tua. Kajian ini berbentuk eksperimen benar menggunakan
praujian dan pascaujian dengan kumpulan kawalan. Seramai 78 orang warga tua yang
berumur 65-85 tahun mengambil bahagian secara sukarela dalam kajian ini. Mereka
diagihkan secara rawak kepada tiga kumpulan iaitu Kumpulan Eksperimen (EG),
Kumpulan Plasebo (PG) dan Kumpulan Kawalan (CG). EG menerima intervensi PLK,
PG menerima intervensi Program Latihan Plasebo dan CG tidak menerima sebarang
intervensi, tetapi mengekalkan aktiviti normal. Intervensi bagi EG da..... 1495 hits |
7 | 2020 thesis | Penggunaan teknologi multimedia dalam pembelajaran kosa kata Bahasa Cina dalam kalangan murid tahun tiga di sekolah kebangsaan Lai, Siew Chin Kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesan penggunaan teknologi multimedia
terhadap pencapaian, minat dan motivasi murid-murid terhadap pembelajaran kosa kata Bahasa Cina
dalam kalangan murid Tahun 3 di sekolah kebangsaan. Pendekatan kuantitatif, iaitu reka bentuk kuasi
eksperimen digunakan dalam kajian ini. Subjek kajian terdiri daripada 69 orang murid-murid Tahun 3
di sekolah kebangsaan di dua buah sekolah di Kuala Lumpur. Kumpulan kawalan terdiri daripada 32
orang murid- murid yang diajar dengan cara konvensional manakala kumpulan rawatan terdiri daripada
37 orang murid-murid yang diajar dengan cara penggunaan teknologi multimedia. Dua jenis instrumen
kajian digunakan iaitu ujian pencapaian dan soal selidik. Ujian pra dan ujian pasca telah
dijalankan kepada kedua–dua kumpulan. Soal selidik dilaksanakan untuk mengenalpasti tahap minat dan
motivasi murid sebelum dan selepas rawatan. Data dianalisis dengan kaedah inferensi, iaitu ujian-t.
Pengujian..... 1677 hits |
8 | 2022 thesis | Preparation, characterisation and effectiveness of nanocomposites based on Go-Fe3O4 as nanocarriers for insecticide compounds Wong, Susana Siew Tin This research aimed to prepare, characterise and study the effectiveness of two
magnetic graphene oxide-based nanocomposites, namely gellan gum-graphene
oxide (GG-GO-Fe3O4) and pectin-graphene oxide (PEC-GO-Fe3O4) as
nanocarriers for permethrin and cinnamaldehyde insecticide compounds. This
research is divided into three parts, namely preparation, characterisation and
effectiveness studies. Nanocomposites with amorphous structure were
successfully produced based on the existence of conjugation mechanism between
GG and PEC with iron oxide at wavenumber peak 650 cm-1. Results from
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
have shown that the nanocomposites loaded with insecticides are thermally stable.
Performance study of nanocomposites loaded with insecticides towards Aedes
aegypti larvae was analysed through Abbott’s and Probit’s formula via in vitro at
different pH using ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrometer. The encapsulation
o..... 820 hits |
9 | 2015 thesis | Being and becoming an investigation into the influence of place and culture on the formation of identity through print-media Helen, Guek Yee Mei This aim of the research is to investigate the intersection of cultural identity in defining the being and becoming of Malaysian Chinese. The boundaries of differences and ethnic classifications were blurred through accumulated and intersected layers in the context of everyday here-and-now living experiences. The research traced the history of the migration and settlement of the Chinese in Malaysia as background, the overlapping and intersection of the culture identity was examined through the theory of identity with two different tendencies: one that is stable, unified and homogeneous, and the other being fluid and evolving. The discussion follows the Yuval-Davis’ theory of two Models of Belonging. The key artists in this research are: Taraneh Hemami, Redza Piyadasa, Wong Hoy Cheong, Chong Siew Ying and Yee I-Lann, who centered their production around issues of identity-formation and the nature of the diasporic life. The reference artworks presented here suggest the fluid nature of ..... 1279 hits |