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Simplified search suggestions : Ng Min Hong
A study of the reading comprehension strategies in think-aloud protocols by lower six students of SMK Raja Chulan, Ipoh
Ng, Min Hong
The most important thing about reading is comprehension. Reading comprehension is the heart and soul of reading (Block, Gambrell & Pressley, 2003). Learning to read with good comprehension is a complex task. Comprehension is complicated and it requires strategies to construct meaning effectively. Because of its significance, this study is to investigate the strategies used by students to construct, to monitor and to evaluate what they are reading. Think-aloud protocol analysis is the method used in this study. The think-aloud protocol are the coded according to the procedure developed by Cote & Goldman (2004) which involved five concrete reading strategies: self-explanation, paraphrase, prediction, association and monitoring. The results indicate that better students used a wide range of strategies to construct meaning. Monitoring, a skill which is often cited as important to comprehension (Reutzel & Cooter, 2005) is evident in all the think-aloud protocols. The weaker students identif.....

2660 hits

Prior knowledge in reading and comprehension
Maria Shu Hong Bee Abdullah
This research investigates a group of primary five students utilizing their prior knowledge as they construct meaning while reading the expository texts in the English as the Second Language (ESL) classroom. In this case, the students are viewed as bringing personal meaning actively to the reading process. The reading comprehension lessons were carried out with a group of elementary students’ reading behaviours being observed and audio-recorded and the data were collected and analyzed qualitatively. The KWLS grid was used to assist students to activate their prior knowledge by generating questions and discussion to construct meaning while reading. Activating and developing prior knowledge presents background material supporting the importance of schemata and prior knowledge for literacy development. In short, the outcome of this research showed that comprehension can and should be taught. At this time, the challenge for the field is to mesh research with reality. Students of all ages.....

2117 hits

Tahap pengurusan kokurikulum dan pencapaian kokurikulum murid di sekolah-sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina
Chuah, Hong Ngee
Kajian ini bermatlamat untuk meninjau tahap pentadbiran dan kepimpinan guru-guru dalam mempengaruhi pencapaian kokurikulum murid di sekolah-sekolah yang terletak di daerah Kinta Selatan, Perak. Dalam komponen pentadbiran, faktor-faktor yang dikaji terdiri daripada segi perancangan, pengawalan dan penilaian. Dalam komponen kepimpinan guru, tiga aspek dari segi kesediaan, pengetahuan dan komitmen ditinjau terhadap pencapaian kokurikulum murid. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 240 orang guru penasihat kokurikulum daripada 15 buah sekolah jenis kebangsaan cina di daerah Kinta Selatan, Perak. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan kuantitatif. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan kaedah deskriptif dan ujian korelasi Pearson. Dalam kajian ini, tahap diukur mengikut skala yang dibina berdasarkan skor min iaitu tahap rendah (1.00-2.33), tahap sederhana (2.34-3.66) dan tahap tinggi (3.67-5.00). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap pentadbiran dalam mempengaruhi pencapaian kokurikulum.....

1392 hits

Measuring primary science teachers self-efficacy beliefs in Batang Padang, Perak with "Primary science teachers self-efficacy beliefs scale"
Lau Shi Hong
This research was aimed to measure the primary science teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs by using “Primary Science Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs Scale”. Causal comparative was used as the research design of this study. The questions of this instrument were adapted from three different instruments and modified for the purpose of this study. Exploratory factor analysis was used to extract the components of the subscales, namely “Pedagogical Knowledge”, “Content Knowledge”, “Teachers’ Effort” and “Student Engagement”. The study examined the scores of teachers’ self-efficacy by gender, major, years of teaching experience and education qualifications. The weblink of online survey was sent out by email to schools. The sample consisted of 144 primary science teachers in Batang Padang, Perak. T-test and ANOVA were used to compare the mean differences of different groups. There was a statistically significant difference between male teachers (M=4.08, SD=0.42) and fem.....

1137 hits

Motivation in learning Mandarin as a foreign language amongst secondary students in international schools
Hong,Chia Chia
The objective of this research is to investigate motivation in learning Mandarin as a foreign language among secondary student in international school. Both quantitative and qualitative method have been employed in this study. Survey questionnaire and interview have been used as the research instruments to collect data. The sample of the study collected were the 212 secondary students from year seven to eleven who are currently learning Mandarin as a foreign language in international school for quantitative study whereas 15 secondary students were selected among the 212 secondary students for qualitative study. Quantitative findings reveal that Ideal L2 self is the key motivator for the secondary students to put in effort in learning Mandarin with a high correlation coefficient(r) of .776, p< 0.001. The study also proved that there is a significant difference between male and female students in term of the score on motivational factors and the correlation coefficient between .....

1458 hits

Pengaruh status sosioekonomi (SSE) ibu bapa terhadap pencapaian akademik pelajar sekolah menengah luar bandar daerah Papar Sabah: satu kajian empirikal
Hong, Yu ping
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti pengaruh status sosioekonomi ibu bapa terhadap pencapaian akademik pelajar sekolah menengah luar bandar daerah Papar, Sabah. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan kaedah kajian tinjauan deskriptif. Instrumen soal selidik digunakan untuk mendapatkan maklumat yang diperlukan. Seramai 366 pelajar tingkatan 4 sekolah menengah luar bandar daerah Papar dipilih sebagai responden dengan menggunakan teknik pensampelan rawak berstrata dan pensampelan rawak mudah. Kajian ini melibatkan lima elemen pengaruh status sosioekonomi ibu bapa sebagai pemboleh ubah tak bersandar dan hanya melibatkan satu pemboleh ubah bersandar iaitu pencapaian akademik pelajar. Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk menjelaskan latar belakang demografi sampel manakala analisis infrerensi regresi berganda digunakan untuk menunjukkan kekuatan pengaruh status sosioekonomi ibu bapa terhadap pencapaian akademik pelajar sekolah menengah luar bandar di daerah Pap.....

366 hits

A study of reading comprehension strategies in think-aloud protocols by lower six students of SMK Raja Chulan, Ipoh
Ng, Min Hong
The most important thing about reading is comprehension. Reading comprehension is the heart and soul of reading (Block, Gambrell & Pressley, 2003). Learning to read with good comprehension is a complex task. Comprehension is complicated and it requires strategies to construct meaning effectively. Because of its significance, this study is to investigate the strategies used by students to construct, to monitor and to evaluate what they are reading. Think-aloud protocol analysis is the method used in this study. The think-aloud protocol are the coded according to the procedure developed by Cote & Goldman (2004) which involved five concrete reading strategies: self-explanation, paraphrase, prediction, association and monitoring. The results indicate that better students used a wide range of strategies to construct meaning. Monitoring, a skill which is often cited as important to comprehension (Reutzel & Cooter, 2005) is evident in all the think-aloud protocols. The weaker students identif.....

153 hits

Prior knowledge in reading and comprehension
Maria Shu Hong Abdullah
This research investigates a group of primary five students utilizing their prior knowledge as they construct meaning while reading the expository texts in the English as the Second Language (ESL) classroom.  In this case, the students are viewed as bringing personal meaning actively to the reading process.  The reading comprehension lessons were carried out with a group of elementary students’ reading behaviours being observed and audio-recorded and the data were collected and analyzed qualitatively.  The KWLS grid was used to assist students to activate their prior knowledge by generating questions and discussion to construct meaning while reading. Activating and developing prior knowledge presents background material supporting the importance of schemata and prior knowledge for literacy development.  In short, the outcome of this research showed that comprehension can and should be taught. At this time, the challenge for the field is to mesh research with reality.  Students o.....

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