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Simplified search suggestions : Muniisvaran Kumar
A study of new word-formation of Tamil language in Malaysia
Muniisvaran Kumar
This thesis furnishes a clear idea on the current scenario of word-formation in Tamil, particularly in the Malaysian context. A total of 496 words have been collected as data for this study from the nationwide published Malaysian Tamil newspaper; 'Malaysia Nanban'. This study by and large answered technical questions: word-formation processes, genres and classes of words and identifying linguistic and grammatical weakness and conflicts. Field study has been conducted to answer social questions such as: attitudes of language users, their expectation and suggestions for better word-formation in Tamil. It was found that the language users were not very satisfied with the current progress of word-formation in Tamil. The result obtained from the questionnaire demonstrates that the language users are supportive of language development, particularly in word-formation. The analysis of this study has been divided into three sections based on the source of data viz. newspaper, questionnaire and .....

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