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The Use of audiovisual media in learning and Its impact on learning outcomes of Islamic cultural history at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 4 Pasaman
The history of Islamic culture is part of the subjects in the Islamic Religious Education curriculum which is considered difficult by most students, it is said so because the content contained in these subjects is generally located outside Indonesia which geographically has never been visited by students. Therefore, it takes the right media to teach it to students. The research was conducted using the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method, where the researcher was directly involved with learning activities, while the object of this research was class VIII MTs Negeri 4 Pasaman. The results of the study are that the use of audio-visual media has an impact on learning outcomes of Islamic cultural history, this conclusion is based on the understanding and accuracy of students in answering several questions that are distributed after the treatment, students are also able to show the geographical location contained in world geography. These results prove that audiovisual media has an im.....

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